Explain this, globeheads

Explain this, globeheads.

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You're using two different map projections. Theres a book you should read called how to lie with maps. I read it for my cartography class in college

ok retard

if the earth is flat like you're describing on that picture, what would be on the other side of the disc? actually curious about the explanation

Fuck off faggot

Either useless rock, or whole new continents and seas.

how haven't we discovered that side yet? or is this going to be some insane "lizard people control the media" explanation?

Lizard people are the flat earthers and they manipulate the stupid people into believing the dumbest shit.

actually a sound argument

Back at you, flat earthers

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Its not flat, pic related

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holy shit, that's a whole new "spin" on the issue

If the Earth is spinning, then how come when I jump it doesn't spin under me?

How come when you toss a baseball in the air while driving a car, it doesn't fly to the back of the car and smash the rear window?

Because you’re spinning in a circle moron.

I'm not a flat earther, but that's like saying DC is further from NYC than LA because it took longer to get there. What's to say you didn't drive slower?

ah yes because air traffic

If the train is moving, why don't I fly to the end of the train car when I jump?

If the Earth is round then how come Australians don't just fall off?

Why would planes fly slower if it would cost them far more in fuel?

Dear inteligent pal, no scientific explanation is ever going to make them understand. They'll say planes reduce speed or something like that.

Flat earthers like to say "scientific information" but science is based on evidence and calculations to get to a conclusion.

Flat earthers already have their stupid conclusion, and try to fit the facts and reality to their crazy stuff.

The fsct that such people exist is really sad actually =(

Your bait has been weak for years; that's why you hit up chans, because they're starved for content and easily baited

How come when I look at the ocean I don't see any curvature?
Check mate roundies

No. Planes fly higher to save fuel, not slower.

Suck my fucking dick

Fuck if i know on either. Like I said, not a flat earther. Just pointing out that travel time is not a good argument.

>being a flat earther

>taking b8 on Yea Forums

Which makes you more of a fucking retard?

The point isnt that one is an hour less, the point is that one, according to flat earthers is TWICE the distance than the other, and still takes an hour less.

Lizards are cold blooded?

They also fly slower, because no commercial airliners nowadays fly faster than .80 of mach 1, because it would not be cost effective in terms of fuel and noise pollution for airliners to be traveling faster than that. So even though planes can fly slower, all planes have a realistic top speed that they fly at, which is what is required in order to fly 6500 miles in 12.5 hours, which is 5-600 mph, approximately .80 of mach 1, which is around 720 mph

It's been a while since a fool made a flat Earth thread. What's the attraction?

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If the earth is a sphere, the speed of rotation at the equator is ~1000mph.

If so, why do we not have mega-hurricane force winds, and why doesn't objects at the equator fly off the surface?

Gee... because the Earth is spinning at the same rate as the global hurricane, so we don't feel it.

Gee... Mr Trips.

Air is air, it doesn't "stick" to the ground.

Sure it does. That's why we have fog.

Mr. "Almost Trips"...

Fog is just water smoke. It's not air.

Then how come we can breathe when it's foggy?

Fuck off with this weak bait.

Really stupid questions and answers are aggravating, aren't they? Hint hint.

Mr. Singles:

How come smokers don't die of suffocation?

Here's an experiment, fill a pan with water, tie it to the rear of your car.

Drive off. Does the water stay in the pan? No.

Dunk a basketball in water, spin it on your finger. Does the water stay on the ball or fly off?

Q: So why do the oceans stay put on a spinning Earth?

A: They can't. This is why the Earth is flat.


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Pretty fuckin retarded

Well, doesn't answer my very simple questions...

How come when I drop an apple it doesn't fuck off into space

Here's the deal: there are three types of Flat Earthers who regularly post to Yea Forums: the rare prankster intellectuals who challenge your knowledge and debate skills (they will call your errors), the occasional literal Bible interpreters (they tend towards sanctimony), and far and away the most proliferate: the juvenile-level troller (they routinely claim you're stupid, yet respond with exasperatingly flawed memes and blather).

None of them provide any evidence of phenomena that *require* a flat Earth model to explain, but rather place the onus on you to prove the round Earth (again, and again, and again, ...) while belligerantly disavowing or ignoring any science or proofs put forward. They will post memes that ostensibly 'prove' some flaw in the round Earth model, but containing geometry, maths, logic, and facts so absurdly wrong that you are compelled to display your superior intelligence and knowledge. By responding, you've taken bait.

They don't care whether the Earth is flat or round. Your posts are met with insulting responses or more made-up nonsense, because the game is all about the lulz from getting you to spend time responding. They will provoke you with the classic, "If you don't respond, you prove me right." If you reference web-based information (that they could have looked up, had they interest) they will accuse you of being a shill for a conspiracy.

It is simply impossible to keep pace with their barrage of flaws, and the anonymous mask of Yea Forums removes culpability and enables the prankster. Arguing is akin to painting over mud - you just end up with a dirty brush.

Explain your cancer, baitfaggot.

>How come when I drop an apple it doesn't fuck off into space

Because the earth is flat, obviously. There's only one "down"

Attached: FlatEarth1.png (1024x700, 609K)

It's called great circle you fucking retards. put a string on a globe tell me what you see? If the earth is flat why have I had personal friends fly around the planet in private jets while only flying east? Also, I'm a chemtrail pilot.

So trips says the Earth is flat. Do we have a Quads or Quints that says otherwise?

Sad but true.
Flattards are still retarded tho.

They are not flying due East in a straight line.

The compass always points "north" which is actually the center of the world. The plane constantly corrects its direction so it is flying tangentally to the line between the plane and "north".

It's really flying in a circle.

Because airline companies makes the most money by going to these locations and picking up/dropping off passengers rather than flying non-stop from australia to south america or vice versa.

Explain the gravitational pull of the moon. Oh wait, you can't because you were homeschooled by a bunch of inbred redneck fucks who dont know shit about anything.

It really isn't possible to argue successfully with a flat-Earther for three reasons:
1) They are not interested in the truth (virtually all are juvenile-level trolling, but some are delusional or

choose to accept an oddly literal interpretation of some select Bible passages).
2) They make stuff up as they go along, keeping the stuff that sticks.
3) Most importantly, they don't offer any proof that requires a flat Earth paradigm to explain. There is literally

no theory to argue.

Attached: FlatEarth2.png (997x750, 461K)

Do you actually believe aircraft navigate with a compass these days?

Proof that those are actual flight paths? Also, 3 flight paths out of tens of thousands

You don't expect me to believe in the GPS Satellite myth do you?

Those are just transmitters on black ships floating in the ocean.

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Sometimes planes have to do this thing called "landing" and sometimes they do it to drop off or pick up passengers

Stfu you knockoff troll go to bed you have a science test tommrow

Quick question.
How many chromosomes do you have?

I can't believe People are this stupid.


The same number as my God and Creator.

You are travelling at the same speed

Attached: PolarRoute.png (2400x800, 280K)

>I can't believe People are this stupid.

INS is not a GPS.

0 then?

It's a very big oblate spheroid

I do not think you can jump high enough to be in geosynchronous orbit.

So 0?
Well then

Are you the retard who said gps are black ships in the ocean?

Didn't say you could, you and the earth are travelling at the same speed

Imagine being such an unfucking-imaginable moron that you think the Earth is flat.

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>So 0?
>Well then

Not zero, the same as my God and Creator. next you'll be asking me why I am on this website. I came for the shota and trap threads.


Because the oceans are also spinning at the same rate.
This is pathetic even though you're doing it ironically

And René Descartes was a drunken fart:
I drink, therefore I am.

>Because the oceans are also spinning at the same rate.
>This is pathetic even though you're doing it ironically

If you cannot do the job well, make up for lack of quality with quantity.

I know that dimwit. This is what aircraft use to navigate. Gps just constantly updates the precession of the INS correcting for drift error. Before GPS this is what was used to fly over water. Not a fucking compass. This unit actually gives the aircafts heading on the heading indicator. The compass was only used when all this shit failed. A back up to the backup if you will

Even drunk, he was smarter than any flattard

That's the flat-Earther motto.

If only there was a discord where intellectual conversations and sophisticated discussions took place.. oh wait! there is!



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>That's the flat-Earther motto.

Well, sooner or later I'll say something stupid enough it'll become a meme. Then I'll be immortalized in screenshots.

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>intellectual conversations
>sophisticated discussions
>anime pic
Nice try, faggot