AOC is the future.
AOC is the future
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A really ugly future..
the future of political comedy.
is she retart?
And I thought Idiocracy was satire.
Trump proved otherwise
then the US elected Trump
That bitch makes Trump look like a genius.
>a low bar, but still
Someone post her shops
The future of what?
what's a shop?
>AOC is so right, I'm so horny for her.
>I would fuck her in split second.
Would drain my nutz in her
A woman making honest mistakes that demonstrate her inexperience makes a man who lies habitually and can't even string a coherent sentence together half the time look like a genius?
She does represent a lot of Americans... Entitled, lazy and so so confused
>honest mistakes
>completely fucking retarded
Her "honest mistakes" are so frequent and so egregious, they make her look like a plant for the right wing to make leftists look stupid.
yet can't even represent her tiny district...
You can make anyone sound retarded if all you do is misquote them or make stupid shit up and attribute it to them.
>misquote them
She's her own worst enemy.
Her honest mistakes are less frequent than trump's outright lies, and certainly less frequent than his mistakes in general. For every genuine stupid quote you can find of hers that isn't an intentional misquote, I can find two or more for trump.
CNN has made that quite clear, they take Trump’s quotes out of context all the time.
now this i can get behind, let's socialize that ass
Common leftist tactic. Now they have one of their own doing it to themselves.
Found the shill.
Seriously, if you are going to whiteknight a Democrat chick, find one that isn't a genuine-article moron.
So that no one gets any of it?
>burgers a mile high
yeah yeah, we get it, cuck. orangemanbad.
KYS, socialist faggot!
>"AOC is the future"
>Currently at 23% approval in her home district
>One of the least popular new House Freshman
>Democrats have already lined up 3 Dem challengers to run against her in NYC 14th district next year
>Facing Federal investigation for campaign finance violations
>Couldn't even get ONE for from her OWN PARTY for her signature legislation - The "Green New Deal"
>Democrat Party leader Nancy Pelosi constantly mocks AOC's low approval, saying a "cold glass of water" would beat her in 2020
Jesus, left wingers are retarded. If a failed Dem House Rep with the lowest approval of any Freshman Representative is your party's future - your entire party is basically fucked,
Congrats you found her making a mistake.
>[Wind turbine] noise causes cancer
>My Twitter has become so powerful it can make my enemies tell the truth
Actually the vast majority of the truly stupid shit trump says can't be saved by context.
Show me where she hasn't made a mistake.
Pointing out the fact that the President has a list a mile long of genuinely dumb shit he has said that remains dumb in context, while you shitforbrains always struggle to come up with even 5 genuine Cortez quotes is not shilling. It's just observation.
Most of Trump's comments that get labelled stupid remain stupid in context.
>there were good people on both sides
That remains true and in context?
>Prove a negative for me!
That's not how this works. There are countless times she has been thoroughly coherent and without flaw in her speech, such as when she dissected campaign finance laws and how they are not secure against dishonest candidates, so there's your one. Now give me some stupid shit she's said, go on?
Just skimming her twitter (for the stuff I can understand).
>Climate change is here + we’ve got a deadline: 12 years left to cut emissions in half.
>Black Americans & PoC are far more likely to be convicted + sentenced longer than White Americans for similar crimes.
>Fully funding the VA & hiring to fill the *49k vacancies* is a clear path to improving it - not auctioning off our vet care systems to for-profit companies.
>Many know I take no pleasure in discussions of impeachment. I didn’t campaign on it, & rarely discuss it unprompted.
tweet below that one:>Mueller’s report is clear in pointing to Congress’ responsibility in investigating obstruction of justice by the President.
The other shit is "GND is already making a difference" type rhetoric or shit she's responding to that I know nothing about. She posts almost 100% nonsense.
if she is the future, i fear for humanity, and am glad i havent been dumb enough to reproduce.
There may well have been, but I don't recall that quote ever being called stupid.
Meanwhile Trump's comments about Elton John and breaking records remains incoherent even in context, and his comment about wind turbines is flat out retarded. He complained that George Washington should have put his name on things because if you don't you'll never be remembered, which is the dumbest thing I've ever heard for someone whose job is in WASHINGTON DC.
She's the future if you're a lazy-ass who'd rather receive a hand and has no aspirations. /thread
It's been on the Legacy News Networks all fucking day. It's where Trump was talking about the - shit, now I forget the town, where that nazi hit the fat bitch in his Dodge. They removed the whole "two violent groups" part and only played that "good people on both sides" part.
Look, I think the guy's semi-retarded. Some of his policies I like, and some I hate. But you're being just as bad as CNN with your "nonstop lying" bullshit. Where were you with all of Bracko's lies? Are you calling out Biden on his loooong history of being a racist? You can't see past orangemanbad.
>comment about wind turbines
What was this?
>if you don't you'll never be remembered
I agree with this
>Elton John and breaking records
I have no idea what this is and it sounds like I'm not gonna care.
Climate change IS here. How long have you been alive? And estimates for the breaking point vary.
Blacks and people of colour ARE statistically more likely to be sentenced longer for similar crimes. Subconscious bias exists.
For profit companies would ruin the veteran care system. Privatisation of services that are supposed to be for the recipient always go badly, source: all public service privatisations around the world ever. Making such services for-profit puts the focus of Thistle operating the service on how much money they can make shareholders rather than how they can improve the services.
She does rarely discuss impeachment without someone else bringing it up.
Yes, because it literally is Congress' responsibility to do so if there is any evidence of obstructive action on the president's part, which there is, and it is listed extensively in the Mueller report.
Amazing, none of the quotes you listed are stupid.
>Climate change IS here
lol no it's not. Every part of it has been debunked for years now.
>more likely to be sentenced
Wrong, blacks get more breaks. Women get even more.
>For profit companies would ruin the veteran care system
Because the ACA is so much better than what it used to be? I agree with you on the shareholder thing, but that's a different topic and making them public doesn't make the go away.
>She does rarely discuss impeachment
Except for the part where she does, and just did.
These are all based on nothing, just emotions and guesses. She has the emptiest speeches. I've never heard someone talk so much and say so little.
>What was this?
>They say the noise causes cancer.
Nobody says this. You'd have to be a retard to believe it and a bigger retard to repeat it in a speech.
>I agree with this
Then do you agree it's stupid to criticise someone with so much shit named after him who is remembered regardless of never having named anything after himself, for not doing so?
>I have no idea what this is and it sounds like I'm not gonna care
That's because you're happy to ignore it when the President is being superbly retarded, but will pounce on the smallest mistakes of anyone not on your 'team'.
>based on nothing, just emotions and guesses
enough about your posts
>I've never heard someone talk so much and say so little.
>Nobody says this
I haven't heard the cancer part, but it's been studied globally that there are effects, sleep, inner ear, etc.
>you agree it's stupid
ah, I see. Like he's not aware that there's GW everywhere... Yeah, that's pretty dumb.
>you're happy to ignore
No, I just don't give a fuck about what he says about some celebrity. I'd rather criticize him for things more substantive, like his retarded tariffs.
The left's Sarah Palin. She an acute embarrassment.
>Every part of it has been debunked
No it hasn't. The global temperature average hasn't failed to rise year by year since the presentation of the theory of global warming to Congress in the 80s. The ice caps continue to shrink in spite of retards mistaking seasonal swell in the winters for actual regeneration (year by year the maximum and minimum sizes both decrease). CO2 concentrations continue to cause spikes in rain acidity and damage human food crops.
>Blacks get more breaks
I'm going to need some evidence of that because sentencing records in my state suggest otherwise.
>Except the part where she does, and just did
Talking about investigating things that there is evidence of is discussing impeachment? Well fuck me apparently the English language means something different in Twitter. I don't see the word impeachment anywhere in that Mueller report comment you said she made.
>I'm going to need some evidence
inb4 google it
you're an acute closeted faggot
>"nonstop lying"
notice it's not a CNN link
>You lived just in time to see the end of freedom and the reinstatement of slavery though socialism.
AOC is a clown, a sexy clown that I would love to do things to, but a clown none the less.
You could probably use becoming a slave. You'd get some exercise at least.
so are you but nobody's going to fuck you especially her
AOC is a lightning rod. She knows how to get attention from her political opponents. That in turn means there's less hate coming down on the people that matter.
Some of us don't like living nigger lives like you
>I'd rather criticise him for something more substantive
Then pick another thread and do so. People were saying Cortez is more retarded, when she doesn't even say half as much obviously stupid shit as Trump. It's not a main-criticism I'm trying to make, it's a direct comparison of stupid-shit-said to debunk the ridiculous claim that a Cortez is demonstrably more stupid than "windmills cause cancer with sound", ", e broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth.", "Global warming is a Chinese hoax", "I know more about than anyone" Trump.
Your master will make you run laps for sassing back like that and you'll finally get rid of the flab.
>global temperature
there isn't one, only simulations
>average hasn't failed to rise
it hasn't, been average or cooling for about a decade now. Coming out of an ice age, things tend to get warmer.
>the theory of global warming
this is still correct. Actually, it's still a hypothesis.
>Congress in the 80s
Where Mann pointed out outside and said Manhattan will be underwater in ten years? The same room where they turned off the AC to make it feel hotter? Yeah...
>ice caps continue to shrink
They are remaining steady. Some years they gain, some they lose. El Nino and ADO play a huge part.
>CO2 concentrations continue to cause
CO2 doesn't do anything. At all. No gas does. The "greenhouse effect" has not even been proven yet.
>cause spikes in rain acidity
Except it's not happening. Oceans are slightly gaining Ph.
>damage human food crops
Crop yields are up like 10x in the last few decades. Rainfall is increasing, but flooding is down.
>I'm going to need some evidence
I won't be able to find it for this time-limited board. Just look, you'll find it.
>there is evidence
There's no evidence. And why else would she say "obstruction" if it meant nothing happens to him?
And you'll be sucking dick all day
Outright denial won't make it not happen user.
>Outright denial
like what?
Imagine being this emotionally invested in a Representative for a Bronx/Queens district who hasn't done anything noticeable for the average New Yorker
I'll actually be earning living wages. You'll be cleaning bathrooms in restrooms along the highway for a LONG time.
Where do you live?
>fake news
It doesn't matter. YOU should have to live the dystopian future you imagine. My future looks good with less people like you.
Her Green New Deal? Huge piece of trash, that one. Shows how simple minded and naive she really is.
thanos dies at the end
Those jobs pay a fucking ton for what it is. A friend's mom used to do it and I was amazed at how much she made. A lot of driving and it's messy, but it's easy and no one wants to do it.
It shows you don't even know what the fuck it is.
Theon kills the Night King
Not even she knows. It's just a list that no one can explain.
>Global temperature average
An average of all global temperatures, yes there is one, it still goes up year by year and hasn't failed to do so ONCE since the 80s. It is not a simulation, simulation is using a computer or a model to estimate a situation, the average is not this, but pure measurements. Global warming is not still a hypothesis. I can price the greenhouse effect with a box, a hose, a canister of CO2, and an ir thermometer. SOME predictions of global warming have failed, but the core premise (that the average temperature around the world was increasing) has held true. If you want to assert that the ice caps are stable I'll need to see some evidence because the NOAA measurements disagree. Acidity spikes in areas with high atmospheric CO2 are a fact. Crop yields are up due to farming techniques but they would be up further of crop losses were not also up. Go talk to some farmers, they have to actively consist acid rain, particularly if they grow crops which prefer alkaline soil. You can't find evidence because there is none of blacks getting more breaks. It is a proven statistical anomaly on a national scale that blacks get more time for the same crimes and has been for a long time. There is plenty of evidence of obstruction. You need to read the report.
The "average New Yorker" hasn't triggered key idiots in government and the media.
Because you live in a shit country. That's why it doesn't matter
You mean you can't explain it. Because your daddy used to whoop you if you ever drifted leftwards in a discussion.
user this is 2020
if you are still "arguing" climate change with someone, they're trolls.
>An average of all global temperatures, yes there is one
No, there isn't. They take pic related....
This is the hypothetical country YOU'RE imagining, user. I'm just trying to help you make the best of it. You should have to be a slave in an all gay leather club.
>user says he wants to try playing soccer
>I shoot both of his legs and he falls down bleeding
>see this is proof user should never have tried playing soccer!
Burger logic
And turn it into this.
Yes but some people will come here and read their bullshit and if it goes unchallenged they might believe it and that's one more climate change denier in the world.
I'll make it simple for your low IQ brain to understand.
The GND is a plan for more energy efficient transportations and buildings and to reduce emissions.
I'd rather enrage them and make their true colors come out, but I admire your discipline.
>goes up year by year
Also bullshit. Compared to the late 70s, it has risen some, but that was a cold spell. We're cooler than the 30s, and most of the northern hemisphere is back to 80s temps.
Blue line is raw data, red is what you believe on TV.
You can try for yourself. Go to
No, that is not the only average gathered. You are a retard. There are millions of remote monitoring stations, buoys and such. NOAA does an annual average sea temperature. Meteorological societies the world over collate satellite data. This isn't a simulation, it's measurements.
That pic is legitimately funny
>Also bullshit
Except not.
You're a waste of time, dimbulb.
I'm actually valuable because I vote. And I would vote for a thousand AOCs.
>computer or a model to estimate a situation
But it's almost to 100% wrong, sometimes even the inverse. It doesn't even work on past temps. It's pure junk science.
>I can price the greenhouse effect with a box, a hose, a canister of CO2
You can do whatever you like, but there is no greenhouse on any planet. The Earth is not a box.
>SOME predictions of global warming have failed
Every single one has.
>assert that the ice caps are stable I'll need to see some evidence
I'd have to look for it. NOAA does a shit job at this and should be ignored for most things climate. They're just an activist group these days.
>Acidity spikes in areas with high atmospheric CO2 are a fact
No, it's not. Show me.
>crop losses were not also up
We;ve had less flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, and droughts. Why would losses be up?
>plenty of evidence of obstruction
Yeah, I'm done here. Keep at it, tinfoiley.
I'm sorry, I posted things in agreement with most scientists and somehow that makes me a flat earther? Have you run out of bullshit to try and pretend climate change isn't real with?
>They're just an activist group these days.
They're the fucking government, trumpfucker.
Sorry I meant this asshole.
well who burnt your tendies?
Voting alone doesn't make you valuable
I demand more like this
Just curious. But what is the Global mean temperature of the planet supposed to be?
you sound pretty burnt to me lol
and yet here we are
you won't do shit
and I'll do everything
>trusts the government
>hates Trump
They're gov't funded, which is why they fudge numbers so much. More funding. Just like NASA.
Bitch is stupid.. she claims there's nothing wrong with the VA, so why fix it. Daft cunt
They are an official public service funded by taxpayer money. They are not "activists" you flat earthing mouth breathing fucking dipshit.
There isn't a number. Climate justice warriors keep saying pre-80s levels (which was the coldest time in our recent history) or pre-industrial (which is where most of our hottest records are still held).
>I don't believe the moon landing happened either
come on say it
source: /pol/ reddit
Dayum I would hit any day mate
Post that to r/politics
>Almost 100% wrong
Nope, is measurements, the measurements are all actual and real and they represent actual temperatures across the globe. To be 100% wing they world have to all be incorrect measurements and that is astronomically unlikely
>The earth is not a box
And yet, CO2 in the atmosphere is the same chemical as the CO2 in the box. It's ability to absorb heat is not charged by where it is.
>Every single one
Incorrect. Many hold true including the increasing average global temp, and continuing reduction to the ice caps (the maximum size they reach has been steadily decreasing for years, according to NOAA).
>They're just an activist group these days
No. They're a scientific organisation. They don't take action, a prerequisite for being an 'activist' group. They research.
>Show me
Motherfucker this is junior high science, you should know this.
>Why would losses be up
Because. Of. Acidic. Rain.
It leeches nutrients from the soil and can damage root systems especially in alkali loving plants, such as beans which tolerate between 6 and 8 soil pH. Beans and other legumes are being but the hardest. Corn is more tolerant down to 5.5 but it's also suffering greater losses in areas near urban centres or industry
I mean, if you choose to ignore evidence openly and publicly available even in the reacted version of the report so that you can imagine there's some kind of big lie to get trump in trouble then I can't very well argue with you, since proof isn't proof to you.
I hear this place used to employ the new zealand shooter.
Ask em if they need any kabab removed
61 3 9931 9777
That the anti-science left, along with flatearth, antivax, 53 genders, microaggressions, gender fluidity, the parties switched, and engines need backpressure. The operate proportionally to the agitation provided by the tv.
the future is looking like a monkeys asshole right about now
user the only "side" denying science is yours.
Everyone in this thread falling for bait this hard
>gender fluidity,
so you're a homophobic bigot too
how's being 12
nah just trumpshits
- it cried as it replied to as many posts as possible tears streaming
clear libtard b8
keep projecting trumpshit
>Nope, is measurements, the measurements are all actual and real and they represent actual temperatures across the globe. To be 100% wing they world have to all be incorrect measurements and that is astronomically unlikely
Not that user but you are aware they homogenize the actual data.
Liberals are far more educated. You see, we learned that your world is oppressive and outdated, and seek to change it.
You can't stop us.
>measurements are all actual and real and they represent actual temperatures across the globe
No they don't. There are almost no stations in Africa, S. America, and most of China, not to mention almost none of the oceans.
>CO2 in the atmosphere
Okay, do your experiment, and include other noble gasses, regular air, O2, etc. I'll save you some time: Mars and Venus both have 95% CO2. Why does one melt lead and one freeze CO2?
>Many hold true
Fine, but it hasn't been measured. Al we can do is study places like N. America or Australia where these is actual data.
>reduction to the ice caps
pic related
>a scientific organisation
They are as scientific as Media Matters or the SPLC. They (and NASA) are actually being removed from university studies because the data is too corrupt.
I know what it is. Maybe you should read what you posted. It focuses on pollution and doesn't even mention CO2.
>Because. Of. Acidic. Rain.
But. It's. Not. Happening. I have farmers in my family in the midwest and it's not a thing.
>ignore evidence
I've posted quite a bit of my sources. You? Nothing.
They average based on actual areas covered and account for blind spots in so doing. Averaging IS homogenisation you nimwit. The be as off as other user suggests they would need to have a majority of absolutely wildly wrong measurements. This remains astronomically unlikely.
>I have farmers in my family in the midwest and it's not a thing.
>durr i haz cool stories
>i iz a scientist
- it cried as it projected using upset crying language like trumpshit
No, Homogenization is not averaging. Read up and come back.
>autism is the future
Technically correct
come up with some oc trumpshit lol
you're doing a good job of demonstrating it past present and future
So you're not a trumpshit? You agree with AOC and want Trump impeached for Russian Collusion?
how's having a small penis?
They use models. The models are horribly bad. They don't use measurements. They fuck with the temps daily, and get caught as much doing it. They are just guessing and playing Climate the video game.
You didn't even check Climod2, did you? You can see for yourself how much it's changed.
so you are a trumpshit
Why did you get mad when I called you one tho? Are you a snowflake too?
prove it
Imagine having your IQ so low that you actually think Democrats want to turn this country into a socialist/communist country.
>you didn't check my shitty Denier blog did you?
No, why would anybody? Unless they wanted to laugh at it?
Oh fuck, sorry comrade. I was using first-hand experience. I'll ignore that and turn on Bill Nye now.
What would you call the act of a government taking over sectors of the economy?
The failure of the private sector.
>first-hand experience
you're nobody tho
You mean like public schools, roads, healthcare and social security?
user why can't you admit you're a trumpshit?
I don't feel bad for democrats. I feel bad for the ones who don't grow up and realize it's an unstable mess.
And who determines what is a failure vs a correction? The government?
>Washington Examiner
Low IQ Trumpturd confirmed.
It's not a blog. It's a tool from Cornell that lets you graph raw data from any station in the US. I can understand why you would avoid facts though.
That gives me a better idea that someone that has no experience though. Or should I just stop listening and reading and just go with what I feel like the rest of this thread?
Yes. All of which work incredibly well. Public education is clearly fantastic and efficient. Roads are in tremendous working shape. The VA is the a model for healthcare throughout the world and Social Security will never become insolvent. With such great successes, why stop there and lets get the government into power generation and building construction.
She’s literally just a joke now, dems are just circle jerking to her because it makes them feel better.
She’s been done for a while, she’ll fade away eventually like any other retard dems decide to shoehorn.
Fucking idiots
I picked CNN because you sound like a liberal faggot. Just Google it and you can read a number of articles
LOL. That's a good sarcasm. 10/10
>Almost none of the oceans
You are just being willfully ignorant now. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF MONITORING BUOYS in the oceans. You posted the labs only temperatures earlier as if those are the only measurements gathered.
>Still failing to understand how atmospheric CO2 does what it does
I can't make you take junior high again user, but if you hadn't flunked science you'd know why you are wrong.
>Where there is actual data
There is actual data worldwide
>Pic related
I've among many sources that show stay acceleration to the loss of glacial ice at the poles. Remember that sea ice isn't all ice.
>They and NASA
Lol no. No university is removing their data because they are the most comprehensive and most reliable. Their methodology is consistent. Give me one academic source stating they are removing NASA and NOAA data.
>I have farmers in my family
Now I know you're a troll, because farmers have to actively account for this by sowing acidity regulators which are not cheap and my company supplies many of those farmers. It is well known by everyone who doesn't deny basic science that acid rain directly affects soil and that it is worst near urban centres and industry. Google "where is acid rain worst?", read literally any of that shit. It's fucking ubiquitous.
>Ignore evidence
I've posted several. Some images some links. Some names of organisations. You've made super bold claims that you've not backed up, like visiting that universities are removing NASA and NOAA data.
I love Hansen. He's the AOC of climate science along with Mann.
>In the US
This may be where you got your "disappearing ice" tale from.
stop scaring the inbreds
>Line still goes up
No one in the US wants pure socialism, but you go ahead and stay ignorant.
Ahh. The man who prolonged the Great Depression and pulled us into a World War. Got to love 30's era propaganda.
but you're wrong. nice try though
I posted what NOAA measures. Are you calling me out or them?
>you are wrong
You're right. Pollution=climate and that article focused on CO2.
Bitch, what did I say about them being activists? Climategate wasn't enough? All the times they have to reverse their position because measured was opposite of projected didn't convince you? You'll go on an endless witchunt on Russian collusion but exist on their steady diet of pablum?
>farmers have to actively account for this by sowing acidity
Fucking dolt. How much more are you going to babble about the soil being stripped and high school shit, and then keep your head in your ass and parrot that shit? FFuck, it's not like plants remove something from the soil, or that water can wash away nutrients. FFS man. You should be tweeting for AOC.
You've posted unverified, unscientific, falsified horseshit. Have fun at the march.
norway & sweden... the white socialist utopia
youn'uns is too tarted to be in politics, they to lazy , and they cumplane like pussy ass bebies. They alos have vagenaS!!!!! NOT IN MY PRETTY COUNTRY, I LOVE YOU USA, I had a hard life workin, well HARD for muh poperty, for young vagen daerkies to shit all over it, GET OTU! TRUMP IS GPING TO DEPORT YOU BACK TO WHERE YOU CAME FROM
So the Great Depression didn't last until we were pulled into WW2? Who knew.
You're little picture is a waste of space without any citations or the explanation of the differences in Norway's Socialism, which has less population than Southern California, vs the United States so called "unfettered capitalism".
Wait wait wait. I just realized that you think that buoys measure rainfall, wind, humidity, pressure, radiation, daily min-max temps. Of course you fucking did, you'll believe anything.
Holy fuck. If you think the US's capitalism is unfettered, you're as retarded as AOC and probably think that Norway is socialist.
He saved us from the great depression and, unless you are a retardate, you know that
You could make Americans believe anything if you write it down as a clickbait headline.
He solidly entrenched us in the great depression. Try to avoid common core.
He forgot to draw the gun that Uncle Sam had in his other hand.
This. But socialism usually leads to more socialism, which leads to marxism, which always leads to failure, so there's good reason for the bottom panel.
Pointless non argument meme. You want to attempt an actual argument, faggot?
>Conflating socialism with Communism
When has Marxism ever been attempted?
The only difference is the amount of force dealt by the state.
Whenever socialism starts to fail.
please provide link to her saying that
Socialism = people
Communism = the elite or government
Russians getting paid overtime itt
The future of hell.
So the proletariat rose up as one to seize the means of production?
Or are you maybe just confusing Marxism with Leninism?
Marxism has never been attempted. Not once. It's never the proletariat seizing the means, always a government of some kind. It's never collective ownership and control, always government ownership and control. Leninism has been attempted MANY times and failed all of them, but Marxism is untested.
Lenin would be so proud of you.
Fortunately nobody is suggesting socialism.
Unless you believe in Sky Daddy, it's not "supposed" to be anything. What matters is where it's best for humans.
>It's never collective ownership and control, always government ownership and control.
No one is stopping you from living in a commune. But that computer you are typing your responses on, now has to be shared with the other peeps.
>What matters is where it's best for humans.
Which is?
That is the idea of communism, yes. Marx envisioned a commune on a greater scale. If it were not for the unfortunately intrinsic human traits of greed and a sense of entitlement we might be able to achieve it, but they are, so we cannot.
lol fuck off faggot
Only in a world of limitless resources.
Nope. Bang on the money. Trump can't spend more than a minute in front of a camera without sounding stupid at least once. Cortez tore up the House Oversight committee and highlighted clearly and without faltering or making any mistakes or inaccuracies, the disturbing fact that corruption in the US political system is legal.
No. In this world, we have more than enough resources to house, feed and clothe every human alive. The only issue is greed and entitlement. Without those we could eat what we need, and the excesses of which we produce obscene amounts could be redirected to those who need them.
>the disturbing fact that corruption in the US political system is legal.
AOC would know.
>saying a "cold glass of water" would beat her in 2020
Actually, she said a cold glass of water running democrat could've won her district. (not an exact quote, but more accurate than yours)
Nah. Wealthy, powerful white men have always pulled the strings. Things happen because they let them happen. Like many “products”, she and her agenda will be used to make money. Speaking engagements, selling ad time for whatever platform, books, etc. Get woke.
>That image
>No. In this world, we have more than enough resources to house, feed and clothe every human alive.
We really don't tho. We don't have limitless energy or materials. Without energy or materials, there is no way we can get feed, clothe and house everyone.
And this absolves AOC somehow?
Haven't you faggots moved onto "Obstruction" already. Shit's getting stale.
I didn't think Jews were white.
you realize the war was what ended the depression right? holy fuck
>Someone accused her of doing something.
>That's proof she did it.
Yes. Where did I say differently? Unless you meant that the only way FDR could get us out of the Great Depression was pulling us into WW2 because his socialists policies weren't doing anything but prolonging it, Then we are in complete agreement. He did get us out of the Great Depression then.
The real irony being, the left has been using this tactic on Trump with the collusion for 2.5 fucking years. Glad we can see eye to eye.
who taught you that lmao they are retard
>who taught you that lmao they are retard
You call someone else a retard and this is how you construct a sentence? Good grief, faggot.
doesn't mean its wrong haHA
Grammar police on Yea Forums lul haHA
More like irony police. But thanks for playing.
You cant stump the Trump thooooo.
Dude, you can't even read your own charts. If red was a stock, I'd be buying it. You notice how they were far apart, now they're on top of each other? Also notice how the last 20 years of data is missing?
had 3 abortion in 2016
Meanwhile 80yo Bernie Sanders sneaks into presidency
I fucking hope some
>I fucking hope so*
Wonder how she’s gonna feel when she’s gotta take that bar tending job again
better than you
She's not as bad as everyone says
I will definitely take him seriously, I love his network duhrr
I make more than she does now and work less.
So doubtful
The salary for a congress person is 174k. You fucking live in your parent's basement, faggot