daughter or mother? wwyd?
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Which is the biggest slut?
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Which ones? Where do you draw the line?
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Daughter. Make her mother watch as her daughter takes cock need in her cunt
kristin + rachel
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nice, mom can see what a little whore she raised
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Think she'd be proud when she cums loudly on my dick?
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Wich one is the biggest slut?
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this girl always gets me diamonds
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probably not, probably be disgusted but of course her daughter wouldnt care
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Oh so is her ass
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gotta keep you on the edge
here is just right
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Wich one loves to suck big cocks?
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Hell yeah I already know it's going to be a huge load, still deciding who's getting it
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pics of her in tight shirts?
None unfortunately, her IG might have a pic in the summer. alisoncristina98
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Which has the darkest vag lips?
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well here is my personal favorite with kristin in it. love the two of them lookin up to their younger sister
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I love cumming on chokers
She's a well known YouTuber, I went to high school with her
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would love to see her choking on a cock
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Man is really posting ASMR Darling
Think she has an innie or an outie cunt?
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My wife has those sandals
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It's an amazing pic I'll give you that. Wonder who has the best ass
I'd fuck Jennifer until Sunday
I knew she looked familiar. I was going to ask if it was DarlingASMR
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I love her braces
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for sure
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make her a well used milf again
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Do you think she's wearing panties?
See other post
Very nice person, I'm glad to see she's doing well. I remember her telling me how her family wasn't very supportive of her YouTube career
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I’m guessing you’re a fan
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caitlin tries but she fails imo
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Only good for a trophy wife
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Wanna watch me cum? What’s your kik ;)
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doubt her husband fucks her often enought tbh
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Great ass but she can't compare to her sisters
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She has an awesome ass
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I'd be happy to fill her pussy again
Maleena Skye Aviles
Leena83 on Snapchat
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who wants moar?
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I love that this is all you’ve got to throw at me
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bunnygirl rachel
and yeah i agree. my rating as of today would be rachel>kristin>>>>caitlin
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Doggy is her fav position
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Need all of this little slut
Oh fuck. Would be amazing to fuck both without them knowing about each other.
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I agree with you, at first Kristin was my favorite but Rachel took the spot. Moooore next thread if you don't mind
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Stated already that I know her irl, pics are from her personal Facebook
*teleports behind you*
*pimp slaps you*
heh nothin persennel ho
We fucked when we were both single
next thread ask for hannah
definitely agreed, ask for jennifer next thread if you want more