This WOMEN just DESTROYED you!

This WOMEN just DESTROYED you!

Attached: YESQUEEN.png (520x511, 319K)

Did you mean to pluralize woman?

Yes I do

Then you should change "this" to "these".
Although it still wouldn't make sense, because there is only one woman in the picture.

Anything else would be wierd given the societal advantages women have.

That may be, but it's not about the picture, it's about the message.

you're either foreign, retarded, or 8

Why? And who?

Is it an ironic message, about the atrocity of poor grammar?

Your statement is racist towards foreigners and discriminatory towards mentally impaired people. Not very nice.

Racism and citizenship are mutually exclusive. Two people can be from the same race, but be citizens of different countries.

You'd better speak only when you know what it's about.
This is literally a trivialisation of racism.

Some foreigners can't speak proper English. Some mentally impaired people can't speak proper English. Where's the racism/discrimination?

Foreign isn't a race. Tell me, what does a foreign look like?
And the word retarded gets thrown around so much now that it has no meaning. Google the Streisand effect, you will learn why telling people they can't say things will never work.

She wishes she could destroy me the way Captain Marvel destroyed Thanos, but only at the cost of Captain America's life and Tony Stark's left eye. And the way Ant Man brought back Gamora and Spider Man holy shit!

How? Did you even read what the picture says? It says she's some boss of some sort. Why would I care about some random boss? Its not my boss, nigger.

Racism is trivial.

Literally Who?
If I don't already know, Than I don't care

She's certainly not the final boss. Not even close. Like a mini boss before the checkpoint at the end of the first half of level 2 or someshit.


that would imply that black people have jobs,when in reality.they dont.smoking crack and shooting each other is the only thing black people have contributed to society

Actually, the original post said some women were the boss, which was confirmed when op was asked to clarify.
So, one could only reasonably conclude they were talking about a female collective of some sort.

Racism is already a trivial issue in the west anyway. It barely even exists. Hell, in my entire life ive only heard of one racist incident (not counting the internet) and the racist got beat up before the two people ended up being friends. Which isnt surprising since they are both assholes.

You must stop being misogynistic, racist, inhuman people. Your male toxicity is a scandal and very bad.

Attached: YES.png (512x260, 79K)

Toxic masculinity isn't a thing in the non Spanish speaking west. Everywhere outside of the spanosphere toxic masculinity doesn't exist. The words have no value beyond being a great band name.

Are you saying misogyny, racism and inhumanity are male toxicity, or are you addressing them as separate issues?
Are you a part of the female boss collective?

Attached: women0172.jpg (1259x1080, 610K)

Just another nigger

Lol, like something a child would say when they first learn how to be snippy.
>douche chills

You should end up in jail for something like this.

Being adamant you're the boss really convinces me as such.

None of you faggots are my boss. Male or female. Feel free to suck my dick.

Why. I think it's stupid too, but it's only words. Being a stupid asshole isn't a crime.

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Fuck off, retards and downies deserve to get the rope and foreign niggers need to die

Nice trips.
Are you saying you're unemployed?


>Are you saying you're unemployed?

No I'm not.

Stop being that way. You can't achieve anything with this attitude. That is pathetic and hostile towards women.
Well, it should be. Such opinions generate hatred and hatred generates violence.

It's not racism, it's xenophobia, come on, get it right.

So there is a chance, however slight, one of us faggots may actually be your boss.

>Well, it should be. Such opinions generate hatred and hatred generates violence
The problem with your supposition, is that only those with inherent bias get to decide which "words" are illegal.

>foreign is a race

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No she didn’t. This chick is an ultra wealthy entertainer who can and does say whatever the fuck she wants as long as she gets paid.
>giving a single shit about the message of a pop song
>dating women who do
>omg Thanos is coming to kill us all
>believing in fiction

Better get used to strong WOMEN.

Attached: SOTRUE.png (479x351, 338K)

OmG pls dont attak india!
Rahid will giv you oal the mony!

just like how CHRIS BROWN DESTROYED her?

Thing is, your opinion actually generates violence, free speech never has. When the "tolerant" get to decide what speech is acceptable you get gulags.

Eat shit bitch

Wait... how?
I don't even know that ... uh... "women"... did you mean "woman"?

Pic unrelated.

Attached: 0000106_the-phantom-ring-of-good_550.jpg (550x550, 101K)

I need that ring


It's an un-ironic message about how you respond predictably to bait.

But also checked.

Attached: 38A.jpg (500x488, 25K)

You should really consider being an hero.

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It is a cool ring. Need the bad ring as well of course.

I would suck her dick

I must confess, I am drawn to poor grammar like a moth to a lamp.

a lot of men are into that kinda thing

Unlimited free speech always leads to racists abusing it and creating hatred and violence. There are just opinions you shouldn't have, because they are simply factually wrong and a crime. Only fascists and crackpots see it differently to be honest.

Ahem... have you forgotten about the best president ever!! PRESIDENT OBAMA nikkuh

I ever see see you in the streets imma slap you

Your statement is patently false,
And I dare you to cite references.

MEN are USELESS anyway

Attached: MEN.png (560x251, 83K)

Fool, my reference is based on the Sųgondèse studies, ever heard of them you chimp?

obligatory "i'm not most men, let me show you"

pewdiepie recently said they discussed censorship 2000 years ago already using platong'n'shit

don't even bother discussing this shit, people will never learn

Some men are, some men aren't.
Some women are, some women aren't.
What's your point?

Looks like Victoria needs to lay off the nachos. AMIRITE?

Nobody is triggered by the ugly fat black woman who used the fact she was high yeller to get ahead in the music industry then started acting black when it benefited her career. She is a craven opportunist and when the weave comes of she nasty.

She only has herself to blame for having shit taste and for only dating men who have shit taste. Why do women like this post about their fantasies on social media anyway? Who the fuck cares?

>>Unlimited free speech always leads to racists abusing it and creating hatred and violence. There are just opinions you shouldn't have,
You mindless fuck. Fuck off you traitor to intellect.

Attached: eyesarethewindowsofthesoul.jpg (300x168, 13K)

It's adorable when women try to be taken seriously

Well women are only good for one thing and most of them aren't even that good at it...

Who is she? The final boss of the niggers?