Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, you stupid fucking faggots.
>protip; you LITERALLY can't
Daily reminder that if you don't look EXACTLY like this guy and are ATLEAST 6'5ft all OR make 7-figures USD, you will NEVER get laid without an escort. Prove me wrong, you stupid fucking faggots.
>protip; you LITERALLY can't
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well, some whore fucked your ugly ass dad and got pregnant with you so i guess anything's possible
its called a prostitute
and prostitutes still count
This is bad bait and it doesn't cover up your fetish for beach dudes.
Samefagging hard. Kys
Another bot thread I'm assuming, /thread sage this shittt
>No 7 figure income
>You'll never get laid
Then why do poor people exist? Why does the US have the 2nd highest poverty rate in the world?
Because poor people fuck too. And often. What else are you supposed to do for entertainment when you're broke?
Because Chad can be poor and still swim in pussy you dumb soy faggot
That's not how genetics work cuck faggot