ITT we act tumblrfags I'll start

ITT we act tumblrfags I'll start
You motherfucking white cisgender male can remember your pokemon characters but not my gender pronouns REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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"If you are not part of the solution, you must be part of the problem."
White educators in the United States, to whoM this report is addressed, are
part of the problem. For too long we, as whites, have failed to explore what
it means to be whit 3 in a white racist society. As long as we fail to examine
our motives in the area of race relation& especially the implications of white
privilege, the status quo of white racism will be maintained.
It is now time for each of us to recognize our own responsibility for the
perpetuation of white racism, and to move forward from remaining part of
the problem to becoming part of the solution. This report has three primary
purposeS. First, to provide a set of common understandings about racism
and its origins and manifestations in our society. Second, to share two
examples of how teacher organizations have successfully begun to deal
with racism in educational settings (success being defined as having made a
difference). Third, to suggest resources that will be useful to state and local
associations in implementing antiracism programs.

While you're reading, check out this picture of my enormous shins. I like to shove them up my arsehole. As a white male, do you think I would be able to do this if it weren't for my being a white male?

#white #male #exactly

Attached: zqzNqti.jpg (734x936, 189K)

Right on, we need to smash patriarchy with a sledgehammer and burn whites at a stake

What white Americans have neve; fully understoodbut what the
Negro can never forgetis that white society is deeply implicated in the
ghetto. White institutions created it, white institutions maintain it, and
white society condones it.%
Little has changed since 1967, when the statement above was
written. Racial tensicns continue to affect our daily lives. Countless other
studs and reports have done little to change the status quo. Efforts
directed toward the eradication of racism have been by and large unst ccessful. Attempts to make change have been largely attempts to
awaken the moral conscience of the nation. Laws guaranteeing justice for
all have been passed and enforced but have failed to create a just society.
Racism continues to kill.
What is racism? "Racism is racial prejudice (the belief that one's own
race is superior to another race) combined with the power to enforce this
bias throughout the institutions and culture of a society."2 The major
institutions of our society reinforce white racial prejudice because we
whites control the decision-making and standard-setting processes of these
One of our major institutions is the public school. The schools (and we as
educators) are supposed to transmit our beliefs about ourselves as a nation
(the pluralistic, democratic, egalitarian ideology of our national selfconcept) as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to survive, physically and psychologically, in our society. But while we cherish an ideblogy of
humaneness, the schools perpetuate inhumane standards and norms (racist
IQ tests, tracking systems, textbooks, counseling practices, teacher expectations, etc.). This split between our ideals and our practices has lad to a
kind of "cultural schizophrenia" for white educators. The cost to .us as
whites has been our wholeness.
We need to fuck the black man a lot and make racist caricatures of their sexuality and biology. We need dress like picture attached to do it.

Attached: SEXY-BAMBI-Talk-about-losing-your-innocence-.jpg (640x576, 26K)

I'm literally crying and shaking after seeing this picture, I am done

Attached: 1556163979343.png (500x473, 261K)

Oh my god. We need to do something about this.
Did you know that just the other day a guygirl slid their penis into my direct messages?


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Did you just say the g-word, as an atheist I am appalled

The fuck do you have against Guygirls that you can't even say 'Guygirl'?
You fucking bigot.
If I weren't a bigotphobe I would be accepting of you but I am a bigotphobe so fuck you, you pepper-cocked cunt.


I meant the G-O-D word

#misunderstanding #smashthepatriarchy

The what?
I'm terribly sorry.
I didn't mean to hurt you.
It was my bad, really. Here I am assaulting you. I used to be a really big part of this the deep net on Yea Forums and I got out with the help of some friends. But every now and then I go back to my old, sinful ways. I'm so sorry. I'm so terribly sorry.
I have to go.
My mistress wants me to lash my penis with a belt made of the teeth of the Nazis she's punched for what I've done.
I'm terribly sorry.


I think I will recover
#wheresthesafespace #imcrying

Is anyone else depressed about steven universe ending

Replogging because people really need to be made aware of this.

I can only ever cum to one episode at a time and if the show ends, the porn rivers will dry up.

Reblogging because trans fat nonbinary people have such a high suicide rate

Replogging because trans fat nonbinary disabled (((people))) is a violent slur and I can't stand people appropriating it.


I know how you feel, I cum buckets when I see the diversity then punish my feminine penis

Perhaps the only thing that gets me off more than the diversity is the thought of suckling Stephen Hawking's penis and uploading it to my snapchat premium.

Where my furries at
#fur #yiff #furry #furries #anal #wolf

Attached: furry.jpg (2000x1334, 848K)

Nice thread. I never understood this reasoning since I only remember the Pokemon that were made before 2001

I have to disagree (but not disrespect your opinion) but I cum harder to the thought of serving rebecca sugar's every need (not in a sexual way of course)

Nonbinary lives matter


Hey guys look at this art I made of sans in a diaper

So the plan is to make shit up, then rage against our own fantasies?

Sorry, I have better things to do.

I'm feeling feminine today how about you all

Yooo im a wooolfffff brooooo a lone wolf. *teleports behind u* heh heh... Nothin personnel, kid *slides wolf boner into ur bum*


Nice but why isn't he fucking his brother

Pffffftahahaha you fuckin liar

*yelp* ohh wolf-kun, go harder

Can you understand how badly tumblr banning sexual content will hurt sex workers

Im out this just got weird

The man who made this game is Tim Cain we must kill him

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He got trips though. You have to stay


Why do u wanna kill the creator of Fallout?

Thats red faction broh

I knew you'd be here dipshit
What the hell do you mean one doesn't validate the other? You can't comprehend two cures existing at the same time? And then you decide the problem's on my side? Go fuck yourself you stupid cunt.
Also way to dodge the question. Why do you condone bullying of trans people yet also believe yourself to be some sort of god of fairness, caring for the wellbeing of people by nudging them towars suicide?

>Yea Forums still thinks that tumblr is how it was 5 years ago
>tumblr literally banned all porn and half banned all LGBT stuff while supporting whige nationalism

Tumblr's more Yea Forums than Yea Forums nowadays.

Can we have a moment of silence for autism awareness day

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What the hell, i am using tumblr for hentai and sfm porn.

I smell someone who hasn’t been on here or on tumblr for any amount of time

Attached: F91E2BCD-1CCB-4576-B5D7-599300D80EE4.jpg (750x430, 264K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?

Reblogging because this is a powerful message to the cis (((whites))) that try to control us. Keep going kween!!! We love a non-binary trans bisexual artist!!

Here's sans undertake fucking frisk until she does reblog for #downwithcis

What a powerful message

Is there a way to legally crucify Christians