I can't fucking sleep because a girl just gave me her Facebook account and she hasn't accepted my friend request...

I can't fucking sleep because a girl just gave me her Facebook account and she hasn't accepted my friend request. She has been leading me on for the past few days. FUCKKK WHY SHE HAS TO MAKE ME SO FUCKING ANXIOUS IF YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN ME WHY GIVING ME YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ANN AND GETTING MY HOPES UP REEEEEEE

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you lost the love game..... lost hard

This is how incel men start !
Grow up pussy...

Why? What happened?

Should've asked for her Instagram or Snapchat I really have no idea what you'll accomplish with a Facebook account

Because a good man can go to heaven.

Dude: the best thing you can do is just chill and wait.
If there is no response from her side. Maybe she will respond later, maybe she wont. But if you dont chill you are minimizing your own chances no matter what.

ngl you sound like you have issues. She gave you her facebook account she didn't say she would suck your dick you aspie so relax and go to bed and thank god that she isn't reading this cringe post

You sound obsessive over something like getting her fb. Maby it's a good idea she hasn't accepted it. You will eventually ruin this by creeping her out and blaming people like her for your problem with women.

first of all, you are like "This" ( see your post) you are wayyyyyyy tooo emotionally involved in this matter already, and so easily you lost. it is a hard lesson, but it is the truth. she gave you an account, to just see for herself, how fast you gonna add her, if you are going to spam her, etc. etc. and you just didi it the wrong way. you should have given her you data too, "if you do a forgetti" let her lay at the sides, give it two days, 3 days, if she did not add you until then because of curiosity which you awakened in her, you add her, tell her you nearly forgot, how she is what she does, wanna get a pizza on saturday ? boom, done.

really it is easy as fuck. I just remember myself being like this when i was like 14...... never had a gf before, i was a cringy puberting child. so i am asking myself, how old the fuck you are ........................


25 year old virgin: the post

I'm 19
When I gave her a paper and pen for her to write down her account I told her "I will send you a friend request later"

I mean, she may have given you an alt acc

should have waited with that, and..... you asked for her fb ? i hope you did not really do that ....

asking for fb and not a mobile number is a rookie mistake

t. boomer

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you ask for more rpivate shit like fucking facebook. these are women. women are always around in their head with their clique and their friend and their friend's friends, the shit is infiite. you have to take the most private approach you can think of, Number, whatsapp, snapchat, shit she can talk to only her bff's or nobody if she wishes to. because a woman is always and everywhere on about her reputation. and then you have to convince her that either way the whole thing stays secret as fuck and she uses your dick like a merry go round or, you get the thought in her mind that her reputation can not and wont be in any way damagable if she lets you in close to her and her friends and family, and that you in particular are a relatively cool dude, you are in.

Yes I fucking did.
It's her real account
She's 18 years old and very shy
I also want to point out that she went to the place I work and I gave her a chocolate then told her I already sent her a friend request

As someone already said. Give it 2-3 days. Funny because this same thing happened to my partner, a autistic Asian asked for her Facebook and because it was awkward since he wasn't going to take no as a answer so she never accepted his request. He messaged her everyday until she bloked him.

You sound even more pathetic than me.

I mean, she literally wrote down her Facebook account for me! All of my friends have told me that she is interested in me

All of my coworkers are gonna be laughing at me. A girl was interested in me but I had to fuck it up with my insecurities and anxiety, well done idiot me, once again your stupid issues ruined another potential relationship. Now I'm going to be seen as creep by her and her friends and all of my coworkers will humiliate me hard. Why do I have to be like this?

if that's the case, don't worry about it!
you don't want to rush her, she might want to take things slowly

I really need to sleep but I can't stop thinking about the way I've been approaching her. She looks like she's interested in me but now this....

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