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One's a nationalist fanatic, the other is a religious fanatic

one is doing for attention, the other is doing because religion of peace

That pretty much sums it up, yeah.

One can't stop eating bacon. The other can't eat bacon.
Both would be unharmed from a direct headshot.

That’s not the constitution in her hand.

Really ? Alinsky stuff here ?

One is a nationalist and only wants to defend whats theirs , the other is a religious fanatic who will murder innocents to impose their dark age death cult beliefs.

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How did they make you start believing nationalism was a bad thing?

One is exercising her right to bear arms and defend herself, family and property, and the other is a murderer that is fighting to continue the oppression of herself and other females.

If you're going to bait try harder, you fucking mongoloid.

The one on the right does it to kill, the one on the left does it for Instagram.

Maybe you don't know this, but the bible is a religious text.

one would blow me up for not believing in their religion, the other would look at me funny

The one on the left is the a gun for sport and self-defense, and the one on the right uses the gun to kill anyone that doesn't believe what she does

either way, the one on the left ISN'T out using her gun to force her religion on others. we've come a long way since the crusades.

the one on the left will protect you
the one on the right wants to kill you

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good vs evil

One would shoot a home invader, one would shoot anyone who doesn't believe in their religion, or who believes in their religion but doesn't believe hard enough, or a gay person, or someone who drew their prophet, or someone who is female and isn't wearing a face cover, or just about anyone they want so long as they can find a contrived reason within their ripoff of the Bible.

The Crusades were a reaction to Muslim aggression and the Arab slave trade you retarded mong.

feels like we need to have another one

One will murder based on reductionist logic, the other will murder based on reductionist logic.

Cool so no difference.

Both are depicted wielding a gun and proudly displaying their religion. The assumption that only one would kill in the name of that religion is entirely in your head.

They're both proudly showing their religion. Why do you assume only one of them would kill for it?

The one on the left is hot, the one on the right is a body bag.

That Facebook meme is like 15 years old, faggot.

I agree completely.

You should look up some statistics on Christian extremist attacks vs Muslim extremist attacks. As I remember the numbers are around 300 dead per year vs.14,000 dead per year.

the arab would fight back against the whiteies to the death, the whitie will spread her legs immediately to be spared

And you are assuming that the woman holding a Bible and a gun is not one of the perpetrators of the 300.

lets be real here though, shes a woman in America, its very unlikely she would be.

Yes. Yes I am. She about 20% as likely to commit murder as the one on the right, as a bit of a generous estimate. This isn't counting honor killings or public executions in the Arab world, or generally most Muslim killings in the ME.

jesus didnt fuck kids so there


A gamble I wouldn't make.

Because let's be real, of the few Christian female extremists, all of them would take a picture like this.

Basically if anyone arms themselves with a religious text as their primary symbol they should be summarily killed. All of them. Wars based on faith practically ruined the world for hundreds of years. We don't need more of them.


That's kind of an extremist opinion user. Everyone who says something like this should be summarily killed

You realise that, statistically, both are about as likely because while women make up a small percentage of Christian extremists they make up a SIGNIFICANTLY smaller percentage of Muslim extremists? Something to do with the way Islam dictates the role of women. Both are unlikely to be much more than a PR attempt, but I still would rather shoot either before they could level their weapon, just to be on the safe side.

You should be summarily killed for suggesting that everyone who says that should be summarily killed.

Oh get real. That's not for self defense or hunting, that's a prop

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There have been and will continue to be many female Muslims who have killed people in the name of their religion, far more than Christians, wherein most of the extremists are also Men.

Everyone should be summarily killed.

one fights for freedom, the other fights for sharia law

We're talking about concepts user.

One is hot the other is not

>There have been and will continue to be
Except there have not. Go look at some statistics my man, nearly all Muslim extremists are men. Most extremists on both sides are men but Muslims even moreso because of their strict adherence to the extremes of Sharia law.

Your dog should be summarily killed

Yes, but considering that Muslims commit at least five times more extremist killings than Christians, Muslim women are more dangerous than Christian women.

No u

one has a book that says god told her to kill everyone who doesn't believe in her god
the other just decided that is a good idea on her own

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No we're talking about the difference between the two chicks
I reckon got it right
Nice trips

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Both muricans and muslims are tards, that ain't new

I agree they commit more overall but you underestimate just how few are by women...

The one on the left has good trigger discipline like she has actually used a firearm before. The other one is ugly as fuck.

I think you mean overestimate
Anyway, show me some hard data to prove me wrong.

Stop falling prey to the kike propaganda machine you morons. This is bait.

Well, one's green, white, and black; the other is red, white, and blue.

Lol you find me one instance of a woman committing terrorism. It's going to be harder than you think. I've tried and the rabbit hole goes deep .

Left one have more exposed tits.

>How did they make you start believing nationalism was a bad thing?

In my case it's the nationalists themselves. Mostly xenophobic bigots too retarded to actually contribute and take responsibility for anything so it's "I'm gud 'cuz muh cuntry iz!"

Another time maybe. I'm going to bed in a few.

Left protecting her home, right trained terrorist

Alright Yea Forumsro, have fun if you do look into it. It's crazy how sexually oppressive Muslims are.

Oh I know. I'm currently writing a paper on why I think they should be genocided

Implying that no right wing terrorist has ever shot up a mosq, gay bar, or abortion clinic entirely for their ideology

Ah okay. You're an idiot.

Ones doing it for defending ideas the other is forcing ideas.

That never works out user. You may convince a group large enough to take action but inevitably the group that is against the concept of killing an entire subset of people will be larger. It's happened before and it will happen again.

Are you sure that's how it works?

Both are doing it to try and assert their idea is the best idea.

For what reason? Read up on Shariah law, the tenants of Islam, the Sirat, The Rekiance of the traveler, Dhimmis, the jizya, the doctrines of taqiyya and kitman, theirphilosophers, scientists, and "intellectuals," and life in Muslim countries. They're barbaric and stupid, and have no place in the modern world.

Islam seeks to destroy or convert anything in its path. It's entirely comparable to a ideological viral infection.

If they are seen for what they are and what they do, they will be hated.

It is exactly how it has worked before.

Your argument incorrectly assumes that Islam is a single religion. It is divided, as Christianity, by sects.

the girl on the left goes to the gun range to shoot the creature on the right shoots defenseless people in crowded places like the terrorist attacks in France at that rock show

It is a single religion, with different sects. They all hold similar values though, much like Christianity.

All Christians believe in God, the sacrifice of Jesus, and in doing good unto others.

All Muslims believe in the infallible words of the prophet Muhammad and Allah, and beating your wife/wives is a-okay.

Because one has extra rounds and a real fucking grenade

Open your gay eyes

That Orlando gay bar shooting was a Muslim tho... he wasn't right wing

Poor people. There.I did it.

No, not all Christians believe in doing good unto others.

No, not all Muslims believe beating their wives is okay.

You are ignorant and narrow minded.


It is the tenants of the respective religions. Not every individual Christian may believe in doing good unto others, but all collective groups will agree that this is part of their religion.

Not every single Muslim believes that child marriage and marital rape are okay, or agree with honor killings, or believe in killing gays, or believe in prison sentences for women not wearing burkhas, but almost all collective groups will agree that these are part of the tenants of Islam. They either need to renounce their backward ideology, or die for it.

I can fap to the left one

One can wear a bikini and the other can get her nose cut off for going out in public without her body covered.

>religion of peace!!!!


Still upset she lost, huh?

No. Not all groups agree on the tenets. You don't get how sects work, do you?

Sects branch off of a main philosophy, and they all keep at least some traits from the original. Otherwise they are no longer "sects" of the original group, and are rather different groups entirely.

You do realize that the term 'nationalist' is hung around the neck of any person against mass illegal immigration, right? And since they are almost always white, they become 'white nationalists' which has been hammered into a term that refers to neo-nazis. It basically catches everyone against globalism in a wide net and allows hate to flow to them for trying to stop the obvious agenda of the 1%. An agenda that will never work and only bring the next great war.


Nothing except your whole life is because of one idealogy vs another. If you live in the modern first western world, you cannot reconcile the muslim idealogy vs secular idealogy. You can try, but good luck. It's like a christian trying to reconcile their christian idealogy vs secular idealogy. A lot of excuses get made til their christian idealogy either takes over or falls over.

the difference is, one is from a country where secular beliefs are ingrained in the people and her religion doesn't enforce the idea that she should kill other people and she is holding a gun because her country is full of insane gun fanatics that think gun violence will actually decrease if you add more guns

on the other hand

you have a girl who is religiously indoctrinated, that is most likely from a theocracy based society, where following her religious text at a fundamental level is ingrained in her culture, where that religious doctrine explicitly encourages spreading the faith through violence and subjugation

those are the two main differences, Americans pay lip service to Christianity while barely even practicing it, that's why you see a whole meme of ''christian conservatives'', when the whole idea is an oxymoron, jesus lived in a commune and believed in giving away all earthly possessions and doing everything for the poor, he might as well have been a peaceful Stalin and he basically advocated for everyone to become a cuckolded pacifistic liberal, which ironically most ''Christians'' in America despise

even John Stewart Mill pointed this out in ''on liberty'' nearly a hundred years ago, the man was a genius

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>the muslim idealogy
Pic related. There is nothing deeper to it.

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Also religion is not a bad thing per se. It becomes a problem when you think that killing others in the name of it is ok. Same goes for nationalism.

Some ignore tenets from the core philosophies. Some rather a lot of them. These are still sects

Imagine being such a faggot that you repost the same image 4 times

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No they aren't. I they ignore all core philosophies, they have no ties to the original.

Left one is free right one is a firework

Yes, they are. So long as they share even a few core beliefs (There is a God, his name is Allah, his prophet was Muhammad) they are a sect of Islam. And the majority of the world's 1.7 billion Muslims belong to sects that do not support Sharia law. You are advocating the wholesale death of people because of tangential association with a smaller group who actually cause problems. You are a reductivist. Reductivism at such a scale is what Hitler did to the Jews of Europe, most of whom were as poor as everyone else, when he claimed all Jews were money-hoarding communists (a hilarious dichotomy highlighting his bias against them).

>The majority
Show me some data. Recent polls show that between 60% and 90% of Muslims in the Wesern world want to enact Shariah law in the country they live in. Almost all Muslim majority countries are under Shariah law. Where are you getting these ideas?

Hitler was great, and he was right. only 271,000 people died in the camps according to Red Cross international, there was almost no impact to the world population of Jewish persons according to the world almanacs from 1931-1947, staying consistently between 15 and 17 million, and most leader f the German socialist revolution of 1918 were Jewish. As were most leaders of the Bolshevik revolution. As was Karl Marx. As are most of the richest men in the world, the largest shareholders of the world's largest corporations, most of Hollywood, most of the senior staff at CNN, MSNBC, and FOX.

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One blows, the other blows up.

Hey HorseDude, I've kinda missed you. I'm the dude who wants to be Hitler, if you remember me.

I remember you. Don't model your aspirations on someone who failed. Don't be a failure ;)

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I'd hardly call an industrial, economic, and military miracle from a destroyed post-war nation a failure. But yeah, I plan and getting all the way to the end.

How you been?

Very hectic over the past few days. I've also been on holiday and stuff and things... so yeah. Not been around as much as I wanted :(

I've also been plagued by malfunctioning software so that's a bummer too.... still :D All my plans are still in motion. I'm still alive, free and kicking! I'm back!! :D :D

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Well good to know I guess. I got married two and a half weeks ago. Sex is weirder than I thought.

Me and my wife have been cleaning up our house mostly. I screwed up and forgot to pay my internet bill this month, got an extra charge for it. Other than that things have been great though.

The world almanac is unreliable and had always had wildly fluctuating numbers. According to it, millions of Jews went missing during peacetime in the 80s, millions. It had never been a reliable source. ALL other sources including German records from the war itself show a massive drop in the world population of Jews between the begging and end of the war, more than any other demographic. So not only are you a reductivist, but also a Holocaust denier?

>(((German))) records
That passed through countless hostile hands before being released to the public.

And yes, I find it hard to believe that six million people died to bug spray and massive crematoriums that fit 15 people, max, and take God knows how long to burn the entire body. I also find stories about Nazi rape dogs, 15,000 person electric chairs, pedal-powered brain bashing machines, mad scientists, and other such Saturday-morning cartoon villain-esque antics, especially when it was purportedly supported by an entire country.

I can argue Holocaust with you if you want, but I think we should stay in the pocket of our current debate.

WHEEE! Congratulations! I wish I could have been there. You could have had me pull the carriage :D teehee. Perhaps some other time?

Yes, sex is very odd, but don't worry. Once you get into your swing, it'll be great ... all that other stuff doesn't sound very good :( But necessary nonetheless. :D

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I said it was weird, never said it wasn't fun.

Fun as you seem, I'd rather not have a horse-man spectacle in front of all my in-laws. I'm sure my Dad would have gotten a kick out of it though.

It's good to know you're alive and well. In a roudabout sense, I think you kind of give me hope that individuality and creativity still exist. Not really in a way I'm up for, but it's there.

>Your offended.

With the amount of inbreeding southern degenerates have i wouldn't be surprised if it was a dick.

Thread dead?

There's no difference.
Two foolish young people indoctrinated into a hateful ideology by their parents, by their community.
Too stupid to think for themselves.

>hostile hands
This is the part leftists can't get around. They somehow do not see the clear and deep hostility jews have toward all whites and it grows deeper by the decade. They have never been more hostile than right now and it's really making them tip their hand. They call out people waking up to their bullshit by saying, 'antisemitism is growing, we don't know why...' The subversion is endless.

It's a hot load of crap, but I do see more and more people waking up. Maybe the revolution will come soon.

ones hot and the other looks like a fat bitch

Nationalism is a bad thing but open borders is just as bad

Very unbiased answer you goon

left holds the rifle for defense, right holds it for offense. defender and invader

I bet the one on the left supports capital punishment for people who have or assist in medical abortions because it isn’t HER religion. So maybe not with a gun, but still forcing.

Loving your country and people, is not a bad thing, at all. You're like half brainwashed, if you think mass illegal immigration is bad, but still compare it to nationalism. They are polar opposites.

If you are going to lump all Christian into do-gooders and all Muslims into bad people, I would guess that, as a Christian I presume, you are okay with all the barbaric actions the Bible tells you to do, right?

I’ll give some example mr all Christians are good for what their religious text says.

You can kill a woman if she seizes a man's private parts without his permission: Deuteronomy 25:11-1: If two men are fighting and the wife of one of them comes to rescue her husband from his assailant, and she reaches out and seizes him by his private parts, you shall cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence, not only to those who are good and equitable but also to those who are perverse." (1 Peter 2:18)

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again."
Exodus 21: 7-8

And when she had presented him the meat, he took hold of her, and said: Come lie with me, my sister. She answered him: Do not so, my brother, do not force me: for no such thing must be done in Israel. Do not thou this folly. [II Kings 13:8-12] But he would not hearken to her prayers, but being stronger overpowered her and lay with her. [II Kings 13:14]

So if someone cherry picked the Bible like you have ( or rather let someone else do because you can’t think for yourself and let Rush Limbaugh do it for you 3 hours a day), one might think christianity is a religion of violence and oppression.

Yes, German records. You're an idiot. If the führer himself came back from the dead and told you to your face that the Holocaust was real and that they had successfully killed around 6 million Jews over the course of the war, you'd find a way to deny it.

One notoriously unreliable book supports your conspiracy theory. Every other survey across the world supports the reality that there were millions fewer Jews worldwide after the war.

No proof is good enough to change your mind, there is no point discussing this with you.

>Lump all Christians into do-gooders
No. CAtholics are mostly giant hypocrites and the Westboro Baptist Church disgusts me, as well as most Evangelicals. However, we all can agree that the general idea of "doing good unto others" is one of the main focuses of our religion.

>You can kill a woman if she seizes a man's private parts without his permission
For sexual assault? Yeah. I think that's capital punishment for men and women.

>Slaves, be subject to your masters with all reverence
Slavery was big business in those days, so God thought to make rules for it in order to make things easier on slaves and their owners. People did it all throughout history for prisoners of war, criminals, and those in debt. Sucks that that's the way that people were, but I don't really know what to tell you. They built a lot of societies.

>When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are.
See above, and don't sell your daughter as a slave.

>And when she had presented him the meat, he took hold of her, and said: Come lie with me, my sister. She answered him: Do not so, my brother, do not force me: for no such thing must be done in Israel. Do not thou this folly. [II Kings 13:8-12] But he would not hearken to her prayers, but being stronger overpowered her and lay with her.
Where does it condone this? This is a historical event that was chronicled in the text, not a rule of any kind.

The main difference though, regardless of how abhorrent you find these texts, is to look at religious majority societies and what laws are in effect today. Spoiler alert: Almost no Christian societies still practice slavery, and almost all Islamic societies DO STILL practice slavery. And honor killings. And killing gays. And so on.

>If The Fuhrer himself told you...
Except that he wouldn't. It is absolutely impossible to get those numbers in the places where Jews were held. No investigations into the camps have proven mass death sites, or gas chambers. The only places where it is even remotely feasible are modified facilities that were in soviet territory post-war for several years with no outside investigations.

>Every other survey across the world supports the reality that there were millions fewer Jews worldwide after the war.
Citation needed faggot.

>No proof is good enough to change your mind, there is no point discussing this with you.
Sure there is. I didn't always think the holocaust was a farce. I put it to YOU that there is no definite proof that I could present to YOU that would change your mind, because you are so brainwashed that you are willing to belive that a supervillian took over a country because he hated everyone who wasn't blonde-haired and blue-eyed (Despite having brown hair and eyes, and disliking Scandinavians) and set out to take over the whole world and kill all Jews, gays, cripples, and blacks. Then he decided they should make soaps and lampshades and torture prisons and waste valuable resources while the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD attacked him directly instead of finding simple and efficient ways to try and kill them because "ooh! he's just sooooooooooooooo EEEEEEEEEVIL!"

So if I'm reading this correctly, you mean to say that what was in the bible were rules (written by "god") for that time periode? So the rules, which according to you were written by god, can change over time? Then would it be logic to say that the muslims aren't there yet?

They are about 610 years (when the Koran was written) behind? The sad part is that they have modern technology, so they can do more harm, but we were as bad, if not worse, 610 years ago.

So pleas stop saying Christians are all following the "Doing good unto others", they say it, not follow it

>610 years
Judaism has existed for many thousands of years. Christianity, the part with the New Testament, started a little over two thousand years ago. And yes, rules change little by little. But two thousand years ago we were thousands and thousands of years ahead of the sandniggers, and you are pseudo-intellectual who doesn't know a thing about theology or the inner workings of society. Try asking your mom about it next time she brings you your tendies.

>They say it, not follow it
Oh, shocking, I had no idea. It is still a CENTRAL IDEA of the faith, and we are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN from raping and murdering other people, unlike the Muzzies, you absolute brickhead.

As an European I can tell you there are mass graves, gass chambers and the lot. Why can't you see all of them anymore? Well, people got angry, blown them up, destroyed a lot of evidence and not just the survivors, also the Nazi's

As for their methode? It wasn't the idea of Hitler himself, one of his subordinates (I want to say Goebels, but I'm not sure) came up with the idea of camps. And before they started the killing they were labour camps, but suddenly there were to many, even crippled Jews/blacks/whatevers so they put them in gas chambers and ovens, which was easier to get rit of all the people who they didn't want in the THIRD REICH

Oh and
> but we were as bad, if not worse
Are you saying that you are also a Christian, because if so you need to have a serious talk with God about why he didn't give you a brain.

Hahaha, and here I thought we had a conversation, but you have to insult me, wow.

So, for my pseudo-intellectual understanding of the muslim believe, the QURAN (yea that's how you spell it) was written in multitude between 610 and 800, so about 600 to 800 years behind the New Testament. See, I did not needed to ask my mom.

Ow and about rape and stuff:
[Quran 5:5] …….. You shall maintain CHASTITY, not committing adultery, nor taking secret lovers. Anyone who rejects faith, all his work will be in vain, and in the Hereafter he will be with the losers.

[Quran 24:30] Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their CHASTITY. This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do.

[Quran 24:31] And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their CHASTITY.

Don't need to talk to god, because if I did, I might look up a good psychiatrist because (in my head) he is not real.

The "gas chambers" have no traces of Prussian blue in them. (If you don't know what that is, stop trying to tell anyone anything about the Holocaust). When investigated by engineering specialists, the "Gas chambers" were deemed almost unusable as gas chambers. Mass graves are almost impossible to find and with no public access or investigation allowed.

>People blew them up
No they didn't. That's not even part of the story you brainlet.

>As for their methods
Big loads of crap. Read some "Holocaust survivor" testimony some time. You ever hear about the Nazi rape dogs? According to some survivors, they trained dogs to rape Jewish women who played the piano wrong. They also held festivals to see which soldiers could throw babies against trees harder. They had vans that the exhaust looped into the back and they loaded them up with Jews and drove in circles. They're seriously stupid fairy tales.

But the "we" was for my heritage, the ancestors, who did a lot in the name of a "God" which now would be forbidden

Exactly. They are extremes both with their own issues which a position taking the better elements of immigration and nationalism could solve. NEITHER ARE GOOD.

It's Qua'ran bud.

>Ow and about rape and stuff:
Nice google search, faggot. Try actually reading the book, then move to the Sirat and the Reliance of the Traveler. I have read all three and have talked to numerous ex-Muslims, and while I can't name off a lot of direct quotes and their numbers, I can tell you that sandniggers are absolute subhumans.

Oh, and those laws apply only in the presence of other Muslims. Fun fact, they don't consider non-Muslims to be "people," and they can do what they wish with us.

Do a quick search about the jizya, taquiyya and kitman, dhimmis, stories about honor killings, child marriage, and goat humping.

I don't need to read the testimonies, I heard them, first hand, saw the graves of people that went missing, Adults who lost there fathers in the war (my uncle).

And if you don't want to believe what you heard about the behaviour of the Nazis, then I don't think you have a clue what happens when people get power and they had a lot of power.
Look up (if you haven't) the "Stanford Prison Experiment". That is prime example what power does to someone, add the hate for Jews (because that had money) and voila, nasty motherfuckers.

Ow and the concentration camps: Though most Nazi concentration and extermination camps were destroyed after the war, some of them were turned into permanent memorials, and museums. In Communist Poland, some camps such as Majdanek, Jaworzno, Potulice and Zgoda were used by the Soviet NKVD to hold German prisoners of war, suspected or confirmed Nazis and Nazi collaborators, anti-Communists and other political prisoners, as well as civilian members of the German-speaking, Silesian and Ukrainian ethnic minorities. Currently, there are memorials to the victims of both Nazi and communist camps at Potulice; they have helped to enable a German-Polish discussion on historical perceptions of World War II.

That ass looks like she's had enough pork already. Or maybe there's some in the family tree. You never know down south.

That is just how shit is.

I will say this, I have to go soon, so I save the names for later (did not, look them up). But, weren't "non-believers" (such as myself) considered "people", I believe that Jews and Christians are revered to as "people of the book"?

>I heard them first hand
If you really had, you would have laughed at these people

And yes, I know of the Stanford Experiment. That doesn't account for a large-scale environment.

As for the camps, your paragraph doesn't prove anything.

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Muslims are all bad people with violent intent.

Christians are not.

That's pretty incoherent. What are you asking?

Left kills niggers and faggots, has 130+ IQ, right kills everyone and everything, has Dory fish IQ

Well you can be sure one is not going to blow up while the other will while approaching. How dumb can you be OP to think the right to bear arms, practice your religion and wave your flag and displaying it and posing for a photo is the same as taking arms and waving the flag of a rogue nation that makes even Saudis look like tolerant nation and engaging in a holy war with infidels?

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Except he would. He openly called for their extermination in public speeches. The final solution is a well documented thing, and yet you disregard all German contemporary evidence. You also cited a single, provably unreliable source for the Jews not dying wholesale and will find excuses to ignore valid and consistent sources otherwise because this is what you people do. You get a dogma in your head that you have secret knowledge about the lies being told to the common man because that makes you feel special. If you presented findings that the Jewish population remained stable that didn't come from a PROVABLY UNRELIABLE SOURCE I would lend you my ear, but your source is KNOWN FOR BEING UNRELIABLE. This is the reason you exclusively claimed
Because you and everyone else knows that the numbers in the '49 were much different. Did something happen to all the Jews in 1948? And again in the late 80s the almanac goes cattywompus, and 4 million Jews vanish by 1990. It is not reliable.

It is not impossible to kill 6 million Jews over the course of a war. Nobody is claiming 6 million died specifically in Auschwitz-birkenau. Einsatzgruppen, gas vans, all documented extermination efforts. All with written orders to kill Jews. Written orders you just disregard because, what, they were collected by the allies after the war?

You're hopeless. You'll find a reason to disbelieve anything. Like I said, if the führer himself said it, you'd deny it. The German sources are all the citation anyone with a luck of sense needs. They had no reason to hide what they did because they believed in it. To you every document that disagrees with the famously unreliable almanac is a forgery. There's no point arguing with denial like that.

Don't know these stories, I never laughed. The stories I were told were horrible and nothing like the ones you told or highlighted, but I think you just don't want to believe such horrible crimes were commited. I hope we will never experience anything like that again, I hope that for you and for everyone

Sorry yeah, I was in a hurry, I meant to say that the "people" were only non-believers and the bible is also not so keen on non-believers (they are even worse to my humble opinion)

One of ems hot, the others joined a group that kills people

Easy one is a loving Christian who has rights the other is a terrorist who their men beat and rape. They also rape little boys and goats.

Quit acting like the holohaux was anywhere near as bad as anyone's making it. It's far more likely most of them died to disease and low supplies. The Red Cross estimated 200,000 dead in total. Soldiers came back right after the war saying they never saw any gas chambers in the camps.

Attached: NYT WW2 6 millions.jpg (990x1278, 361K)

No, I know horrible crimes were committed. Look at the German Socialist Revolution of 1918 and the Bolshevik revolution. Their leaders? Jewish.

>He openly called for their extermination in public speeches
Cite something. I've listened to quite a few and the worst I've hear was something to the tune of "If the Jews think they can wipe the Europeans from Europe and bring about their international government, it will be their bodies that line the street." That's a lot less genocidal and a lot more defensive.

>The final solution is a well documented thing
Documents that went trough the hands of the very people that the Germans fought against before being released to the public. Seems a little biased.

You know what's funny? Look at the rules for the Nuremberg trials. If you were a Nazi and you wanted to prove something false, you had to present it to the judge before trying to bring it before the court. You literally could not defend yourself without asking a hostile judge before doing so.

>will find excuses to ignore valid and consistent sources
What about Red Cross international, whose investigation of the camps found a total of 271,000 deaths, 100,000 of which were Jewish, all of whom died of starvation or typhoid fever because the allies bombed their supply lines.

>You get a dogma in your head that you have secret knowledge
No, I consider it rather public, but most people don't say it openly for fear of being shamed.
>Makes you feel special
No, it makes me want to drink myself to death.

Why is the world almanac so "unreliable?" And what would be a better, UNBIASED source?

>Because you and everyone else knows that the numbers in the '49 were much different. Did something happen to all the Jews in 1948? And again in the late 80s the almanac goes cattywompus, and 4 million Jews vanish by 1990. It is not reliable.

Populations are kinda wonky. Maybe they disappeared, maybe they didn't...Cont.

the christian defends, the muslim attacks.

If six million people died in the span of 14 years though, I'm sure that it would have been reflected.

>It is not impossible to kill 6 million Jews over the course of a war
You're absolutely right, but it is impossible to klll them with the methodologies described. Auschwitz would have had to have burned hundreds of bodies per week to keep up with the alleged numbers, with crematoriums that held roughly 15 people and incinerated them much slower than modern machines, that take several hours to burn one body. Hell, why burn the bodies in the first place? That wastes valuable resources that could have gone TO THE WAR EFFORT.

>Einsatzgruppen, gas vans, all documented extermination efforts
Again, after the reports were handled by hostile nations. Ever hear about the Sonderaktion 1005? Back in 1944 AT THE HEIGHT OF THE WAR those crazy evil Germans had their Sonderkommandos go around GRINDING UP THE BONES OF DEAD JEWS to hide the fact that they were genociding them despite it apparently being PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.

>You'll find a reason to disbelieve anything
If it's a pile of fabricated BS, yes, I will.

>The German sources are all the citation anyone with a luck of sense needs
DOCUMENTS THAT WENT THROUGH ENEMY HANDS YOU MASSIVE IDIOT. Do you really think that they wouldn't alter the documents to push their agenda? SERIOUSLY?

Attached: 1546747701681.jpg (1380x1080, 333K)

They're both fine if they stay in their respective homelands.

you sure about that?

Pretty sure the one on the left also wants to kill me

I can't figure out which is which in your explanation

The smell

I'm fairly certain the one of the left is just showing that she can express her faith freely and that she has a constitutional right to bare arms. The one on the right is part of a terrorist organization. Nice try fruitcake.

One supports the slaughter of gays, the rape of children, and forced marriage. The other supports morals and well being.

One also shows the supports of their constitutional rights and pride. The other shows ready for combat and ready to fuck a goat.



Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.. blue pills.....

The difference is that liberals love the one on the right, and hate the one on the left.

>never fucking a girl with that healthy plump amount of meat on her body
A girl like that is the best user. Soft, supple, you can slam into her from any direction, try to smash her to death with the force of your body and she can take it. Not only that but it feel like you are smashing into the softest comfiest pillow ever.

Much more than that size and it gets disgusting, but girls like that are the go to for high-test men

He didn't imply that you fucking idiot. Stop assuming random shit idiot.

Girl on the left is vapidly whoring for attention and has never known strife and war is just an abstract concept to her.
Girl on the right actually believes in her cause and literally will kill and die for it.

One on the left is a Republican
One on the right is a democrat.

Never forget that Lincoln was a Republican.

Not your western culture
Better to use the example of the us hating Russia in the 60s because of communism
As it isnt somerhing that has been drilled into your head and made your ideology so you dont accept it or see it as the same or a good thing

If she does, you probably deserve it.

>What makes the almanac so unreliable
Their proven track record of wildly fluctuating numbers and inconsistent methods of gathering data.
>What is a good unbiased source?
German documents assessing the world population of Jews which did not make their way into the Nuremberg trials.

Please, please, disregard them some more. Pretend the almanac is useful some more. Pretend the Nuremberg trials are any different than a standard trial in which you must submit evidence before the trial. Pretend Hitler never said "the result of this war will be the complete annihilation of the Jews". Pretend the documents written, signed and corroborated by Germans, are less valid for having been read by a judge. Pretend the red cross ONLY found evidence of 100,000 Jewish deaths by cutting only a few sources and systematically disregarding all others that prove you wrong. Pretend that anyone ever claimed that people died in the camps in the numbers you suggest (which ARE impossible).

One's a lame white bitch, the other is a based soldier of Allah (the one true god)

>Provably unreliable source
I mean the actual almanac itself warns that since data is not available after the 1938 census, all numbers are estimates. In '49 there was a new census, so the sudden plummet in numbers makes sense.

God fucked a few tho...

Attached: Spider.png (230x230, 10K)

the one on the left isnt going to bomb people on mass

The one on the left escaped the kitchen. The one on right has no male escort.

The one on the left isn't a filthy spider.

You have to eat all the eggs

Attached: 1556122407787.jpg (425x425, 166K)

Why the FUCK haven't you joined this server yet?
