Every once in a while, when I go home from drinking...

Every once in a while, when I go home from drinking, I ask my girlfriend to send me nudes and I show them to the taxi or uber driver, if she does not send me anything, I show him part of my collection of her nudes.
I've got a lot of free rides because of her


(Pic related, some old pics from my album)

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Post some plz

How do you bring it up?

If she gets you free rides, then you should get her something with the money. Seems only fair!

Which one?
What do you want to see?

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Idk, sometimes they just start talking about girls or they see some cute ass on the street, start taking me about it and I say something like
"want to see the little ass I'm doing rn?" Or idk, obviously in a less cringey way

Yup, I take her shopping every once in a while

is she the little slut from the festival pics?

If you're talking about this little slut
Yes she is

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My sis actually banged a taxi driver to drive us to another city for free when we were out on new years eve. Not my proudest moment but I allowed it to happen.

Fuck, you won

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