Why is he so hated?

why is he so hated?

Attached: joe biden.jpg (640x360, 53K)

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Ever wonder what "begging the question" really means? It is not just RAISING a question, which is what most retards think.
No. OP has given us a perfect example.
When you BEG the question, you ASSUME the answer, putting your opponent at a disadvantage.
For example, "When did you stop beating your wife?" begs the question by assuming the other part actually beat his wife in the past.
What if he never did?
In this example, of course, Joe Biden isn't hated at all, aside from a few touchy SJWs, and they pretty much hate everyone.

He's not. He is utterly establishment milquetoast.
The business interests, craving stability as big money does will rush to this guy like kids to a smashed pinata. He can say 200 mother fucking dumb things between now and the election and he's still going to be elected president because only crazy white beta retards still support Trump after this disasterous shitshow of a Presidency. Money craves stability, sane people crave stability, rational people realize how much power America has lost since this blazing clown car of ineptitude hijacked the presidency and gave the U.S. near fatal cancer. Biden could literally shake his cock at schoolgirls and he will still be President because he represents more of a return to dignity than four more years of the orange fuckface

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because he is a white men running under the democrats banner.

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Fuck off Boris. Go Give Ivan a reacharound.

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Because he didnt grow old with Buckie.
And he gave the dam shield to hawk guy not the winter soldier!

Because pedo.

That's rich. Trump and Slick Willy Clinton BOTH used to fly around on Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" flights, the point of which was to gangbang underage girls as young as 12 while they drank and did blow. FACT

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Why do you give a fuck


because he is creepy

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The Democratic party has strategically backed Biden so that Bernie cannot get 50% of the delegates. Even if Sanders wins the primary, super-delegates will decide what is best for the party in that eventuality.

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Uh 1996. That's a good mfing act if you ask me.

in all of this is an important lesson, one that took me a long time to figure out

anyone, at any time, will drop you if they find something better

when you're interviewing, you'll feel a good connection with a certain company, they will drop you in five seconds if they find a better candidate

companies will not hesitate to fire you if they need the money, and they will never speak to you again

you own family will stiff you on "loans" you give out, your friends will take advantage of favors

this extends to the sphere of politics, biden was loved by the left for his 8 year tenure as VP, but now they are moving on, and they are dropping him like a sack of bricks, now the only coverage of him is his "touching" controversies. the machine is such that they go behind one candidate and push him or her as hard as they can, even if the people don't like him or her. this was hillary in 2016 in a nutshell. they will drop anyone at any time.

remember how bush and romney were on the stupid leftist talk shows and news cycles? all they did was talk some shit about trump, and now people that used to be the most hated conservatives in the country are now loved by the left - they will not just abandon people, but their own past rhetoric

this is the machine of mass media, and there's no puppetmaster behind it. this is how business is.

>one out of nine ain't bad

to expound, look at world history. the US flip-flopped on Saddam several times, as well as Qaddhafi. they aren't trying to be two-faced, they see a current use for something or soemone, and they get as much mileage out of it as possible, even if it conflicts with past policy.

and if it does, who cares? people don't have that much of an attention span and aren't very educated. most people that support the iraq war aren't even aware that the US supported him in the Iran/Iraq war in the 80s. Most people that hate Bin laden don't know that he was aided by the us military and cia during the soviet occupation of afghanistan. the US also flipped their opinion on Libya several times, and it ended with him being brutally murdered as a result of a US-led NATO campaign to forcefully remove him from his throne.

I'm 100% willing to bet that in 2024, if someone even more controversial rises up on the Republican side, if trump vocally speaks out against him, the leftists will love him again. he'll go on all of the stupid talk shows and do the whole 'circuit', as it's called. that is EXACTLY what happened to "illegal war" bush and "binders full of women" romney.

all of business and politics operates on "what can I exploit NOW for gain NOW?" this is the secret to mass media. this is why all of these scandals, like the covington kids, turn out to be giant "nothing sandwich"es. it was something they could exploit RIGHT THEN for IMMEDIATE mileage.

Yeah I agree, Trump is hated for the wrong reasons. I like alot of what he has done like prison reform and an attempt at border security and other shit he's done to pander to boomer neo-cons but the real reason to hate him is that he's a puppet for the..... Anyway, your point doesn't take away that Biden is also a disgusting molester.

I was going to link this but based user here already did:
(nice dubs btw)

If you're American, you should care.

He's Hillary-lite, unfortunately. Voting record is hit or miss, more of the same. He's the perfect candidate to give Trump another 4 years of presidential protections from prosecution.

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He’s touchy. And he’s good at it too. Watch him get the attention and eye contact of parents by striking a conversation, then he lets his hands roam, grab hair, slip a little farther down a shoulder. He’s a creep
Vote dem but please god not Joe

I agree with you user. Everythings fucked in this clown world and thanks to the internet more and more people are realizing it and it's becoming harder to keep up the "everything is ok" meme that surface level media and pop culture has been promulgating for decades.

Honk honk

>vote dem but please god not Joe

come on dude, at least you aren't full retard for supporting Biden, but you're still a democrat? Eugh. come on dude eugh

well, the increased exposure from the internet is a double-edged sword

some people can zoom out and see through the artifice, and start asking the right questions

but others aren't magically smart just because they tend to use the internet, so ultimately a wider audience may just mean more people are falling into the same traps

who else sees these threads and just wonders how many of the posters are state-sponsored trolls?

it's kind of a terrifying thought that this reach of propaganda is normalized. it really wants me to just believe nothing, and then wonder if that belief in nothing is actually someone's goal

Yeah I agree because there's a surface level version of the internet that controls and censors information. Even on this site shit is censored to an extent, although I find chan sites and certain corners of youtube still have good information. Even still, reddit, facebook, trending pages, social media shit, all make up the version of the internet that retarded non-critical thinking herd mentality do-what-you-must-to-fit-in types exclusively digest.

Still though, more people are aware of real history and government corruption than they were before the internet. Even if it's just a seed of distrust planted by seeing 100 memes about jet steel not being able to melt steel beams.

What part of this thread is trolling? What do you think the intention of OP was for this thread, I'm genuinely curious.

No change for another 4 years

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that's the trouble, there are so many low-effort trolls that even borderline luddites can blend in. all the time on Yea Forums you see one thread of "how can liberals think anything will defeat trump" and one of "how can anyone believe trump will win". given that state-sponsored troll farms DO exist in many countries, how do we know those threads aren't 50% state-sponsored propagandists?

its really the entire Democrat party that has a problem. socialists, antisemitic and pro open borders. its not who were are as Americans.

He is Joe the Pedo, and out of touch.

Just look at him. He has that rapey, molester uncle kind of look.

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Yeah I agree with you actually, I think alot of threads are created to slide any attempt of a real discussion (however rare those might already be) and to just INUNDATE Yea Forums users with political triggers to get people to solidify their beliefs, whether it be for or against whatever it is they're posting. It's not about convincing people of one side or another, it's to keep people fighting and angry at each other. Holy fuck does it work well too. This thread might be the same, but it sucks if it's actually a young person trying to understand why people hate Biden, for which the only reason I know of is his obvious pedophilia and weird connections.

fuck those shareblue queers above. biden is fucking hated because he touches kids like a lecherous old pederast he is. fuck that cunt and i hope he does run so we can dump all his fucking skeletons out in public and maybe he'll suck on a .45cal. what a vile piece of shit he is.