Cribs thread?

Cribs thread?

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Been a while since I've been on ebaumsworld



My apartment in Hollywood.

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Very naise

How's that reduced educational spending because 'muh equality' working out for you?

Weren’t you the fag that was looking for a roommate? Did you get one? Did you chop him up and eat him already?

No idea, hasn't touched me.

Thank you.

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I ended up not needing one, my current roommate decided not to move out.

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What are u doing with that very large jug of lotion?

What’s with the creepy ass doll

>shitty Walmart couch
>fake globe bar
>cheapo curtains
>basic bitch cabinets

The only thing good about this apartment is its clean

Jerking off, mostly.

Jerking off, mostly.

>shitty Walmart couch
No it's not.

>fake globe bar
As opposed to a real globe bar? what does that even mean?

>cheapo curtains
How would you know?

>basic bitch cabinets
Again, how would you know?

Go be jealous somewhere else.

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bruh I legit have that same globe wine case. you get it from cost plus world market?

Amazon. Only a retard would buy the same thing for a higher price, nice try though.

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Where'd u get the zelda poster whatever it is

It's a painting. I commissioned it from the same guy who did most of the paintings in my home.

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lol you sound like a major fucking jerk off

Please post a pic of u

Here you go.

No one cares what you think.

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Yeah, people who like things you don't like are total jerk offs.

Ei wol kærst man ge natten

You definitely look like a pompous faggot.
But I'm sure these insults don't affect you since you have a massive ego.

You are in the process of being mogged my little friend


Your insults wouldn't affect a middle schooler.

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confirmed for power bottom lady boi.
if you're sphinch dont stink, you might be a twink

Lmao. Ur so full of shit

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What the fuck it's an electrician stripper tool doing on the floor?

lick my sack and eat my crack

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Imagine being so butthurt that someone has things in their apartment.

why you reposting some anons pics?

found ur dildo

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Maybe not cheap, but pretty rooms2go.

That is exactly what I'm talking about.
You're so self-absorbed you can deflect any sort of negative criticism.

OK, keeping my eyes peeled for you... I'll bring the tire iron - you bring the face.

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Well I'm sure you spared no expense on your own.

They're mine.

How would I know? I rent shitholes like that one.

Aww, you’re short...
Bless you heart.

when did you come out to your parents?

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You're so self-absorbed you think that being an autist on the internet is 'criticism'.

Then do better.

I live in Hollywood too. Want to meet up and fight so I can smear your little shit eating face all over the sidewalk?

I’m not stupid enough to live in Hollywood failing to become an actor so I have lots of disposable income.

biggest douche I'll see all year

Yes. Arclight. 7:30. Be there, or be square.

lol bro theres a little thing real men call "arm day", ever heard of it?

tonight? I'll have to put pants on but I'll see you there, nigger mcautismo

Donald Trump hands.

Homeboi. Just...just no. That fake ass wanna be tough look is not doing you any good. Go back to reading bionicle fan fiction.

Yes, very presidential.

Why bother putting pants on?

Do you have a trust fund or just wait tables at three restaurants?

I managed a business for four years. After that, I got hired as a host on an existing YouTube channel. My videos got Millions of views.

Nice try though.

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>shitty destroyed apartment
>no one bats an eye
>actually nice apartment
>everyone loses their shit and has to try and insult

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what u think?

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user is correct. this is nice but it is the most basic version of old man nice that exists.. Get some actual art and a real rug or 2..

What's with the mystery solving over there? give us a close up.

This is b/ anyone expects different gets butthurt.

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I think you suck dicks.

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>Get some actual art
No, I like my paintings.

>and a real rug or 2..
My rug is real.

I decorated my apartment this way for a reason. It's fine if others don't like it, but it is silly to invest money into your living space to appease online strangers.

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By got it sounds past tense. Did they get rid of you for being so smart at as to be offputting?

it's not so much the apartment as it is the namsy pansy weiner worshipper living in it

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I still work with them on a contractual basis, if I want to make a video they will take it. I told them early on that it was just going to be a temporary thing for me as I just wanted to make a little extra income while grieving the loss of my friend (my business partner). Now I am looking for business management work again, or perhaps a behind the scenes job in film.

Sounds like jealous retards who are too afraid to post their own homes to me.


That wide angle rally makes the most of your 600 square feet.

See? Just an asshole. Why would anyone take you seriously? I doubt your parents even did.

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They’re cool. We flip houses together.
Kinda like “managing a business” except it’s not a dead end restaurant job.

walmart accessories! pleb detected!

How did you come across the money for a place like that at your age? (You look pretty young)

eat my ass cornbeef.

Millions of YouTube views.

Your place looks like shit tbh. Everything in there is cheap as fuck

>Except it's not a dead end restaurant job.
This is how I know you're actually just a jealous fag. You're stuck working with your parents because obviously no one else will hire you, any time you see something nice you have to insult it, and you have to pretend I work at a restaurant to make yourself feel better, because lying about someone else to them isn't going to make them feel about themselves obviously.

I mean think about it. Imagine going up to someone who manages a successful business, in an office, and then saying 'HAHA YOU WORK AT A RESTAURANT'. They aren't going to feel bad. They're just going to think you're retarded.

I dunno man, you probably eat people

I sucked a lot of dick. A LOT of dick.

Post your home on \b\?
That’s just stupid, man.

how is the homosexual escort business paying nowadays?


Oh, that’s my side gig. I do commercial construction. I needed something to do with all the money and I had lots of connections so it just made sense.

your hollywood apartment has a walmart table

I ain't posting anything even remotely personal to this hellhole

I made okay money running a small business for a few years. The place its self actually isn't that expensive. I bought it right before prices began to soar. I actually only pay 550 for my half of the apartment, and I charge the remainder to my roommate. I was only paying 400 before but I gave this guy a discount because we get along great as roommates. These days you can't get an apartment like this at this price, but I lucked out and was wise about remodeling so I could charge more to my sublets.

your walmart apartment has a hollywood table

You guys sure know a lot about wal mart. I don't really care where my things come from personally, but enjoy that lifestyle if it's what you do.

why? gunna track me down based on my living room? back in the day before Yea Forums auto scrubbed exif data it was possible to track down stupid people but those days are long gone.

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no, I just dont feel the need to seek validation from the chan

he's a big boy these days. he was just a kitten in that pic.

lol, I'm in LA and pay $1200 a month and the place looks nearly 50x's better than that place. How is Yea Forums impressed with simple cucks?

He looks elegant. Reminds me of a cat I had as a child. Post more pictures of him?

Congratulations. It wasn't a contest. Feel free to post pictures though.

>how is Yea Forums impressed
They aren't, the large majority of the thread is attempting to insult me.

Are you Thoughty2

i hope living in that hollywood shit hole is worth it. i own my own house in a great neighborhood here in michigan for only $860 month total including taxes and insurance..

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It's very worth it. Different people like differnet life styles, but I love seeing the sunset on the beautiful buildings, being one quick ride away from the beach, walking to see whatever touring musicals are at the pantages, enjoying all of the amazing restaurants, being just 20 minutes away from Universal Studios, movie screenings at the cemetary, nights at magic castle, the underground parties, the nudist events, etc.

Enjoy your great neighborhood though.

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Oh wow? a great neighborhood!? What can't you do!

guys, imagine living in a great neighborhood. I mea, could you imagine?

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>you will never live in a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD

Papa where does it all go, all the good ideas? Are they mine? Or dropped from the heavens then recycled which then pop into others heads and grow forty new innovations for the future?

Like a mother fucking confetti party 24/7 and I get domed in the brain all, worth it though. Just wonder where all the good ideas flow to, unless they’re already in use and are simply recycled.

O well

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Why live in HOLLYWOOD when you could live in a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD for an extra 300 bucks?

Beautiful feline.

I like your photography, do you ever do pictures of things that aren't your cat?


how is it living in some fly over town?

you know what a great neighborhood means to a homeowner? it means $$$$. my house has appreciated $30,000 in the last two years. i've actually gotten paid to live here. you basement dwelling shit stains wouldn't know anything about such things though. most of you will be stuck renting apartments your whole lives and shopping for shitty furniture at ikea

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>most of you will be stuck renting apartments your whole lives

Wow, you're so fucking cool.

Sure thing edgelord

You make the hollywood faggot seem tolerable.

Thank you, very lovely. Please do post more.

>Hollywood apartment

Haha, show us some epic pictures of your beautiful home in the great neighborhood.

We need to make our neighborhood great again.

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$30,000 isn’t that great considering cost of living and property tax. I’m in. Austin, I can make $30,000 on a mild remodel and flip in 90 days.

>act like a retard

>inb4 next housing crisis
>inb4 user goes broke
>inb4 user's wife leaves him for squatting tyrone
>inb4 user heroes

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>Your neighborhood isn't great

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Do you ever do landscapes? sunsets or in the rain perhaps?

He won't an hero, its a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD can't you see he's living the life?

MaKe NeIgHbOrHoOdS gReAt AgAiN

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why would i go broke in a housing crisis lol? grow up and learn how fixed rate mortgages work kiddo. actually don't bother. you won't need to know such things living in apartment complex with all the niggers and immigrants.

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Jesus Christ. Thanks for taking the target off of my back I guess.

Are we going to see this home you keep bragging about?


They don’t have basements in Texas, dude.

Nothing fancy, but it's nice and chill.

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just scanned the bar on your supps. hollywood idaho more like

when did you buy your tv? 2001?

It looks both comfy and minimalist.

No central air...
That’s a real turn off to potential buyers.

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Trashy and retarded. Grow up.

>i live in Hoolllyywoood!!

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lmao the posturing in this thread is ridiculous
Just bukakke each other already and get it over with

Did you find pepe silva?

Summer has arrived

not really. i live in a pretty flat area so there isn't much opportunity for landscapes. rain is scary with such an expensive camera and lens.i'll be spending some time up north this summer so there may be better opportunities for landscapes and nature photography.

Done be jelly

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Fuckin sideways. Goddamn cock fuck

Link to music?

i know it's at an angle but something tells me that shelf isn't straight

i remember old Yea Forums when no one would have fallen for this blatant troll. i feel old.

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It’s a literal cat walk.

Yea Forums doesn't like vertical 4:3

Maybe this will work. House is a shit hole. Trying to start a business out of it. It’s akw completely fucked.

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This must be embarrassing for you. You can literally see the sign from my balcony.

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>I rEmEmBeR oLd Yea Forums
fuck off you incel summer fag. quit acting like you know the old Yea Forums

Thank you user. Exactly what I was going for.

nigger i just looked out my window. it's not that bright here

2009. I seriously need to upgrade.

Show us your crib, user.

You're not shooting with a 50mm lens with a low fstop.even on my cell phone just now it came out super bright because thats what cameras do when you est the settings that way.

you think I'm just stealing some other video with todays time stamp and the same balcony as me?

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good god that neighborhood looks like shit

It’s even the same writing on the dry erase board next to the doll. These pics are posted in every single thread.

it's hollywood user, it's worse than mexico. anyone who's ever been there would rather live anywhere else.

That's florentine gardens. our neighborhood is nice.

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probably a lot of homeless wandering the streets with their little shopping carts

It's not 'pasta' in most 'rooms of Yea Forums' thread people are posting their same pictures again. Why take new pictures every single fucking time?

That's only south of sunset. I'm north.

Then you have even less of a life than I do faggot because I see these pics in every single goddamn thread.
>hurr I’m next to all these great places in Hollywood so I Chan all day e’re day

I haven't posted these in weeks user. Whatever makes you feel better about not having a life though.

Yea Forums is great.

>Here's my apartment in hollywood
>everyone has to insult him becuase they can't stand the idea that someone lives somewhere better than them

hollywood isn't better than anywhere user. i would rather live in new mexico.

Yeah, you all shit on a guy for the better part of an hour because.... you know, reasons.

That poor roughed up pink floyd poster.

Hollywood is way better than whatever place you live in

he lives an a trump level shit hole. for the money he pays he could live in a million places with no crime, no minorities, no liberals and where he could afford a real house.


I call bullshit
That's more like it

He lives in michigan. IN A GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD. Think of all the things he can do there.

I will admit I do wish I could live in a place without so many liberals, but I can't really pursue film elsewhere, so I might as well just get used to people with different opinions.

Whatever makes you feel better.

>I call bullshit
>not because I have any basis or reason to disbelieve, but just because it makes me feel better as a person

It's been fun fellas. Have a good night.

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which is your favorite BD?

my GOD you have some ugly art in your home hahahahhaha

>I'm north.
What kinda shitshow is the north?

First two words that popped into my head

>I can't really pursue film elsewhere
have fun being a waiter your whole life while you try to "make it".

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Tis my room pretty comfy

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I managed a business. Have fun making things insults to make yourself feel better.

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That picture is fucking sick.

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Why is Spiderman shitting in your Pringles?

Depends. Sunset is a VERY long stretch of road and theres plenty of spots north with multi-million dollar houses.
LA is kind of like that.

As I take this, the now two-week long leak in my bathroom ceiling is finally slowing down.

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I just wish these transplants would leave.
Fucking assholes are worse than the Mexicans.

To be perfectly honest I can relate to your Dada-esque approach to cat accommodation and decor, or rather the lack thereof, though I do adhere to certain rules: Nothing on the floor that isn't furniture or large speakers, no colors except black, dark brown, medium grey, and chrome/stainless. No pictures on the walls either. My apartment basically looks halfway between living space, office, shop, store-room, and I like it that way. As long as it's clean and things are more or less in order, it never looks disgusting, and even if I could afford a bourgeois look, I wouldn't bother.

Well he has to shit somewhere right?

>hey I see these posted in every thread
>someone has made these pasta because I see them weekly
>it’s not pasta
>I haven’t posted them in weeks
You are a dumbfuck.

im the same height as you but probably weigh 60lbs more, i'm not even obese fucking pleb. I paid $107k for a 2800 sq. ft home in Houston in 2010. Neighborhood wasn't even built out yet. Close to IAH airport. I have comps in the fully built neighborhood for well over $230k now. Sure, the taxes suck, but I'm one elderly parent away from a fucking sweet retirement.

Enjoy your imaginary $15k/year.

Yeah no thanks. The guy is a faggot and it has nothing to do with jealousy. This isn’t my first go round with this dip shit. He has a nice place. Other nice places have been posted in the thread dummy. Do you wonder why they aren’t garnering the same amount of hate? Thank before you post dipshit.

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Goddamn this Mexican clown bitch gets me rock hard.

>can’t pursue film anywhere else
Are you retarded? Hollywood isn’t even the biggest area in the US for film production. Atlanta and Georgia as a whole has taken over with their massive tax cuts.

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>different opinions
That’s all it is.
>Atlanta isn’t a thing

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imagine how mentally broken a person has to be to become an actual clown

get fucked pussy

Both same comment both deer pictures????

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>bars on the windows
Kek. This is definitely Cali

It almost like it would be too obvious wouldn’t it faggot?
>only one person knows Atlanta is a hub of tv/movie production
I’ll take common knowledge for $500 Alex.

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nice feet

Both of these are me faggot suck my nuts you brain dead weasel

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You mean Yea Forums?

That's not entirely true. The actual filming is often out sourced to those areas,so if you want to be a camera man or set up lights, yes you will find work there. If you want to write, produce, etc. you need to be in Los Angeles (or sometimes New York)

Are you a serial killer?

>he has a nice place
Then why insult him? He didn't do anything rude he just posted a picture and answered questions as they were asked.

Yeah, he's tracking his own crime.

Power bottom lady boy still looks like he can currently put more on the table than you could manage in your entire life.

>why insult him
I already answered that you goddamn retard.

Sure they are faggot...

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Why are you white knitting so hard for this guy? Are you him? Why do you care so much?

camel crush. nice


For those saying ghetto or cheap etc. Hollywood is the one of the most ghetto areas of so-cal. So this is very decent in comparison.

But everyone started insulting him based on only a picture of his place...