My fuckin toilet has a clogged piece of shit

my fuckin toilet has a clogged piece of shit
it won't flush down and i don't have a plunger, i usually fill a bucket and dump it down to clear it but this time it didn't work
what do i do

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Go buy a plunger bro. Not an excuse to be gross.

Send pic

Jerry Seinfeld is a Jew

i don't know where to get one

no way in hell

Blame the Jews

Go buy a plunger bro. Not an excuse to be gross. Or if you're broke, go ask a neighbor. You'd be surprised what you can get away with if your just honest about it.

pray to jesus. works every tiem

Use hot water

my neighbours are busy as hell and we've never talked

i would never lend a plunger to someone. its just gross

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fuck bro are you me? i got the same problem

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I mean I wouldn't either, but it never hurts to ask. Worst case op just makes an ass of himself. But dude, go to fucking walmart

Google "where to buy a plunger", nigga it'll show you the local DIY/hardware shop

change your diet or use the toilet at work (this way you even get paid for it)

coat hanger my nigga. break that shit up. good luck!

update from op - it's almost stuck in the plumbing

If you're broke and can't afford a plunger. There is one other way. You'll need some cling film.

Lift the seat and wrap the bowl with cling film, add a few layers to make it stronger. Make sure its airtight and there are no gaps.

Flush the toilet. The air pressure will push the cling film up into like a bubble. Put your hand on it and press it down. Do it a few times. Should force the blockage through. Repeat if needed.

poke it with a stick from outside and pull the stuck bit back into toilet. Throw that stick out after obviously


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the toilet isn't draining anymore and it's almost approaching where the lid would be

Stop putting water in retard, don't flush or anything. Just get a fucking plunger already

i can't

You can. 1st step, walk out the door. 2nd step, walk or get a ride or taxi/uber to a hardware/DIY shop. 3rd step, buy a fucking plunger 4th step, remove retard helmet

You can you dumb fucking faggot piece of shit

Don't you have a support worker who can help you? Who's hurting you?

flush/fill the toilet with the water aas much as you can. then shut the door and open it as fast as you can. at my old place the air pressure often pushed the water down enough to unclog it.


Fucking helpless millennial/gen z trash

Unfortunately OP is still a retard

i already fixed it fucking helpless boomer >t.

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wait, are you reposting my thread from a week ago?

Once it took me 12 buckets to flush out.
No fucks were given.

BTW op is a faggot because he didn't post the poop pic

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already cleared it, FAGGOP!!!

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oh fuck