waifu insanity
Waifu insanity
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havent had it yet
its 1 in the afternoon
leaving in t minus a little bit
ah, sorry, i took a nap and now my sense of time is wonky, have fun
Rem claimed
id be too embarrassed to bring it anywhere
people would be like oh cool then see the automatic transmission and be disgusted
you can drive my jeep if ya want~
>you are doing that too much. try again in 8 minutes.
Who the fuck
Other Rem wasn’t me
lol explains the filenames
Sometimes I post from other folders, but I usually try to keep them consistent
here again
welcome! how are you? sorry i wasn't here earlier.
i have too many to search through so i just picked out a bunch i like to post and usually only use that folder
welcome back, are you feeling any better?
hey yui! dont worry i left this place earlier too
that's so kawaii!
where did you go? do you need anything? how's school?
Some of my files are named and others I just know what number it is
helle again tsugu! yeah, im feeling a lot better, thanks for asking
>where did you go?
to put something on my pain
> do you need anything?
rigth now no, thanks
>how's school?
hard and painful
i know, i think it's a box?
good i'm glad to hear it, you up to anything now?
>Are you coming with us?
Needless to say I regret the,a lot
nice numbers!
I'm waiting to be sleepy to sleep, and you?
well im gonna be going to sleep
oh wow i got quads, cool.
well i hope you have a great sleep when it comes.
its the same as before for me, still bored, but im not tired anymore at least i guess.
aw, i'm sorry. i hope you feel better. have you been up to anything fun?
nice digits
thanks a tried very hard for them.
nice yui
You have done nothing?
I just came from playing lol with the people from my school
well i took that nap and then i woke up and started a run of risk of rain 2. so i guess that's something. oh and i ate dinner. i dont really do very much.
Man :)
oh, that sounds fun! i hope you enjoyed it
any plans for tonight or just gonna chill?
what did you dinner?
chill a bit before sleep, im listening to music while wait the sleep
y tho
ah, that sounds nice. what do you like to listen to?
She's a cute vampire. Like my waifu!
i had a turkey sandwich and some cup ramen.
n-no... maybe i should give up defending this...
Embrace the darkness!
She's totally a vampire. Cute little girl with fangs. Never seen in daylight and lives like an adult.
wait can i claim my forza screenshots
>over 2mb
slep good
ok i leave now goodbye waifu and goodbye tsugu
this has to be daylight
goodbye, have fun
>not standing in it
E N H A ---... oh its really low res D:
I do not have specific tastes, I only play video games and if they have a good soundtrack, well
hi shinobu
were you satisfied?
there's clearly windows off-screen to the left
HA directly in front of the window this time
yeah it was pretty good and i'm not hungry anymore, so i can't complain.
that makes sense. i really like video game soundtracks, too. movie soundtracks are nice, as well.
soundtracks to everything always sound beautiful. that's a good thing about games and movies. even if they're bad, they still have good music
Well, that's a good thing, what kind of music do you like?
yes, you never know which game can have good music, for example this
i try to like all kinds of music but my two favorite types are a weirdo sub-sub genre of electronica you've never heard of (here's a fast example: theworstlabel.bandcamp.com
and indie folk/singer-songwriter stuff. but i'll give anything a listen and i'm confident there's something for everybody in every genre, somewhere.
oh yeah, that sounds nice!
i would recommend something but i haven't listened to much video game soundtracks.
gosh, i'm tired.
you seem very busy recently, i hope you're getting enough rest.
no, i don't think i have. i've been getting very tired lately and i have too much work to do and i keep slacking.
Are you a new Rem or an old one?
do not worry, you'll have the opportunity later, if youre tired you should sleep
I definitely had not heard of that before, although that song gives me a feeling of deja vu quite strange, even though I do not like it very much, I do not know, it does not convince me, but if you like to respect your tastes
i think the rest is most important, but always remember you're free to do as you please.
i should sleep but it's too early... i need to do more...
thanks, friend
i'm glad you're always here for me.
that's okay, if you didnt like that, then you won't like the even more niche stuff in that genre. the other stuff i like is more typical, this is from my favorite band; youtube.com
and feel free to recommend me some of your favorites, i'm always open to new music
i just try to share a few nice words, i hope they're worth something.
*boops your nose*
how are you?
why :(
hello there, how are you doing today?
Sleepy because I haven't slept in 2 days and because the Mexican coke is keeping me up
Mexican Coke? i heard that version is tastier than the US! what do you think?
oh, be careful fren!
too early? its almost 1:00!
It depends on what you want, I've heard everything, so I have a great music library to choose from
yes, too early
And here I thought most coke came from Columbia.
wow, maybe you should sleep?
it will ruin my delusion :(
i want to hear your very most favorite!
i think it's actually made in the US... or maybe China!
This definitely looks like Columbia. It's where all the drug lords live!
Columiba is my other waifu mother fucker.
you should not get up early to work?
that's complicated, because I do not really have a favorite song, just many that I like, so I'll give you one that I think you'll like
That's just nasty.
oh, i guess in that case i should sleep...
Get the fuck out of here boomer.
I think we're talking about a different kind of coke
i do tend to like kirby music, thank you, i'll listen to it right now
how are you?
yeah, you should...
Vampires don't do... early.
Good, but getting sleepy.
yes, but this is not typical kirby music... must be a final boss track?
it was very interesting, high energy. most kirby music (or maybe just older kirby music, i dont know much about the newer games) is very light and upbeat, this was kinda dark
the vampires sleep in the day, that doesnt count
its pretty late, im gettieng sleepy too...
no ... I'm a fan of Kirby's games and their music has always been that way (at least in the final bosses), that gives a different background to the story of each game
this one sounds more typical youtube.com
but i see it's also a boss theme, against the same boss, no less. i guess i just don't know my kirby very well
have a nice night and a nice tomorrow
yes, i should
ah! moonstruck blossom! yes, it's against the same boss, well, the music in the kirby games is peculiar at times, but it's excellent
yes, that's more typical of kirby, I'm just saying that it's usually with the final bosses that the thing gets sinister
godd night!
nice 7s
i believe you, it's probably because i don't think i've ever actually beaten any kirby games... i used to play kirby 64 a lot, and that one's famous for its sinister boss, but i never actually saw it.
I fell asleep
Now back to the thread
that's an excellent game, and yes, his final boss is sinister, here is his song
and with this I leave you, I'm sleepy and I go to sleep, we talk tomorrow, farewell!
y-you should really get some sleep, it sounds like you're doing some damage to your body
have a good night, sleep well
oh dont worry about him
ive been up for 36 hours :/
hellobye type thing i have to do some stuff
If only there was a discord where intellectual conversations and sophisticated discussions took place.. oh wait! there is!
>insert pic of himea
ya'll need some sleep.
i'm sorry you have such busy lives
Lewd morning
good morning, how are you today?
Gotta finally stop scrolling internets and make some stuff.
Whatcha about you?
>waifu insanity
Why insanity
sounds interesting, good luck with your stuff.
i'm doing well. i took a nap midday so now my sleep is messed up, but otherwise i'm pretty comfy. music and risk of rain 2 and posting, like usual.
Where`s you from?
I hate sleeping
i'm from the midwest US, but the eastern chunk so i'm on EST. it's almost 2am now.
what about you?
It's almost 1 here so I'm officially on day 3 of tendies and coke and no sleep
Use me, for your pleasure
stay safe and comfy, Madocute
Euro, its morning, green everywhere
Go slep
a-are you trying to prove something? that can't be good...
i like your 7s, i hope you can find pleasure for yourself
sounds comfy, you're out in the country then?
Nah, there is always a garden with bushes and trees between sidewalk and street. Also lots of trees
Oh, nice trips
I will use you for cuddling
oh. is it your garden or a neighbor's?
greenery can be nice, i think. i don't really know, i live out in the country, it's forests in every direction out here.
There`s few of suburbs and houses in europe and yard always enclosed.
Do you enjoy being in the country? Lots of waifufrens dreaming about life in the country with their waifus.
no, it's extremely boring. i think it's a grass is always greener kind of deal. i romanticize the city sometimes, too, but i know there's good and bad to both.
a change of scenery is probably very refreshing either way, though.
You too
Thank you, may you find your worth in the waking world
Yes please
that's very kind of you to say. maybe i'll find it one day, thank you.
That`s why people want to change place of living - they want to refresh.
Isn`t it quite late even if you had siesta, tsugu?
hmm i think about moving somewhere else sometimes, but i don't think it would be good for me. as they say, you take yourself where you go.
it was like four hours long...
Cute spotted
Are you working somewhere, educated or NEET?
go slep
Come here
i work. i dropped out of college, so i just do unskilled labor. it's not bad though
Bout time
work kept me longer today qq
Be like me and tell work to go eff themselves
how are you today?
> gives pudding
why tho. i need some hours
why are her pants unzip
hallo i back
i want one
I'm tired
How are you
But why
O right not everyone works 2 jobs like me
welcome back, how went the thing?
get some rest if you need it.
i'm good, very relaxing day, i just had 2nd dinner, and i've been half-playing risk of rain 2 for a while now.
what're you up to tonight/today?
They just are