Is anyone on Yea Forums just interested in having a conversation with this 29 year old OP who can't sleep?
Is anyone on Yea Forums just interested in having a conversation with this 29 year old OP who can't sleep?
Do you like nickleback?
dick and tits and time stamp or fucking gtfo u fucking piece of mother fucking shit
why cant you sleep?
i cant sleep because i just woke up from a 3 hour powernap i didnt really want to take like an hour and a half ago and just been playing zelda and browsing Yea Forums ever since.
Not really, they're okay. Just very overrated and meme worthy.
I feel kind of sick and don't really feel like doing that right now. I'm a guy with a 5" dick so it's not like it's impressive anyway.
I have problems sleeping during the night and find it easier to fall sleep "naturally" during the daylight.
What Zelda game?
OP here, sorry for the delay in replying back. I was in the middle of fixing some coffee to curb some nausea I was having. Like I was going to get any sleep anyway tonight.
windwaker, trying to actually beat it since i never played through the whole thing before
Nice, I haven't played Windwaker since around 2005. I might have to plug up my Gamecube sometime and revisit it. You're probably playing it on Wii U or if they ended up also putting it on the Switch. Not sure, I don't really keep up fully with current gen.
i never use my wii u anymore, dont get me wrong the graphics for the remake are gorgeous on the wii u but i just hate the console. and they didnt make a port for the switch but i wouldnt be surprised if they did
im using an emulator cause im a cheap fag
No man
How am I not at a loss?
I have a Wii U, got it for Christmas when Smash came out. Barely have even touched it. The HDD space is horrendous and the one game I want to play we didn't get physically and would have to get an external HDD just to play it. The Fatal Frame game for Wii U that is. In my opinion it's the only interesting game on the console besides Mario Maker which the second one is coming out for Switch so there will be literally no point in a Wii U unless you already have one and want to do some softmodding, etc.
How come?
Nice dubs, and he's probably got a buttplug still stuck up his ass.
i've hit the sleep brick wall, developed insomnia nearly overnight a year or two ago and haven't been able to fix it since
conversations/posting on imageboards/playing steam games are the things i do to stay sane now
nintendo is too grand autismo to realize how much fat cash they'd make off of ports like wind waker/ocarina/majora for switch, since it's the perfect opportunity for those remakes/graphic updates they do
reggie would come back, the jews would feel jealousy, and smaug would descend on the building to claim it as his new hoard
How scary does age 30 look?
do you speak something else besides english?
>developed insomnia nearly overnight a year or two ago and haven't been able to fix it since
Try living that way since '99. I've had insomnia since I was 3-4 years old. ('93-'94) But it was more mild until '99 as I'd only stay up until around 2 or 3 AM then it was between 5 to 7 AM since. School was very difficult for me as I mostly slept through classes all the way throughout my time in school and eventually had to drop out and get my GED.
I can understand a bit of Japanese and German. Nowhere near fluent though.
They'll probably end up on Switch eventually. Everything is getting ported over.
Horrible my friend, I hate it. Especially since I've been NEET most of my adult life.
Just went for a night walk in the city I live in cuz I can't sleep. Im 38. Gods honest truth a nig dropped his chicken on the floor (was obviously drunk) and habib was like "Its not my problem". Nig says "Are you goan say this chicken aint on the floor?" and plops it on the counter beside me.
damn, i'm sorry for that bro, feels really bad
i wish there was some method of deleting it, especially in my case since i see stuff at night that i shouldn't be a witness to
my city is a shady place and it doesn't look like it's getting any better out there
How big of a city?
That's really random and definitely can see a drunk nigga doing something among that.
How big of a city do you live in?
I live in a small town and I'm pretty much on the outskirts of it. So I don't really see much but a bunch of rednecks or junkies walking up the road out of the trailer park down the street.
25 here. Ever since my last night shift call a week ago my sleep schedule has been fucked.
Today I was looking into the system it takes to have a tiny house ran off of solar and a battery bank. Considering something like that as I work around now.
turning 30 is depressing as fuck. good luck with that
Look at the bright side op.
At least you had sex before your 30s and you aren't a real 40 year old virgin.
Try Knockout. Alex Jones may be controlled opposition, but he's got some good products.
Hey fellow 29-er, do you meet qt 16-17 year old girls that flirt with you and hours after awkwardly shrugging it off, hate your life because you can't do anything about it?
i'm in a moderate city, it's pretty seedy in the outer neighborhoods, especially the downtown area where all the businesses have moved out and left cheap low quality living conditions
insert muh 13% population 50% crime joke, it seriously is getting pretty bad here with black population and crime rates, the campus i attend is easily 80% black and has an incident once a day pretty regularly
the only reason i stay put and don't move somewhere else is because of financial bindings, i'm only able to afford college through a high gpa scholarship and out of state fees double the tuition cost of most places i could move to
How much does it take?
Yeah, I feel like I'm slightly having a mid-life crisis almost every moment.
Yeah, I guess that's true. But I doubt I'll ever find another woman to have sex with me again once eventually my current gf decides she wasted her 20s on a loser like me.
Trying to shill me Alex Jones products isn't going to work. If I didn't buy anything when I was all caught up into watching his content, I certainly am not going to buy shit now.
It's ok my man. I'm 27 I feel the terror too. We all have to cross that divide. You still have a very long and happy life ahead of you with many awesome changes to come.
Let's both carve out a bright future for ourselves going forward =]
Because I still look like a teenager, I don't really talk to any but I do get subtle hints of girls interested when I'm out and about on some days. It's sad because most people think my girlfriend is my mom or aunt when in fact she's younger than I am.
o7 you're a better person than me
the city used to be a great place to live, which is why my family moved here to begin with, but they up and left me because i was graduating and my father had a large paycheck waiting for him in another state
now i live here alone, working things out as i go and hoping i don't get attacked until i can afford to buy myself a firearm of some kind
my long term goal by the end of my four years is to work some kind of side job that pays hard cash, stash it, and have some saved to get me the hell out of here as soon as i'm done with my degree so i can find work somewhere west, that way i can catch up to my dad and tell him he's a piece of shit for leaving me to deal with this mess of a place
Yeah, I hate to sound racist but it's ALWAYS statistically proven that where you have more of a black population there's higher crime rates. That's about the only advantage in my area. But I think things will change once the 2020 census comes out. We're estimated to have about 8% black population where I live. I think it'll end up being actually 15% once that census comes out. Too many white/black couples for a small little redneck town. Honestly my head spins thinking about it sometimes. But most of the crime here is committed by your stereotypical "white trash" junkies who are usually on meth, heroin, cocaine, and/or prescription drugs.
I'm certainly going to try. I mean my family has already disowned me and all of my old IRL friends have moved on with their lives. What else do I really have to lose at this point?
I'm confused by that.
I honestly want out West as well. I'm not too far from the East Coast. I honestly hate this side of the country so fucking much. Where do you think you'll end up? I got my firearms taken away back in October. Lowkey not allowed to have them but that'll change if I can leave this town.
Where I live ac is nice so I spaced it to have that. About 3 grand for the big stuff. Mitsubishi makes a high efficiency mini split 33.1 seer for 400 square feet. 315 watts full power!
How often will you have to pay out after that?
Kind of a brainlet when it comes to the specifics.
It's just the culture being so different, I think like 70% of black wemon are single moms. It all starts as kids and I can hardly run into a black child that can hold a conversation sadly. The family store I worked in for 13 years had lots of rocks and minarals and I liked to explain the science to kids and I noticed that big time. Makes me sad.
i'm going into a jack-of-all-trades tech degree, and i'm a flexible guy who keeps to myself, so i'm going to keep my search as wide as a state or two and look for an office that needs one guy to manage a small network on his own, maybe in the lower west since i don't enjoy the cold very much
as for firearms, i don't intend to become a /k/ommando, but it's just too dangerous now to live without a method of self protection, so i probably will get ahold of two big pieces and put them in my vehicle and nightstand
You need to biohack yourself like Jack Dorsey does
That honestly sounds like all children in my area and even most young adults as well. I struggle to have a conversation with anyone half of the time unless I talk about "normie" shit. My dad is the only person in my life outside of the internet that I can have an intelligent conversation with. But me and him have different viewpoints so I'm usually biting my tongue during those talks.
I really need to work on getting into any type of trade I can. I only have my GED and very minimal work experience in retail, fast food, and telecommunications. I guess it's good that I don't have a criminal background of any sort. But there's just no jobs in my town other than a few fast food places, a couple of dollar stores, a few other bad retail/grocery store jobs, and a couple of gas stations. Nothing to work towards a career at all. The closet place to me that has any real workforce is an hour away and living in rural America without a vehicle is extremely hard to do anything honestly.
Go on...
Heat in the winter I'll use gas to supplement for what solar I'm not getting so that's a cost. Gas stove so less power need there. Might add another battery so I can go a week or more in summer with no sun. But after that there isnt much for me to add. If I do it in a box truck I'd add a high amp 24v alt to supply power to the charge controller. Some relays and switches need to go in for that but maybe another $400 for that and the trucks diesel engine is a second power source. Will prowse on YouTube has some good vids to learn from. Hog wild in a hot summer day I'd use like 5kW. My solar would charge that basically. You can idle a diesel in a truck for 2 hours and spend a gallon in fuel and charge the battery like 30%. All lose but close numbers.
Is it just you working on all of this, or do you have help?
I get that too. Full blows fun and stimulating conversations are just rare. But I should be able to tell a kid something. I've always been told I'm good at explaining things to all age groups so it has to be the parent of the kids. What's some of the stuff you like to talk about?
I have a plan that would help alot of world problems concerning kids. Make it where people can only have kids when they want to, no accidents, 2 people chose to, plan for it. Typically get older more experienced parents then and I would wager intelligence rises. This is not an idea in a religious world though. More the world where people know they are organic machines and altering us in that way (genes and unlocking genetic reproductive for both genders).
Don’t eat more than 5 meals a week and do yoga until you begin to hallucinate. This should cure your insomnia in around two months
This is just me having fun thinking at this point. I've worked on solar before and working on electricity and electronics for like 12 year 2 years of college electrical engineering classes. Made a handheld Nintendo 64 long ago. Certain things I have to research but it's in my grasp.
This info works for this person. Not everyone. Half the time when I intermittent fast or fast for days I cant sleep. Having a productive pay and have been for a while I sleep like a baby. Also some people never lose the grelin response enough that the hunger keeps them up. After all when you are really hungry your body is awake and alert to "catch/look for food"
Honestly I'm open to almost any type of conversation. I don't mind if things challenge my mind, I prefer that. I try to make an understanding out of something I don't know and will dig into the topic a little bit online when I'm able. I typically like to discuss theoretical time travel, alternate timelines, parallel universes, paranormal experiences as well as possibilities, politics, religion, science, history, and shifts in society to possible future outcomes based off of specific designs.
I completely agree with you on that, there needs to be some sort of "parental control" don't mean to quote it as the MTV series. But all in the same, I even would go as far as to say that certain people should have to undergo IQ testing before qualifying. There's way too many piss poor parents out there and those kids are going to be the problems of the future.
>5 meals a week
I stopped reading there. My body can't handle skipping meals to that intensity. I do plan on working on better proportions though.
Sounds like you're a very interesting and resourceful person. Also I really like when people work on self-made projects such as you mentioning the handheld N64. I need to find my own niche that I can focus dedication and work towards.
It also doesn't help that I literally can't sleep when I'm hungry. I'll end up staying up for days. I pushed near 70 hours when I was home alone with no transportation or food in the house. Finally was brought back some shitty fast food. But I ate it then passed out within an hour afterwards.
I come from a piss pore single mom and the sevarity of most of my problems come from that. You never stop having problems in life as "existance is pain!" But I believe we should be having problems due to us accepting technology more and less people just wanting to be comfortable in what they think life means and believe more that the rest of the universe will pass as fast as it did before you were born. Be the change you want in the world, so I'm planning to raise children in 5-8years the best I can. I'm 25. Btw. I like to dive in those topics but probably at a different angle though. I dont believe in paranormal but I do understand that we cant see the universe for what it really is, just what our organs allow us. Electromagnetic spectrum we see a tiny tiny tiny bit in let alone all the waves and forces. CERN hasn't found energys to support the ghost energy format afterall.
I'm not all to certain that it's really "ghosts" but an uncomprehending plane of existence that we can't possible understand with "beings" that are slipping between their own plane of reality with ours hence my beliefs in parallel universes and alternate realities.
I'd like to have a child honestly but I'm around the exact age that I'd want to have one at. I'm no where mentally or financially prepared for that where I'm at in life. So most likely I never will. It's conflicting and painful to me a lot of times especially since my girlfriend has poor genes and my own genetic make up not being that great either. I want to have a healthy strong child and I believe in the eugenics to breed optimally.
I've always seen the world as a puzzle or a machine. Just takes knowledge, ideas, and some exparements to get all we enjoy now as humans. Just about all the media I consume is informative. Scishow on YouTube right now. I was a terrible student in lower schooling but a really good life student. Just try stuff. If you are young still try and do any work you can just to do it. Ask to just take engines apart in a junk yard if you must know how a engine works, ask people who have skills and a good attitude if they also have patience to teach. I didn't drink or party till I was 23 so I had to keep my self busy somehow. Practice math and make funny examples.
On a fast I always get to 3.5 days and I have to eat! Sometimes I can sleep just fine. Other times I cant at all. As I said productivity is a factor too. Body wise I'm pretty fit and athletic so that might be as long as I can go but the high you get from a long fast is like way to much coffee on the last 36 hours and the brain seems ready to do anything too.
I need to find some real motivation and force myself to stop just sitting at my PC spending time online. I've been way too comfortable just sitting here all day and all night whenever I do. But you're right I just need to start working on some projects and learn as much as I can.
Something else I could work on is my physical health. I need to work out and find an exercise routine to get in shape. Maybe losing a bit of weight would help wonders.
I can see the resonance of two planes having weird effects. I imagine anti matter might be able to eventually prove some of thos energy differences. But things that can travel from both effortlessly with a energy we cant ditect at all I'll be healthy optimistic about. The mass it take for our bodies to use the energy it has how It does and the size it takes to have the comprehension it does makes me thing physically any being would be trapped in the dimension it exists in. Like not being able to fit through the bars in a cell or in the wholes of the vibrating string wormholes. The how is what I focus on
How old might you be that you think it's too late? Mental intellect and raising would be way better to pass on for kids have after the popularity trials or k-12 ends.
Yeah, I just have to wonder if things will ever be explained or properly discovered within our lifetimes.
Also I'm 29. I honestly didn't want to have children after my early 30s.
Using your body thoroughly has shown to be very advantageous to learning. The confidence it build when you are comfortable with yourself is it's own variable in the equation of life. Think of the best people you think have lived or live now and ask yourself why are you not acting like them? We humans are so terrible at doing what we know needs to be done for the good and we know the best accomplishments come from a struggle or unknown at some point. Yet we still fear the struggle and the unknown. Elon musk gets high off that stuff and it drives him to do what he does working 80+ hours a week. How many lifetimes of work has he learned from and what knowledge only he is able to perceive because of it?
Interesting philosophy Elon Musk must truly hold, that's for sure. I do however agree with your post. I'm able to most of the time analyze a situation and come up with a solution almost instantly but when it comes to my own life I don't strive for what I know is right. I struggle to build up the motivation necessary for the proper actions that I need to take. Then usually depressive and suicidal thoughts take over my mind or something painful from my past. I'm then held back through fear and anxiety. Also being rejected by most of those I used to consider friends and my own family hasn't helped me dig my way up out of the mud.
I don't think we ever can. We individually can keep track of all the spins in our atoms we have to be more than ourselves at that point and all of humanity cant do that yet for one person size of matter. Copy a full 1tb hdd on another 1tb and the extra info it takes for it to exist on the second. You can't and that how I see human capacity to understand. We can do more but never everything like a full expanding universe simulation.
What do you do for work? I went to my community college to learn some welding to work in my garage with and in 9 months I'm in a union working with good outlook. The trades need people terribly. I told my gf to ride my coat tales and she is working now too. About to wake up to work in one of the power plants near where I live.
Yeah that's true and sadly the complexity is probably so deep that it's truly not meant for us to ever comprehend it.
I'm currently a NEET with no idea what to do.
Remembering is the only thing that keeps things like that up. Just imagine what you would do if you erased your emotions but now knowledge. Having been rapped, poor, and abused when I was young that really only meant I was just a few steps down on the stair case it seems like a lot if you concentrate on the wrong things for yourself.
this is also me and the last part is my last year really. I spent 2 years in engineering broke and depressed and stopped going to school. I was after that degree it wasn't till after I saved some money and went back for information that I succeeded. Now the degree and information can be the same for some but the debt I couldn't live with for the degree and it killed me the first time.
My teacher told me to go work somewhere cause he liked me, that month I made 11g at a powerplant.
Ps. Talk to intelligent old people when ever you can.
I wish I had some intelligent elders to sit around and have conversations with in all honesty. Most of them here are still living in the past with no education and no concept of modern society whatsoever granted their minds are even still intact.
Can't sleep either Yea Forumsro. Just one of those nights I guess. Thank God I'm self employed.
I'd encourage a trade as that's what I am doing. It will assist me on getting a cwi (certified welding inspector) 80-250+k career and I will probably go back and get a metallurgy engineering degree latter cause it interests me. I cant ever imagine wanting to retire so that would help me work into my 70's with just my head. I'm used to some grueling labor sometimes and so far it's fine, saftey is always stressed when doing your work. It was this, open a mechanic shop, or open my own trading goods rock shop somewhere from home as that what I did for 13 years.
I'm really focused and concerned with the psychology that the left side is trying to force the rest of the culture into. Its al about being comfortable emotionally and nothing to do with being successful and educated.
What do you do being self-employed?
I've been interested more in psychology in recent years more or less due to my own mental problems I've been struggling through.
I do need to discover the right trade I can get myself into. As well as figuring out what would be best suited for me.
Just talk to people. Spent and extra 2 hours at the gym talking to 2 old guys seperatly. The gf knew why I was late to home as I do that often. Haha " I wasn't cheating on you babe I found old guys to talk to" lol. I like to talk to people. The stupidest of person can teach you something , you might have to listen to a lot of bullshit to get it though.
I really am bad at opening up. Any suggestions to randomly walk up to a person to start discussing life topics?
Boiler makers,laborers, ironworker, electrician, millwright, sheet metal, plumber and pipefitters, insolation are all unions I know of that do industrial work. Some do residential too. There is usually a single day in a month you can sign up for the application to become a apprentice. Prior skillset doesnt mean much as long as you get simple algebra, common sense, and want to learn and work. Prior exp is just extra sause. Welding is in dire need for the upper experience people. Some pipe welders make 200-300k a year on the pipe lines. Just being a helper some make 60-120k a year but those require the right people and welding rigs. Look at your nike shoes and just do it!
I flip houses for a living. It's pretty awesome. Basically I just get stoned and do odd jobs, the shit I don't want to do/don't have the tools for I just hire some guys to do the work. My wife is Mexican so I don't have to look far to find tradesmen.
How did you get started with flipping houses?
My job for 13 years was to basically talk to people all day, I just made it fun. Dont be afraid to ask people questions. Most people you will never see again. I use comedy and wit. Honestly I am not good at just talking shit and drinking beer or something I have to be talking about something productive or engaging so I bring thos topics up. Listen to talks and debates and use some of the mechanisms you see yourself. Talking to people is a skill after all. Exercise it like you would your body. When you are engaged in a conversation you naturally open up. We are all just people doing people things just get to a point where you relate.
I've never really been the type to use tools for anything besides just recently learning how to use a soldering iron to change batteries out of my game cartridges. I'm good with video and audio recording equipment as well as video/photo editing that's pretty much my own skill set along with picking up on Japanese and German fairly quickly. It seems if I dedicated myself learning multiple languages it would be pretty easy for me to grasp. I've thought about possibly utilizing that into learning how to code and work on programming. But not sure if that'll end up being a waste of time or something I'd only be able to use for personal use somehow. There's no work locally anyways for anything like that. Like I stated I live in a small rural town with no structured workforce at all.
I see the same people almost every time I go outside. I live in a pretty small town.
>When you are engaged in a conversation you naturally open up
I've never naturally opened up with anyone who wasn't a peer that had shared interests with me. That was one of the biggest faults in my life and the reason why I don't have my family in my life.
I simply just nodded and went with a "social norm" response. Never being myself out of fear of being rejected. Which recently when I attempted to finally open up, everything backfired. My worse fears became reality with my family.
Was your family worth it then or was this thing you dont want to say that bad? I avoid my mother and I can stand my shity self entitled couch potatoe stoner brother and dad was never in the pic. Accepting I dont have a family I dont worry about it anymore, I'll just make my own latter.
Maybe you have to move then to where there is work or drive a hour every day. Talking is gona have to be a thing you get over if you want lots of opportunities to present themselves to you.
Is this just the same person I've been having 2 conversations with? Haha
The languages is not a skill I know what to do with besides gov work. Aus High Schüle ich habt drie yären Deutsch Klasse. Auber ich kenst nicht große Deutsch Screchen. I'm a skills person by far and I find math and chemestry fun to do in some of my spare time.
Honestly my family was never worth worrying about. I almost have a sense of clarity since shit hit the fan which it did again over Easter weekend. I just have to shake off the pain since it's still so recent happening in my life then work towards my own self and try to not let them be the binding holding me back. My mom was murdered a few years back and nothing has been the same. Me and a lot of my other family have become estranged, my dad wasn't in my life growing up and recently has attempted to be a father again since I lost my mom. Things are still a bit rocky but we're trying to work on things. He's always usually out of state and away though. Other than him, the very little I get out of my siblings who are scattered across the country that doesn't have much to do with me, and my grandma who hasn't been stable since my mom's been gone is all I have in terms of a family life. My uncles and cousins have disowned me and the rest of my family on both sides act like I don't exist.
Honestly moving is what I want more than anything else, I don't have my driver's license though or a vehicle. Nobody ever made the time to try to take me practicing. So working outside of my town is difficult and the fact that there's no work here is another problem. Most of the population here are on Social Security through being a senior, retired, and/or "disability". I've almost went the route of trying to get on disability for "mental problems" numerous amounts of times. But I want more out of my life than just that.
Yes, both have been me this whole time.
I wish my high school would have offered something besides Spanish. Which I didn't take anyway. I'd probably find some fun in science and I really need to work back up on my math skills. I'm not bad at math but painfully average or below average once getting to Algebra 2 and Trigonometry.
Sounds like you just need to get away maybe even something nuts. Like get a bike and a tiny rid behind trailer with a couple things and a tent and go somewhere else. Look online and call around and get a quick job and build a new life.