So, hi Yea Forums! This is my first post, and I wanted to post a story here for a very long time. Now...

So, hi Yea Forums! This is my first post, and I wanted to post a story here for a very long time. Now, I finally have something awesome AND legit to post.
This is the story of how I scammed 60 people of my own college class.

Be me. Brazilian, studying in medical school, 5th semester. At this point, we are starting to attend patients in the university clinic, in a discipline we call "Clinic Abilities" (this is the best way I can translate it, basically we study clinical examination and put it into practice). Our class is divided into 6 or 7 teams and each team has its own tutor to answer questions and whatnot. My team was being tutored by the coordinator of the discipline, we'll call her G here for some reason.
This day, 25/04/2019 (Avengers: Endgame was just pre-released here) we had a very stressful test. The test involved some of clinical cases, basic questions about physical examination, questions about basic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, obesity and dyslipidemia. Additionally, the teachers smartassly waited for everybody to shut up before the test, and we kind of started the test 30 minutes late. Long story short, we had 2/3 of the scheduled time to do one of the most difficult tests of the semester.
I had studied the test for weeks, created my habits, but still there were some really prick questions about the guidelines that got the better of me. However, for a small, unforeseen event, everything in this day would change.
The list of answers, which was always sent to the Whatsapp group of the class after the test, was not released.
Everybody was anxious and angry at the class leader (L) and demanded the list immediately.
I must say, I am personally a very big friend of L, and seeing him being insulted at things that were not under his control were just enraging. But I had concocted a plan.

A very delicate plan.

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cada problema pequeno... por isto nossa classe enfrenta tanto repudio. a formacao medica é pobre em valores no brasil.

Part 1: Bacteriostatic

So, I began by downloading the first "Fake Chat" software in the Play Store I could find. Turns out it was pretty good at making posts from both ends and adding images to make it feel more "real". Here in Brazil we use Whatsapp very often lol.

L made a distraction to buy time. He sent a fake contact of the coordinator teacher. I started to think.

I have to make a believable conversation. Between student and teacher. If I make a mistake, if it sounds too forced, it may draw attention.

I wrote it as follows:

21:21: Hi teach I'm Rafael from our Clinical team
21:21: We need the list of answers from today's test
21:21: Do you have a photo to sent us?

At this point, I had to play the desperate student. I am a personally spontaneous and desperate guy, so after some two or three reads, I gave it a pass.

21:22: Hi good night Rafael
21:22: Unfortunately no
21:23: I left my folder in my car
21:23: Tomorrow morning I will sent it to L, ok?

I have put thought in every word. I know G. She is calm, collected. The last thing we knew about her that day was that she was home, so I invented a story about her leaving the folder in the car and incidentally the list of questions was in the folder.

21:23: Ok teach thanks

When the chat was finished, I printed it and sent to the class' group. People overlooked the obvious fake font of the contact, which was slightly thinner, and just took it in the path of least resistance, as truth. (No one would have such free time as to fake a chat, would he?).
Some guy in the class already have told a lie about having the list of answers (but that idiot posted them one by one, chromosomally suspicious fuck) and I used it as a straw man. "At least I don't pretend I have actually talked to the teacher you idiot"

So, after a couple minutes, the group was content. Ok, they thought, that is a reasonable reason to not have the list at hand, so let's just wait.

But I was not satisfied at this point. The plan must go on.

Attached: ok_lets_continue.jpg (1200x893, 81K)

Part 2: Bactericidal (Oh fuck I just realized I've sent my first name in the previous post, I'm such an autist XD)

"Crush your enemy totally".
I am a reader of Robert Greene's 48 Laws of Power, and I decided to apply it to reality.

I voice-called L. "Hey bro, I am thinking about sending a fake list of answers."
He giggled. "Man they are gonna ban you. You're on your own, faggot"

But that, gentlemen, was a small price to pay.

I followed through. First, I needed to make a fake list. At first, I wanted to pretend G had gone to her car and had the paper in hand, but my printer was down. That was a bummer.

But then I had another plan: Let's make a fake print of the Word document.

I had to think of how to make the list convincing. But as you can see, the teacher don't give half a shit about us so I made the simplest list I could think of: "List of answers of the 25th April's test - Clinical Abilities", and a very basic list of completely random answers. The only right answer was the open question. That one everybody would remember, so I wrote it exactly right.

I then stared at the Fake Chat window. My head arteries were jumping. "I must do this right", I told myself. I needed to be convincing, and this step is not easy.

My class has 60 students. One doubt was enough. I had the confidence headstart from the first well-made fake chat, but still, for the teacher to just make one 180 and give me the list was risky.

But bets must be made.

Attached: almost_there.jpg (244x206, 6K)

Part 3: Injection

I am not the only person the teacher would contact. There is L, he is in charge. I need a believable reason to be given the list. After making the stupid list, sending it to my phone and printing it, I needed to get back to the fanfiction-level dialogue.

21:44: Hi, Rafael
21:44: I am not being able to text L at the moment.
21:45: But one of the tutors has the Word document and he has just sent me
21:46: I think it's best for the class to send an e-mail, what about it?

That was a little risky, and I wanted to include some extra-bullshit like "some other students have made contact with me", but the contact number was fake. It wouldn't even take a second read to an NPC to find out what was going on.

Faking e-mails is unnecessarily hard. I thought for a long time about what course of action to take. So I came up with an astounding move, which follows:

21:48 (I edited this post's time bc it would be strange to have an answer with 10 minutes of delay): Teach, just send me a print, that's way easier

That was a text I think people would totally buy.

Then I took the print of the Word document in the app, added it (of course in her ficticious side of the conversation), printed it, and sent it to the class.

The following moments were just pleasure.

Attached: 2000_characters_limit_fuck_me.jpg (300x300, 40K)

Part 4: Resolution

I was at a masturbation-level of delight, with a smile from ear to ear. I have never fooled so many people like that. Examples of comments follows:

21:54 (Random colleague): What

21:55 (Random colleague): Guys, are these answers right? Help me

21:56 (Random colleague): Holy shit guys, fuck

What followed was a storm. People discussing if the answers were right. L, our gracious leader, silenced himself for a bit. People were incredibly confused.

See, the answers I made were so random, if I had took it and tested it in my own list, I wouldn't have get two right.

But after some minutes, L just ended the fight posting at the group that the list of answers would be released at the following day. People started to realize the contact was fake and that I had done some shenanigans.

After 5 minutes of sharing the fake conversation, I just posted a soldier rare Pepe, and texted "To fool one is easy. To fool sixty? That is deserving of a medal."

Didn't take long to get banned. Totally worth it tho.

After that, I was brought back, they tried to teach me a lesson, but I just don't care. I just have made my day, gentlemen. I hope the story was worth it.

TL;DR: I faked having a conversation with a teacher to give people the wrong list of answers and I got banned for a while.

Oh, just for curiosity, that was the Pepe I sent them. One of the colleagues just have sent a massive "UNCONSIDER THE LIST OF ANSWERS RAFAEL HAS SENT TO THE GROUP" post in the "Serious Announces" group.

That was my best shitpost in years.

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-04-25 at 22.58.50.jpg (180x162, 6K)

Many HUEs were had

I really hope you dont become a doctor...

holy shit I am not reading this fucking novel. summarize this shit

Troll boy decides to fuck with class so instead of actually doing work and learning he spends his time putting together a plan that would hopefully make the other kids fail the test. In the end it didnt work, story over. OP is proud tho

wait, what? is OP 8 years old to think this is funny or edgy? no wonder I can't distinguish a bonobo from a brazilian

>Make the other kids fail the test

Actually I just wanted to make the illusion of them failing the test. The truth would soon come out. The troll was pretty harmless.

nossa que historia legal heim... enfia a MEDALHA no cu agora

Needless to say OP had a hard time making good friends

kids in stem take classes too seriously, glad to see you can have fun user. may u shitpost for eternity

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new "true story inbound" pasta? Pretty shit story

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>I had studied the test for weeks, created my habits
sure i believe you

this phenomena is actually really peculiar, the monkey will always copy everything from his "friend" and pass it as his own, it is expected, and if you have anything you're not supposed to keep it to yourself, people have been killed over it

>studied the test
>studied for the test

I see my mistake.

All I know about Brasil is that they have a big street party before Easter that has a bunch of trannys running around.

brazil is good for 2 things: sex and criminal activity. the rest it's pretty much done for

if you think brazil is good for sex youre either a paedophile or have shitty standards

put me in the screencap bois

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