I'm on day 3 of being stuck in the desert the sun is about to set here in Arizona and I finally got my 5G signal near...

I'm on day 3 of being stuck in the desert the sun is about to set here in Arizona and I finally got my 5G signal near the grand Canyon. I was rafting and my raft got stuck on a rock flipped over and was swept down the colorado river with the rest of my supplies Can you tell me how to find North Yea Forums ? I need to make my way back to civilization, before my phone dies. I have about 1 more day supply of food left.

Attached: MyShelter.jpg (480x360, 61K)

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Find south then go left

use the sun, you dumb nigger...rises in the east and sets in the west, also the current from the river flows south

Which way is south ? I'm near the colorado river I am worried that feather niggers will rob me here

ughh timestamp and cum on it????


>Can you tell me how to find North Yea Forums ?
if you have a analog watch, put the sun between the hour arm and the noon position, close your eyes and rotate clockwise while counting to the number that sun was pointing at. when you stop counting you will be facing north

You should have made that left at alberkerke.

I will check Wikipedia for this

>inb4 I have an apple watch

You know this guys a faggot

Well if you are on the Arizona/New Mexico border than the river flows north to south, however if you are not on the Arizona/New Mexico border than the river flows to the east. So find the way the sun sets relative to the river and you have north/south.

Attached: 1556151554692.jpg (180x192, 16K)


What direction is the sun setting? Turn right, bam, North. Also get the fuck outta my state you faggot.

Pic related. Y'all niggers posting in a larp bread.

Attached: Screenshot_20190424-203911.png (760x1529, 470K)

>sun is setting
>still cant find north

Damn, outof the ocean straight into the desert huh? rough

We know stupid


My phone lens is dusty form all of the Desert Sand user had to copy and paste a photo from the intraweb thanks


Yall know GPS works without signal right.. obvs bait if on phone and wont us google maps

use your phone compass... God this bait is ridiculous

We know lmao, if it was a real photo, the file name would be different

have you tried typing out for the map? type look inventory map or type memorize map and cast map.

read how to greentext user

I think you went to the right place to find accurate helpful instruction to get back on track. Only posers would use the GPS in their smart phone. OP is not a fag today.

Thank's user I know my Yea Forumsrothers would help me her I'm lonely post pictures of dick girls if you can please

>put yourself in a situation where you could get stranded
>doesn't know how to find north
You deserve to starve faggot

Thank goodness Sherlock is in this thread. Well done sir.

follow the river downstream you idiot.
find some salt ASAP eat fucking salty sand if you have to or you're gonna start seeing weird shit and then die

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?