Broke up with gf of 4 years officially today. She's been hanging out with a guy that had a crush on her...

Broke up with gf of 4 years officially today. She's been hanging out with a guy that had a crush on her, and yesterday they spent all day together. I asked her and she said they just studied. We share a netflix account, and there was 2 movies completed on there.
>Wtf do I do? Do I believe her?
>He was also apparently a virgin, but had a thing for indian women. (Only know because gf told me)

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She got boned, bro.


Fuck why do you say so?

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Who gives a shit what they did, you broke up move on and bone any girl you can/want

Because after the first time they hung out, I called her out. (Last week when we were still together)

She said that she wasn't going to tell me, but they had just caught up on life. That night she fucked me raw for the first and last time.

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You're broke up now OP not worth your time just get on with it. Bitches ain't shit

Thanks bro

We have all her nudes already. Move on.

Why girls hang out with dudes who they know have a huge crush on them is beyond me, but as the rest of these guys said, just move on

Fuck so I should worry?

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>Wtf do I do?
Kill her and make a skin mask.

She fucked the guy raw the same day and he came in her. She fucked you raw in case she got pregnant that you would think you're the father, if she decided to stay with you.

look Yea Forumsro, women can put a strain on your life and make it unenjoyable, as long as you are happy with your decision that is all that matters, even if you aren’t happy, it’s your decision so stick by it. Breaking up with someone of 4 years is hard, you are best friends who really care but it’s best to leave your old phase of your life behind and start a new one when you wake up tomorrow. God speed.

OP, why do you post this girl every day?? She's not your girlfriend and she never was. You probably barely talk to her in person and she thinks you're a creep. She has a boyfriend who's probably 1000x better to her than you could ever be. GET CUCKED

Thanks Yea Forumsro.

Fuck seriously?? But she told me he was a virgin

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She's Indian bro, you really want a wife who poops outside your toilet?

Haha. Very clean

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we've all been there fam. it HURTS i know. just let time do its thing man, you'll get through it.

Thanks bro.

She was obviously lying to make you less worried. Now show her fat tits

Let me look. Thanks bro. Here's one I took when we were first dating.

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Fat tits

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