So.. what is gravity?

So.. what is gravity?

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basically, your mom.

Mass that warps spacetime time. That warping is gravity

Imagine a bowling ball on a sheet.
Now imagine this giraffe

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Imagine a trampoline as the fabric of spacetime.
When you place a bowling ball on it, it stretches the fabric and makes a bell curve around it. That bell curve represents the gravitational field of an object. When you put a second bowling ball anywhere on the trampoline, they'll inevitably roll towards each other because the closer they are the more their gravitational fields overlap and the less total stress/distortion is exerted on the fabric.

a shitty movie

One of only 4 forces that exist in this universe. It's like saying, why do positively charged protons stick together in an atomic nucleus?


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you seem pretty sure about that 4 forces thing. considering how little we know, you might want to foot note that assertion with "as far as we know, we think" etc.



Gravity is the hand of God

Yes and the trampoline stretches forever and has countless numbers of balls rolling around hitting each other while ever expanding.

lol. How’s those thoughts and prayers working out for humanity?

The four fundamental forces will always be just the four. Any new force would need a new framework and would most likely be a quantum force.

something good

Yea but the fact that we have technology that allows us to see different wavelengths of light shows that even a simple thing like light can have a astronomical difference to the point of no recognition. Like the possibility of multiple variations of gravity and the posablity of true understanding of what controls it.

Light going even slower than when it's matter

>graviton is anti-particle to photon

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your mother orifices

Graviton is its own antiparitcle.

Dense concentrations of dark matter. It's literally the glue that keeps galaxies together.

The actual existance of reality defined in one force.

The very existance matter instantaneously advocates the existance of gravity.

If this universe was a scalable thing it would collapse. Which I would think is the big bang.

Its kind of a force that explains the interaction of the fabric that allows us to be. Why things where able to form on many levels

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Do you believe in gravity user?

Dark matter "map" of the Hubble deep field survey near Ursala Major

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According to Flat Earthers it is 9.8 metres per second every second.

a gay ball trapped inside a spiderweb

Something that can stay the hell away from me

The warping of spacetime due to large mass. This spacetime distortion creates acceleration for some reason

An extra dimension
From this perspective

Heavy objects bend space and time so
1 unit of space is extended, 1 unit of time is shorter
Light objects is vice versa
Easier example
You drop Rock and ping-pong ball in vacuum both drop to the ground at 10m/s square by your measurements
If Rock can say it will actually told you
I'm travel at speed 100 m/s for 0.1 second
and ping-pong ball
I'm travel at speed 1 m/s for 10 seconds
But you think
Both objects traveled at 10m/s for 1 second

Gravity can accelerate and de accelerate both space and time.

a series of tubes

Now I apply my logic to light particles
If light have mass
I'm traveling at 0 m/s for eternity
If light is the massless particle
I'm traveling at infinite m/s for 0 second

When messless light particle hit your eyes, you see the light and the mass particle at light source

So.. My new logic moves on
Light particle is not just 1 place at the time, so light can be mass and massless at the same time.

I called my own theory : theory of everything.

like bags of sand


Why do you need gravity when the Earth is flat?

checkmate atheists

Post 1 picture of the edge faggot

No the CIA told me not to