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Niggers and spics ain't getting off their lazy asses to vote for Pedo Joe. Not happening.

tr. Dude that couldn't beat Hillary thinks its different this time

>literally anyone fearing Biden

well its actually Bernie, biden makes the stand and its trump 2020 for sure

Anyone unironically embracing Bernie is cringy. Tbh, I thought the same about Trump but was wrong that time, MAGA.

>Biden wont lose PA and MI to Trump
>Might also pick up WI and OH
>FL becomes competitive

Fear isn't the word I'd use, but Biden is a far better candidate than Hillary was and Trump knows it.

honestly me too, but people still believe socialism is the answer

The identitarian left has already made it abundantly clear they are not voting for an "old white man" so I don't think Biden will get nearly as many votes as trump. Certainly not the number Hillary got as she at least checked one of their boxes.

Hillary was actually HATED. Biden not so much.


This is accurate, but Biden isn't a fraction of the candidate Hillary was...
And Trump hasn't started WW3, so Trump will absolutely win 2020

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My beloved TRUMP may loose this one.


I was hoping he wouldn’t get into the race.

The slew of dems running was a joke from the word go until he had to throw his fucking hat into the ring.

If anyone can beat our 45th, it’s him.


Biden won't win OH, theres no fucking way

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Little girls fear Uncle Joe.

>Biden is a far better candidate than Hillary was
I guess you are too young to remember what happened in the last election.

>Biden wont lose PA
Nigger you know know how many jobs and shit Trump's brought to pa just like he said? Also Hillary only won the nigger infested zones, Pittsburgh Harrisburg Philly he literally swept the state

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Obama/Biden won OH twice (2008/2012), It's not a lock for Trump.

But even without OH, when Biden picks up PA all he needs is another 18 electoral votes to win and he has multiple paths to get those.

you must not be following any of the leftist media or twatter feeds. the same people that came out in DROVES for Hillary hate Biden

Trump won Pennsylvania by only 44,292 votes out of more than 6 MILLION cast, a difference of only 0.72% (narrowest margin in a presidential election for the state in 176 years).

And Pennsylvania LOVES Joe Biden. He was fucking born there.

Germany doesn't love Hitler he was born there. Obama and Biden killed jobs in PA.

Yeah, last election Trump won a razor thin electoral college victory against the most hated woman in America.

You are not fooling anyone kike

Those people don’t have anything to give I to socialism, or not old enough to vote

This. Republicans unite. Democrats divid.e

>convince your entire voter base you need to vote based off of identity politics in order to beat the bad guy
>they get so obsessed with it that now everyone is rooting for a gay candidate, a black candidate, a female candidate, based off of their 'identity'.
>only one of them can actually run against trump and everyone else is going to be butt hurt when it happens and not want to vote
>trump will win again
Honestly the democrats may need a couple elections to recover from this. The only way they could make this worse is putting a straight white sexual harasser at the top of the list because EVERYONE from an intersectional identity stand point will be mad.

>Obama and Biden killed jobs in PA.
Latest unemployment numbers from PA were under 4%. The lowest in over 40 years thanks to Trump.

This. So much fucking this

Yes, unemployment in PA has dropped by a bit over 1%

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>trying to pretend trump and his fan-babies arent all racist shitlords

my god you all are insufferable pieces of shit

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CNN is just Fox spelled in Hebrew.

Florida is a Trump state and could maybe go Bernie if the next recession hits before the next recession

304-227 is NOT a “razor thin margin” by any stretch of the imagination; what the fuck are you smoking, hippy?

Sanders wants violent felons to be able to vote from their prison cells because he knows the left is the party of the pieces of shit and they would get 100% of their votes. How anyone can still support them boggles my mind.

Hitler was born in Austria. The more you know.

It won't be so funny when Sleepy Joe is the President of the United States of America.

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He won't win when every gif and webm on twitter and facebook is him smelling loli hair as they pull away. Plus he is an old white male, half the democrats hate him for his skin color.

He's not even getting the nomination.
You gotta be a nigger, spic, fag, muslim, or woman to have a chance.
If a black hispanic lesbian muslim gets in the race........there's your winner.

>half the democrats hate him for his skin color
Oh how the worm has turned.

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I should have phrased that better

He won razor thin victories in Michigan (0.3%), Wisconsin (1%) and Pennsylvania (1.2%) that won him the electoral college. A few more votes the other way in those battleground states and he would have lost the election, hence he won the electoral college by a razor thin margin.

We don't hate him nearly as much as we hate Trump

True but do you think the niggers will get off their ass to vote in this old white guy?

If the choice comes down to 2 whites guys and one of them is the muslim hating, mexican kid caging, anti-LGBT pussy-grabber and the other is the former VP to the 1st black president and the man that passed the Violence Against Women Act. Who do you think liberals will vote for?

Trump is known to be a kike puppet, he isn't deporting anyone, he hasn't even mentioned gay rights much less take any away, there's no round up of illegals and he only talks about how low black unemployment is. Why do you hate him again? And, "Because he's a retard!" is not an acceptable answer.

>being this blue pilled




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kys faggot

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I think they'll get off their asses to vote for the guy that will promise to DOUBLE their income by increasing the minimum wage from $7.25/hr. to $15/hr.

They will vote for the pedo kiddie rapist who has been constantly caught on camera feeling up little girls while the left hangs their head and pretends they dont see anything or hear Trump laughing at how hes locked another 4 years

What's to stop inflation from instantly catching up to that pay hike? What about people above the dregs of society? Do they get their pay doubled too? Employers pay these wages, do you think they will just take the hit? No. They will charge double, or more, for everything to cover it. Pipe dream.

discord..gg/yg4NaW5 ((remove the extra dot.))

Server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban!



Put them in a room filled with hookers, first one to grab the pussy wins and is 2020 president.

All Hail Emprorer Trump!

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It is a pipe dream but

A[ Most dregs wont think beyond more free shit
B[ A great many Niggers wont even put that much effort in and will skip voting

Gawd I love pussy. I'm happy that there's finally a president in office who does, too.

He took Latino children from their families and put them in cages (some we now know have been physically and sexually abused by the people hired to watch them), fought to ban Muslims from entering the country, has ICE rounding up undocumented parents as they drop off their children at school, appointed judges that are hostile to LGBTQ rights, banned trans people from serving in the military, not to mention that he chose a VP that is famous for being ant-gay/anti-trans.

And I hate him because he welcomed Russian interference into the 2016 election and has done nothing to prevent it from happening again in the future, he embraces white nationalists, said he'd drain the swamp but instead he's appointed lobbyists to cabinet level positions, he's fucking the environment, using the office of president to enrich himself financially in violation of the emoluments clause, he's openly obstructing justice. He's not retarded, though he may be senile.

So if the dems dnt want to push 15 minimum, but then trump does a 360 and pushes for it, are those nignogs getting off their ass to vote trump?

I didn't say it was a good idea or that it would work out well - I said that they will be promised a doubling of the minimum wage and will show up for the guy that promised it.

So the guy Trump is going to be running against is a Jew?
So they really just want 4 more years Trump, don't they?

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A) I agree
B) Don't underestimate the power of promising free shit

Fuck you

I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all oldfags voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-NINETEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these this just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Sexists Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.

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>>Why didnt he worship BBC like I do?
>>Hes ruining my chance to have a muslim daddy fuck my boipussy and make me his boywife

>So the guy Trump is going to be running against is a Jew?

Only if Dems pick Bernie over Biden

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And you’re still here

Trump can't read.

The only problem is, there are a ton of conservatives thinking just this. Meanwhile, the dems are so shook up from Trump that they'll come out in droves to vote. We need to do the same, or they might actually stand a chance.

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Couldn't dispute a single thing I wrote, huh?

>>The RRRREEEEE-tard is you

Are we rolling or something?

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Old /pol/ pasta.

>there's no round up of illegals


The irony


Fuckin fag

>whose opening argument went directly after his fitness for office

DNC campaigns in a nutshell.

Roll for the girl that cucked you

That wasn't me. But all of what you wrote were just scare tactics used against you by the media or outright fabrications. The only part that was sort of true, is he appointed conservative leaning judges.

Somebody called?

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>locking up criminals
>banning dangerous zealots
Please, don't convince me to love him more. As for the white nationalists, he fucked up exactly once and said something admittedly fucked up. Ever since then, he's done everything he can to distance himself from the alt-right, and white nationalists. Meanwhile Ilhan Omar is constantly anti-semetic, and you cucks praise her.

>Couldn't dispute a single thing I wrote, huh?

The burden of proof is on you.

the only person Trump should fear is YANG

Everything I wrote is common knowledge to anyone that didn't drink the orange Kool-Aid

you do realise all trump has to do is post a youtube link on his twitter account and joe biden will be forever remembered as a pedophile until kingdom come...

Wat. Uncle touchy Biden?

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nice cnn actually hit the nail on the head for once

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hush now, just let it happen

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>Using a shopped image when you can't win the argument.

gimme some sugar

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smells like sunshine

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>just scare tactics used against you by the media or outright fabrications.

So no kids in cages? No physical/sexual abuse? He never said he wanted to ban all muslims? He didn't ban trans people from the military? His team didn't accept help from Russians at all? He hasn't appointed lobbyists to key positions that undermine the job they're hired to do, like protect the environment? He isn't cashing in by having people stay at his hotel or The Mar-a-Lago Club and offering them access?

None off those are fabrications. Though I suppose the media pointing out those things should scare people.

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you smell so sweat i mean sweet

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No. Is that hard to grasp?

>Trump offers a loli for Biden to give in
>He does
>Trump gives him a drawing and calls him a pedo fuck
Hail to the MAGA Lord

no tongue this time

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Biden has my vote. I only voted for Trump because he hates women, but Biden takes it a step further and molesters them while pretending to love them. I want to see women in a position where they have to vote between two anti-women old white men


now stand still

we're on live television

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What I grasp is that you're living in a fantasy world where the last 2 years of Trump's shady shit didn't happen. Thank God most people don't dismiss reality when it doesn't suit their agenda.


>conveniently dismisses the corrupt alternative

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Not the 1st. Not the last. And not the worst.
Was better than the alternatives.

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I only support candidates that molest their own kids

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fucking shill

>dismisses reality when doesn't the agenda

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I wish I could be her dad

soft just like pillows

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>B-But what about Hillary? She's not president but can't we just ignore Trump's corruption? PLEEEAAASE

dirty donnie's goin down

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soooo biggers are faggots?
but we know that kek

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No one is outraged. Because joe is t getting the nomination. So all this is just for the lulz

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>screen capped stopped video of cheek and cheek kiss.
>no evidence or video proof of this anywhere

Are you really this desperate user? I'm not even going to insult you, it would just be too easy. I actually feel bad for you.

Oh well Trump 2020 here we come

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It's not Trump supporters who are outraged, it's liberals.
Biden is victimizing those poor women who, apparently, are unable to turn around and tell him to stop that shit.

none of those are real and none of those have video evidence like bidens.

Try harder, it makes you look better kek

The democrat contenders look really weak. I don't see any of them becoming president.

Considering putting a paycheck worth of money on a Trump win.

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If he wants to be a true democrat, he should take one for the team and choke her out

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>victimizing those poor women

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Welp.... I knew Donald back then.
Never heard of these parties. If I did, woulda went
So show me what I missed


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...and I'm the queen of France

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France doesn’t have a queen, so why are you ly8ng?

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i forgot how degenerate this leftist shit board is.

Oh CNN. What whores you are for money.

Feely Joe? Sure. Keep your kids away.

So you're saying Michelle Obama?

Fuck off LOGFAG.

Trumptard here. I’m not outraged at all by Joe Biden’s touching and feeling. I’m outraged that the left has been bitching about Trump saying he’s done something sexually evil while ignoring real video evidence of Biden doing really creepy shit and claiming it’s not a big deal

>trying to pretend they are.
You got nuffin

Sleeping with kids Joe

Who is this "we" you deluded faggot?

>all these creepy uncle joes
I have one buried somewhere of the top right done as graffiti on a wall under a bridge. I wish I could find that damn thing but I'm disorganized as fuck.

Oh, you ignorant grunt.

Will you fucking stop? Just think for 2 seconds how fucking wrong you could possibly be. Just possibly.

Dude it’s not even worth it. This site is living proof that propaganda and misinformation works. I wish it would just get shut down already

How much do you get paid per post? How do I get a job like this

Jill Stein

Wait a minute, who are you?

Another election year of the Republican party and Trump forcefully trying to get along
>they know he cucked them by donating to Democrats since the 80s

Everyone voted against Hillary because of who she is, as they have done since the 90s?
Biden is a politician but compared to the US dynasties (Clintons, Bushes, etc) he isn't as much of a peace of shit. People aren't going to go to a voting booth just to go against him. Are you old enough to remember non-meme elections?

>PA hates biden
What the fuck are you talking about? I live with hicks and farmers in my neighborhood, none of them have ever said anything bad about Bidn

The only jobs Ttump brought to PA were jobs we were pulling away from because of exhausting coal, sand, etc, or because it's poisoning our own water with fracking.
Oh boy a a few thousand miners went back into a dying industry for a few more years, MPGA

>Germany doesn't love Hitler he was born there.
No he wasn't retard
>Obama and Biden killed jobs in PA.
No they didn't retard. I'm not even a Democrat, you're just spewing bullshit

he looks a bit like trump only less human

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man i wish i was as dumb as liberals, if i wanted to vote for the destruction of USA and more taxes at the same time. i'd take my estrogen and cut my balls off and do it