Why do adults get into movies made for children? Avengers is fuckin gay...

Why do adults get into movies made for children? Avengers is fuckin gay, and this clown world full of manbabies who care more about fictional flying homos in spandex than the world they live in is pure dross.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Because they grew up with the movies/comics. Iron man came out in 2008 and is still relatively big.

Kys bitch. People can like things. I bet you masturbate to some fucking retard shit.

Yeah, my grandpa grew up with John Wayne and he didn't cosplay as a cowboy in his 30s. This age is full of weak faggots that fear reality, so they cling to childhood, fantasy and degeneracy.

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Go wash your skidmarked Spiderman undies, you fuckin baboon.

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I was talking about the first part of the question, I think cosplay is gay, and it'll be nice and easy to win the social war against these manlets

I wear fruit of the loom baby. And I just throw them away if I shit myself.

Does anyone even bother to ask why you shop in the childrens section? Or do you live in California?

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Keep trying to get in user. Maybe you'll understand some day.

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Yeah, I'm sure you don't have any hobbies or interests that could be considered childish. I mean, you have to be someone with their shit together to be on Yea Forums trolling people.

Real world is fucking boring. That's why.

discord..gg/yg4NaW5 ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban!



My underwear is the thick patch of hair that covers my nethers.




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The guy lives in a fantasy world where he's some strong alpha sticking his nose up at all the betas. I bet irl he still pisses the bed and can't cook a meal outside of tv diners.

i really fucking hate that kimmo alm is back. i thought we had killed that guy many years ago

Discord has tos even if you dont like them.
No cp or loli on discord faggot

No, you join me in the underworld of nations that has fucking seen all of time right fucking now some questions asked.


86753 oh 9

Nigga what are you even talking about? Casually watching a movie versus dressing up like a superfaggot, wearing merch, going to see the midnight premere, getting assblasted when people spoil your judenkino... It's basically the same thing, right?

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>haha only nerds aren't dead inside

Said the hollow armchair warrior

>being too involved in things is gay haha

He said, eating a hotdog sliced longways from his basement fortress

All the answers you seek can be found here:

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Yeah, I'm sure you haven't been assblasted while wears sports team jersey when someone spoils the big homecoming finals game for you. Such a god damned hypocrite. Just because it's superheroes and not cowboy quarterbacks or fast car drivers.

Look in the mirror fuck friend cause you need to have a long talk with the man in there and ask him to change his ways.

Let people be people. Not hurting you in the slightest and upkeep on wemon ladies that are looking for something else. You should be clebrating felating them. Fucking coward.

Jesus Christ. It has to be said in 2020 and that was like 40 years ago this wasn't a big deal.

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>Fucking manbabies that would rather watch super hero show and live in a fantasy world instead of bettering the world.

"He wrote from his cheeto encrusted computer chair as he trolled fellow anons instead of bettering the world."

I don't think this Donald Trump fella is on the up and up.

hmm I don't think you can think.

But "the real world is boring".
After a long day of vidya, doritos and mountain dew jimmy tilts back in his 500 dollar gaming chair thinking about thw futility of existence. He's seen worlds end in fire, love form and die in betrayal, and he knows in his heart of hearts that nothing in his life on this planet will ever come close and eventually decides he doesn't need a girlfriend; he will become the girlfriend.

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They're made for all ages, particularly with a focus on people who literally grew to adulthood when the films were first being released.

People can go see a film without being obsessed with it. Shocking, I know.

When Reddit browses Yea Forums

Wow you had me until the girlfriend part kek

However I wouldn't mind being your boyfriend user.

Someone is in here
Someone very special
Someone that can dance
Someone that can dance a reveloution
Someone that was listening befofe
Someone that is listening now
Are you listinging?
Somoeone is reaffy to listen
Someone is here
Someone that knows
Someone that wants you to save a lot of money by going to Kyle's Gas & Groceries located behind Smileys.
>Someone that is now talking in green text.
>Someone that has a bat
>The animal not the fighting tool
>Someone has entered the chat.
>Tennessee Whiskey Never tasted so sweet.
>Like Thousand Island Dressing.

"Yuckeroonie!" *laugh track* *forced mumblings* Well Punky, I guess that settles it *crowd awws* We're going to Vegas! *sexy cheerleader moans* *orgasms on stage for 4 hours to only one man sitting in the audience*

>Taco Bell is open right now.
>There's nothing stopping you from getting me (3) Supreme Nacho Locos Tacos
(2) Crunchwrap Supremes
(4) Gordita Crunch Supremes
(1) Cinnamon Twist
(1) Baja Blast Freeze

Get something for yourself while you're at it.

>This has been real...give me tacos or give yourself syphilis. The steak quesadillas have never been higher.

Note: I'm God damned serious. Give me my Taco order within 2 hours from this here post or I'm going to go Old Testament.

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I don't think that you don't think I can think. I don't think you think anything.

user is a pretty cool guy. Eh puts his pp in mens butts and doesn't afraid of telling everyone how often he shits in his spidey tighties.

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People can also enjoy fictional things. Crazy.

Well, I mean, you have all the ideas here user. What's you're call to change the world? Crybaby tantrums all over the world in the name of not being a part of society while desperately wanting to actually be part of society?

discord..gg/yg4NaW5 ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban!



You aren't your grandpa, autismo. Learn to change.

Great opinion! Where did you get it from, the Dinosaur family down the street you Jurassic Park geriatric mother fucker. Suck my tyranasoreass kiddo cause you just been Wolf Blitzered!

10:00 pm PST - 12 am PST only on MSNBC

>now sissified diaper wearing traps, those are a real mans hobby

Post this again and I'm going to digitize my ass into your home base and shit on your motherboard. Fuck off you dicord toting wanker.

No! If repressing any childlike wonder and never actually enjoying life was good enough for Grandpa user it's good enough for user Anon.

"Ah, geeze. Like, what are we supposed ta do without judenkinos, mr know-it-all? I bet you masturbate with Cheeto dust thinking about ya moms milkies rubbin all in yuor face. I mean like really hard. And yuor mom braps a lil bit and you start cumming uncontrollably. God this story is getting me so hard, but i KNOW you like it too. So stop making fun of us."

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I don't shit my undies and I wear boxer briefs fyi

I don't know what the fuck you just said, little kid. But you reached out and you touched a brother's heart.

That's easily 3 years jail time. I'm going to contract the FBI that monitor my mobile devices if you don't get your ass out of your domicile and get me some mother fucking Taco Bell.


Why do you give a fuck what other people like

What you think just because I read comics I can't grow shit?

Because, user, at the end of the day I'm just a giant faggot with a fetish for trolling.


Harvesting the rain is a crime -- The Gubber Mint

Everyone i know likes to dress up like slutty girls and suck dicks, billy. Are you some kinda autistic basement dweller who hates society? Join us, billy. Just suck some penises. Try it. You will like it, and then we can all be fags together.

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Maybe I would dress up like a slutty woman if I looked the part. You ever think of that? Not just anyone can or should dress up like slutty women and suck cock. There are guidelines which must first be met.

I can't even begin to think about all that without my order of Taco Bell. I made it a half hour ago and I'm starting to get worried you all aren't taking this seriously.


bullshit your gramps didnt own a stetson or a peacemaker

I have six of them. Two of which belong to me.

I'll cuddle with you and if you don't want no one has to do any penis or butt stuff.

Right? As if all these "take it from muh cold dead hands" types didn't grow up obsessed with cowboys, action flicks, and GI Joe.

>The steak quesadillas have never been higher.
I can't fucking breathe

I only cuddle with people that do like butt stuff. My sister was state champion assblaster four years running. Her brapper kept me warm in the winter and always had a place to park my cock when it did so wander.


I'm not going to Taco Bell, Billy. The reason u don't look like a sexy wimens is bcoz u eat 2 much. I meen, u still are a women if u say so, but not a very sexy one (this is only my opinion, please please please don't be emotionally traumatized by it. If u are i apologize and i will take it back immediately. U know what? Just for thinking that, i will succ ur pp just so u know how much i love u. Im sorry, billy.)

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Nikola Tesla.

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If you aren't getting my Taco Bell then we don't have a god damned thing to discus. I'm curvy thicc but you won't know that now. Enjoy your syphilis.

Poops on the beach like she's a fucking cat. A scat cat maybe. Fuckin hell.


I don't know man. I mean when I came in this topic and started typing I thought I'd for sure be getting some Taco Bell but now that shit has went FUBAR and I'm all hungry and also angry. This isn't what I had hoped for and now I done called the FBI. I know they aren't going to give me any Taco Bell. They just go after who I point them to. But point them at a Taco Bell and suddenly that's not their job. I seen you eating there last week Mike, god damnit. But I digress. This has truly been a waste of mine and your and their time. But more importantly mine. I could at least be dreaming about eating Tacos with Camila Mendes on a private beach with no FBI listening because they all got jobs at the circus and you are still here but you don't complain so much about shit you can't control and you also live in Denver selling ceramic pots to tourists.

I'd like to buy a vowel.

So cool wish I could be this pretend apathetic

Yeah, boi. I know old people went to see Clint Eastwood movies in a poncho with their dick in their hands. Things today are no different. I just got home from Endgame and lemme tell ya, you're a fuckin beta for not letting people be retarded without ridicule. Like what's your problem, bro? Did you get dropped on your head? People can like whatever they want. No one tells you how to live. Jesus. This is 2020, NOT 1960. Live and let cancer spread.

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Bingo. So apathetic, can't stop reaching out in shamed handicap fashion. Because so apathy. Honk.

>I can free write

If this is what's occupying your brain, you should get pity

Woogie boogie, spooksy hackerman can identify tracfone towers 85 miles away. Captain skidz is gonna avenge the Avengers.

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Said the cancer to beat all cancers

All I'm saying is it takes a real special person to look at people enjoying fictional works and wanting escapism and point them out to be "the problem" over greedy corporations and people that would sell one another out for slips of paper.

And yeah, I get the irony that "greedy corporations" play a hand in the entertainment field but you still can't blame people for swallowing that pill in exchange from constantly thinking of how the world can be an awful place.

You know what’s even more childish? Being so invested in what others do. Don’t worry about it faggot and your life will be better

Babbies first day on Yea Forums.

It's called writing while on hallucinogens. But I'm being dead serious about the Taco Bell. I'll end this right the fuck now.

I don't fucking know what you are trying to say but I'll defend your right to do so through interpretive dance.

It's not apathy to want Tacos. I'd say I could see where you're coming from but I'd be lying.


Ya been trolled, kid.

The irony of coming here to tell someone to mind their own business. Huehue.

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So sorry to interrupt this topic but we've received several noise complaints from this IP Address. Stop it now or we'll be forced to unplug the modem and plug it back in for best results.

Hey mind your own business about me not minding my own.

The answer my friends, is coming from her end.

>omg he fell for it
Fuck off retard no one believes anything here anyways, I’m passing time while I shit

You've been Shpoofed!

Everyone has a right to like what they like, unless it's what i don't like but i don't care what you don't like so shut up you faggot.

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>>>u can't gottem me, im just emotionally investing my opinions while i squirt soy.

When it's liking not liking stuff then it's just a cause for concern because you could be focusing on the things you do like that doesn't involve not liking stuff.

imagine not being part of the only freespeech discord existing /VyeVptn - honk honk

Whomever got me my order of Taco Bell, thank you. But if you deliver to my home again, I will probably shoot you. Everyone that knows me knows to deliver my orders to my secondary safe house. It's alright though. Only other gripe is you didn't get any Fire sauce but I didn't ask for it so that's on me I suppose. I mean, it should have been common sense but again, it's my bad.

>let me tell you how much I don't care

Go on.

Imagine me coming in dry. That would be uncomfortable for both of us.

Huh? I just wanted Taco Bell and I've now got it. You can carry on with whatever BS you were crying about before.

I like letting people know how retarded they are.

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>unable to more strongly imply idiocy
>haha jokes on you I was prepared to be unaffected by anything

Sometimes, yeah. It's my public service and whatnot.

>emotionally invested opinion
Telling someone not to worry about it?

You’re trying too hard little fella, and it’s not working

>It isn't the last word if I don't care more than everyone

Captain shitpost over here thinks every single comment ever posted needs to be an insult

>I have to tell you how much I don't care

You are all sad. Boils down to the same thing for every superiorly apathetic centrist here

>mines bigger, no me!

I love you dawg but if you use them green texts at me like that one more time...If you use them green texts at me one more time I'm gonna fudge that ass for you. I'll fudge it right the fuck up. Ring up Judy Bloom's probably deceased ass cause it's about to get Super Fudge up in this bitch real fast. Best believe.

Captain pseudo intellect thinks narrating everythi g i his slant bias is what anyone comes here for

Someone’s bored

Someone hurt you. And I can't tell if it was justifiable.

grew up with it? how old are you little fucker? is it summer yet?

Y-you too
>fuck the police

>ur trying 2 hard lil fella
>it's not working
>still posting 45 minutes later

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Only one of you is right

I'm going to be honest, I was with you for a minute but then you fumbled the ball at the end there. I left not knowing what the message was and generally confused. 2/10

>I will just prove to everyone HE is retarded

Being that I'm full of shit, I'm always right. But let's let the other guy believe they were right to make them feel better.

Nah jizzed on my N key

First which one are you

Someone's just looking for an ass fudgin. I'll be over in fifteen.

Let's leave this topic with some mystery, yeah?

>im gonna suck just one dick, but not because im gay. Infact, it's to show everyone how hetero i am.

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Only soyboy numales like super heroes. A functioning human being realizes these movies are just made to squeeze money out of you

> Thor gets fat and plays fortnite with Korg

> thinking this movie doesn’t deserve an oscar

The stupid can't imply



Yeah get a load of this guy over here. Dr. Knows Shit About Namefigs. Let me tell you a bit about my background. I've been making/impersonating namefigs since I was in the 5th fucking grade. I may have stopped being original years ago but believe me I know this shit inside out. I don't know what the fuck your problem is. Believe me when I tell you, I don't have any patience for people who come into my life pretending to know shit about what goes on in my life. Think for a fucking moment before you come to me with this pedantic nonsense about anonymity. Have you ever been to the other chans? seen my namefig collection? I sincerely doubt it. And even then you probably hadn't completed your course at the fucking nameposter academy. I've been writing under namefigs on reddit for almost two years and I can tell you I spent my time in the subreddit with the anons. I actually spent most of my time in the porn subreddit, but believe me, we had nameposters there there, big hilarious ones. Please get fucked.

The target audience are children and adult morons with a taste in movies so bad you could even serve them 1.5h of diarrhea footage and they'll still buy the merchandise of the 3rd remake of "poop man 23: gayfuckstupid, definite ultimate hero edition 3d"

Millenials and zoomers don't earn enough shekels to see every capefaggot movie and have avocado toast every day with their latte. Life is such a drag. Sitting at a desk is slavery. Why can't i get paid to write stories about a post-trans-hermaphrodite from outer space that falls in love with a dead unicorn, but uses necromancy to commune with it's spirit for consent? This world wasn't made for me. Im gonna go cut my testies off now and buy a wig. Brb.

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>he hasnt joined the best discord the world has ever fucking seen.




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>Why can't i get paid to write stories about a post-trans-hermaphrodite from outer space that falls in love with a dead unicorn, but uses necromancy to commune with it's spirit for consent?
You can just just act like your an opressed minority a d the SJWs will buy your bullshit story

Ok, so my wife's boyfriend wrote tbis really good script. It starts off like a Black Panther fanfiction, but gets woke fast af. So, after Endgame original black panther dies. When the Avengers go in the past, they find Jussie Smolette and show the world how racist white people in MAGA hats are. Then jussie inpregnates all white women, and their hisbands and boyfriends rejoice because Nazis are finally defeated and the age of kangs has begun. Please don't leak this.

>White men are the problem

So accurate

People who try to type personality are cringey