Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged!

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Women need to fuck off. They serve no further purpose after they give birth a few times.

Spoken like a true incel

How to approach girls when u are looking to fuck them?

Wife is pregnant. Should I be worried? Should I be worried that I've got another woman sweating my nuts at work and saying "if it doesn't work out between you two..."

Hoes gonna hoe


my only advice is to dna test the kid because you never know


It is biologically more acceptable for you as a man to cheat, if it enhances your relationship with you wife.

Anything we can do to suppress that fucking Coolidge effect

You sound like you're in your mid to late 30's

Found out last week my girlfriend cheated on me. You think I'll ever be able to trust again? How would you handle this?

Lmfao wow. This is why you're single.


The best advice I've ever heard:
>dont listen to women on how to fuck them, listen to men who are good at fucking women, on how to fuck them



do femanons experience the same level of sexual frustration as some men?
I would imagine if they want dick it'd be pretty easy to get one as a woman

What's it like to fuck on your period? Do you expect your bf/husband/partner/whoever to do it?

I did leave. I meant more, dealing with the emotional fallout.

Sorry I see how I worded that poorly. I meant how can I trust a partner again. Not her.

Is there a good way to break up with a girl who is ruthlessly in love with you? I think she is an amazing woman, and I wish her the best... I just might not see a future with her, and i dont want to hurt her.

Do women actually enjoy anal? How about performing oral?

Also I've had a bf for 4 years now so that helps

What I’ve learned is that if it was a one-time occurrence and she is incredibly guilt-ridden then you can work it out. If not, best to move along and work on bettering yourself so you can trust someone again



Sorry, to clarify, I've left her. I meant more what to do from here.

That awkward moment when a woman gives better advice than a dude.. what the fuck

You know the rules, you silly object. Why can't you do something as simple as follow them?

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yesterday you talked about how having a big dick can make sex a painful experience
how big is too big to be pleasurable?

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Guess my FWB lies to me about anal then. Wonder why.

Do you prefer to spit, swallow, take a facial, or what?

Well I've been told for years throughout my life that I give decent advice.
Hence why I do this.

Dont care.


Or in the rare case shes had some weird ass trauma and now thinks anal feels good

wat to do when i pick up on girl's interest?

When i notice, i normally my head goes obsessive and start paying attention to my every move rather than digging in


How many times have you been Blacked?

Tsk tsk, you women never learn...

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what fetishes do you have


So whats your opinion on the emotional shrewness of most women. All people do not display base and true emotions to people in general but women have a habbit of repressing these emotions moreso than men so.
Im basing this on psyhcologial and sociological studies conducted back in 2015 but i feel the facts are still vaild.

Ew never. Fucking gross.
Get your cuck fantasies out of here

Cry more about it


God we need new & different femanons in these threads

Wait...are you saying women suppress emotions more than men???

...you realize that's a fetish right?


Well guess I got a fetish then lol

Post proof. Doesn't have to be tits. Just proof.

Yeah they do. Well atleast their "true" emotions.
Women develop an outer shell in a way that they act even to emotional extremes and thier true nature they hide inside from everyone except thier closest lovers/ companions.
Men on the other hand simply choose not to show emotions but never develop this duo bubble in which to hide.

Ive studdied psyhcology for 7 years dont tell me i'm fucking wrong just give me your opinion.

Prove that you are vchan

what if you tried to break up, but her friend that you're interested in says "you will stay and be our love bitch" ?
Fuck me for ever getting into this in the first place.


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I'm literally posting vocaroos you dip!

What do you think of guys with pierced dicks? Would you want to know about it beforehand?


She always does. Wonder if shes a smoker.

Hmmmm I don't know could be archived vocaroos


Cmon man I've heard that one from like a week ago


D-dont b-be d-dumb d-d-dude...


High femanon do you have any pic where you're smiling?On every pic you have ever posted you seems to be very serious woman

You're gonna have to try harder than that if you want to trick me

Was i stuttering? Dont recall stuttering

But user, im a gril btw.

Hmmmm still sounds a bit fishy

You sound hot, kik?


Me and my bf.
I was very drunk haha

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Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?

I was told a long time ago that insecure fat chicks never take full body pics, they just do really close zoom-ins of their face. Is this true?

Show teeth

Lol ya

Femanon cute tbh

Sing something creepy!
Scare us.

Yeah, voice definitely sounds like long time smoker, though realy could be just as she said - just woke up.


Lol never. I will not

Well thanks user


This picture confuses me. Where is the feminine penis?

are you autistic?

Regarding not smoking: nice! Second hand smoke may be harmful to health to some larger or smaller degree but will not have any impact on your skin, so that's good.

Since there are so many requests, you can still show your tits to the microphone through vocaroo.

Too bad you don't sing (sober?) since that rasp seems to be very fitting for classic jazz vocals.

By the way, if someone has a voice at all, it's enough for contemporary pop vocals - since the availability of "studio magic", you know.

No...at least I dont think so lolol


Tell us about your sex toy collection (don't be shy we all know you have a drawerful of those). Which ones you've liked and which - disliked.

Tips and tricks about toys for other femanons.

And my fingers

Fingers can be a topic, too. Tips and tricks welcome!

And for a realy dark topic: image you live in Venezuela, and to obtain any food, all you can do, no matter your skills, profession or education, is sell sex in exchange for food in columbia - like it is currently going on there.

How would you cope with it? What helps a woman to disconnect from being an object under use at that moment?

I'm gonna cut a hole in this watermelon and fuck the shit out of it, wish me luck

Good luck user

How do you approach a classmate?


is the pregnant chick from yesterday's thread working? got a question for her.

Female circumcision, good or bad?

tits or gtfo

Bad obviously