Hey democrats,here's a suggestion.instead of throwing fits over donald trump...

hey democrats,here's a suggestion.instead of throwing fits over donald trump,why dont you look at your own party and not rig the nomination again in 2020 because thats why you lost to donald trump

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Wait, so you're saying that the democrats colluded against Bernie Sanders? But I thought Trump was colluding!

>Wait, so you're saying that the democrats colluded against Bernie Sanders?

That's exactly what happened. Hillary and the DNC worked together to coordinate "dirty tricks," like whisper campaigns in the South to emphasize his ethnicity(Jewish) and religion (athiest).

Thank God for WikiLeaks, or they would have gotten away with it.

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As a former Trump supporter I think that we lost the most.

Americans don't want a Jew for President, sorry.

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you were saying?

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>and then donald trump said,america first!

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trump supporters were never republicans to begin with,so you didnt really lose anything.you morons got what you voted for,a piece of liberal shit just like you

I'd vote for the Bern... just to see how fucked up his world is..

id rather vote for hillary just to see the women hating trump supporters get mad

Meanwhile, Trump is thwarting efforts to fix the Russian interference problem for 2020. I wonder why?


>hurr durr russia

this is all democrats have in terms of a plan,whining about russia almost 4 years later

I voted for trump and I gotta say the salt is consistently delicious. Try it if you can!

>your president is a kike puppet
>vote for our kike puppet instead

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Hey Republicans, how about instead of defending a tax cheating traitor, you get off your ass and learn how to govern?

yeah,you voted for trump.so that proves how retarded you are.republicans when bush was president were a better quality of republicans then you trump supporting idiots

who says most republicans support trump? there's a reason they couldnt keep house majority in the midterms

then again,im sure your welfare abusing leftist ass wouldnt know anything about taxes

plus,democrats version of successful governing is bankrupt detroit michigan