What kind of degenerate subhuman would have a dog living in the house with them?
>walk up to person's house
>reeks of piss, shit and dog
The whole property smells like a fucking zoo.
It's disgusting.
I have a theory that most of the women that own these larger breed of dogs are fucking them. Those women are too nasty for any sane man to want to be with them so they have to resort to a dog. kek
When did it become acceptable for people to co-habitate with dogs? Genuinely curious
What kind of degenerate subhuman would have a dog living in the house with them?
My dog is my bro, he sleeps inside. Doesn't tear shit up, is clean, bathed regularly, and friendly. Bad bait is bad
What's your friend's name?
t. his floors of stained with piss, shit and filth
Why do you choose to live like an animal bro?
consider the fact that the person you are describing is the problem, not the dog. clearly you are a bigger problem than that person as well. you are damaged and in need of a bullet to the dome.
Dogs have been living with humans since we lived in caves! We have co-evolved.
I'm not the one living like an animal.
no, but your thought process clearly evolved backwards, that a dog is a superior being to you, mentally.
I don't eat my own shit and bark at my shadow.
You sure about that? Cause all you've been spewing is shit this whole time