Just finished my 1st week as a Coca_cola delivery driver $24.50/hr South LA, ama

just finished my 1st week as a Coca_cola delivery driver $24.50/hr South LA, ama

Attached: Truck-driver-e1511055273975.png (600x376, 98K)

>$24.50 an hour
post salary faggot

about 50 hours a week on average, but since you're still learning math in a liberal indoctrination center i will do it for you

roughly $64,000

What union soda bro?

how much attention you really need to post it here? you just an embarrassment to your family? older brother is probably a dr or lawyer, and you're like "Hey Dad! I drive a truck and can feed myself too!" I'm just as successful. But you know it's just depressing compared to most everyone else besides the homeless you see.

So here we are with the hopes some 14 year olds think you're successful. But ta least you have some free warm soda to wash down the cream de la penis OP.

older brother died from heroine OD, working is better than collecting welfare and stamps while lurking in your divorced moms basement faggot

You forgot that working 5 12s a week

any one lurking in a basement should od in the first place. and sure, in your case even sucking dick is better than being on the dole.

but let's not sugar coat things, cause your fat ass is just going to eat that too. your life and job are shit. it's always be shit, and it's always going to be shit. and you have 30 more years before a stroke bed rids you and some nig is wiping your ass. all you do is worthless and meaning less in every aspect. every day you get older and hear the void calling just a little bit louder.

touche douche

Whole fam sounds like winner. Ol' soda man and heroine corpse. Yeah, you're the best kid of the two! Congrats on that contest Mr. Winner.