I jerk off to 14yos I felt like this is the perfect place to ask for help

I jerk off to 14yos I felt like this is the perfect place to ask for help

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nothing wrong with that my dude

A bullet to the head is the only cure

Or other forms of suicide.

Jerking off is just fantasy. You should probably go somewhere else if you want help, but as long as you're not publicly being a creep, it's whatever dude, just don't fuck any of them, or take pictures

14 is normal age for sex. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded and denying biology, history, psychology, and every other fuck-ology that ever considered the human species.

Fucking relax and fap away.

If you're going to let yourself think that's okay, you're ultimately going to end up the reason some poor soul has to go through years of therapy. Not only fucking up their lives and the lives of their loved ones, but fucking up the rest of yours with a sentence and constant prison rape.

Don't be a piece of shit, masturbate to normal porn or don't masturbate at all. You may think nothing of it now, but this is just the first step toward something absolutely deplorable, and you know it, otherwise you wouldn't be here. Keep yourself away from feeding into those thoughts, dude. It's not worth the thrill...

Sorry Yea Forumsro, nude 14 year olds gets one b& and a visit from the FBI. The days of getting that stuff here are long gone.

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This. If you can recognize there is a problem with it, you aren't too far gone to be able to stop yourself. Just masturbate to something else.

I need your help so I can Jack off on them too user

nothing wrong with it biologically.

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Oy vey Dr Hirschman was on this study

Ok, what do you need help with?

>female attractiveness goes sharply downhill after 16
Surprise to literally no one

invest in onion sites if you haven't yet
if you have plenty money move to serbia, it's completely legal to fuck 14 yos there

Bullshit. 14 year old girls are having sex every fucking day. It's normal human behavior. The only reason they're in therapy is purely because of the victim complex that is pushed on them.

Oh yes, and it's YOU and people like you that give them the victim complex. Great going, nice of you to fuck up young people's lives.

Just jerk off to women instead it’ll be ok

Help finding cheese pizza or mental help

Who said anything about nude 14 year olds?

But what if OP is 14?

thats pretty normal bud, come back when it's