Where is the best place online to buy shroom spores and a growing kit? Also, what kind do I buy?
Where is the best place online to buy shroom spores and a growing kit? Also, what kind do I buy?
Great question....bump
Selfish bump.
I don't know but a cow farmer would probably know since they grow in cow poop
Surprised that more people on this site are not interested in psychedelics.
Golden teachers or B+ for beginners. Check out shroomery.org lots of good info on there. Idk where the best place to buy spors is all I know is my dad buys them from Canadian vendors.
we chose life
It's overrun by /pol/esmokers. They're too dumb to be interested in drugs.
You only get one brain in this life. Try treating it nicely instead raping it with substances.
Sporeworks ftw. But definitely kill a few hours on shoormery.org and figure out a tek you want to try. Always follow tek or you'll never succeed
Damn, you're so retatrded it hurts
Psychs like shrooms and LSD are some of the safest drugs you can even take.
Why am I retarded? Because I'm alerting Anons of damage that drug abuse inflicts upon abuser's brains and psyche? Go fuck yourself and stop portraying this shit as something cool.
Unlike weed, psilocybin shows promise in treating depression
Shroomery is a great tool listen to these peeps
Shitty website full of libtards.
Almost got banned for saying truth about niggers.
what truth
Ppl abuse drugs because they have a fucked up brain. You don't know shit about life. Keep thumping that bible too faggit.
Sporeworks. Brf Tek. U will need brown rice flour and 1/2 pint jars which u can get at Walmart. And vermiculite which u can get at Menards. U also need a pressure cooker. I used my instant pot. While ur at Menards get a clear plastic tote and perlite. This is for your fruiting chamber. Make sure it's made to spec and has enough holes
How does the mushroom propagate and find its way to new pastures? Is it just all around, blowing in the wind waiting for a cowpie in the rural United States?
A man once took psychedelics and hid behind his couch for several hours
They grow in horse poop
reddit- i am not even kidding
this is a PITA teck for newfags
Do horses poop out the spores? (omg my little pony makes sense)
But big pharma's drugs are super healthy right? Fuck off bootlicker
You can get philosopher stones shipped to usa from the Netherlands done it a lot. Just Google it.
Imo growing shrooms is a lot of failures before actually getting good. Don't even bother if your house is dirty or old it'll contam every time. If even 1 bread mold spore gets into your jars it's over. It's not impossible but innoculation has to be perfect
No, spores are everywhere your breathing in thousands right now. Some particular shrooms like liberty caps thrive off manure. Most home grown mushrooms are grown in grains
All shrooms are edible, some only once though
What should op do?
PF Tek
Literally step by step on YouTube
So it's possible I've breathed in psilocybin spores before? And if I did and died immediately after, is possible my body would sprout the fungus?
U some sort of retard or something?
No. They like wood not flesh. But they'll grow on things like paper eg wood
Jesus, are you really that dense, or are you just a 9 y/o with an internet connection and time to kill?
Just type shroom spores into Yahoo. There's like a billion companies in the US. pretty cheap and accessable and legal to do unless you live in a certain 5 states.
Just don't sell the product and you'll be all good
Hahaha. Do some research on the therapeutic effects of psylocibin instead of spinning your regurgitated, goverment mandated rhetoric.
Get some, and just SEND IT.