ITT we act like reddit fags I'll start

ITT we act like reddit fags I'll start
How do you upvote a post I saw a funny meme

Attached: 4abOeYQ.png (190x265, 5K)


haha this doggo is doing a heckin good boy pose. its so wholesome. also trump is a baby

Attached: (474x296, 24K)

Thanks for the gold kind stranger

r/unexpectedreddit omg

This frog is hate speech, and should be banned

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he got us on the first half

pic just a photo of my rabbit

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Hey, do you know how to report someone, someone said the n-word

le cat tax le fellow redditor amicoolnow

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Yes u are le coolnow

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reddit basically nuked an entire sub (r/waterniggas a fucking joke sub about drinking water) with more than 350k people just because it has nigga in it, reddit admins are the gayest thing i have ever seen in my life

I have never seen that in reddit, are you sure you aren't talking about facebook?

omg is that a frog? is that hate speech? should i be offended? should i make that image a sitewide uproar?

check some image themed posts specially on imgur, they do that all the time

you must be on r/funny or some normie shithole like that

I'm so sorry I didn't think about how that could affect you here is a cat to make you feel better

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nope, don't browse there, even on car related subreddits they do that

it pretty much depends on the sub

This image is rasict, homophobic, bigoted, cisnormitive, and xenophobic

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Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

r/dankmemes is so funny ha ha

Attached: !!bakugo.jpg (1024x575, 198K)

that is twitter

could be, seen it way too often so it can be taken as general behavior, whatevs

Ikr its so funny

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r/surrealmemes belongs on r/iamveryrandom jajajajaajajajaja

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Who is this Yea Forums fellow, is a hacker or something

r/THE_DONALD is literally just a normie version of /pol/

see you on the front page le kind stranger redditor

worse, they are just trump dick suckers

Haha me too thanks

guise TIL upboats were called arrows in ancient times

I don't like pol, it's too politically incorrect

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xd greentext are so cool, here let me steal on

edit Wow this blew up
edit2 thank you kind stranger
edit3 orange man bad
edit4 thanks for all that gold, i am now a reddit admin

>chat disbaled

banned from r/minecraftsuggestions for giving legitamate criticism, while having someone who just bullies people as a mod

Not just normie it's islamophobic, report that bastard


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yeah there is some way to shearch for green text in Yea Forums?

Guys please don't post inappropriate memes, i want to post this thread on r/Yea Forums

i remeber the time my post was deleted from a shitpost subreddit cause mods said it was low effort, good times

Bernie Sanders is the bestest ever and will save the country. I have a Engineering degree (with a 1.7 GPA) and looked for 15 minutes last year and couildn't find a job so the government should pay my student debt!

#90dollarsanhouratmcdonalds #feeltheburn

"Yea Forums only has child porn in it, and pedophiles use it"

r/iamverysmart XDDDDD

Fuck cancer. Pm me if you need to talk.

you meant libtard

r/wooooosh XDDDDDDDDD

haha it ends with 69

as a reddit mod, its my duty to ban anybody that expresses any criticism of the sub, then call him a faggot, ignore any backlash i recieve, and be the biggest hypocrite on the site


This man should be skinned alive

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mods are gay

this one just makes my balls go full twist tie mode
>who hurt you
damn makes my blood boil

I’m banned from Reddit

sounds like your average reddit mod

haha nice one idoit

They’re actual boomers and they’ve moved here too.

women of reddit, if you were a school shooter who would you shoot first and why?
edit: wow didnt expect this to blow up XD
edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger


y'all a bunch of cry babies, get it over Reddit is better faggots