Girl here. i’ve reached peek loneliness, and i really need a bf...

girl here. i’ve reached peek loneliness, and i really need a bf. i’ve only been in two long term relationships i have no idea how things work. how do i know if a boy is interested, and how do i go about approaching them?

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don't mind me op just here to sage


I’ll be your boyfriend OP



do you have kik op?

if he always says yes to hanging out

Tits or GTFO
Dont forget to timestamp it too

Pop discord stupid roastie/trap

>how do i know if a boy is interested, and how do i go about approaching them?
weak b8
sage ((remove the extra dot.))

Shitposting Yea Forums autistic server with no rules. Post whatever you want without risk of ban! Freedom of speech for all.





ease your loneliness with this hell hole


>gril here
>please give me attention

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This but feet will be enough for me

You know the rules. Fucking new fags of b goddamn immigrants. togtfo

Find an activity you enjoy doing, search for a community of people that also enjoy it, if they're physically nearby as opposed to online then that's even better, go and join them. Even if the first few groups you interact with has no one that fits what you're looking for you'll find someone. Also unless you're going after someone that you know has a lot of dating experience don't play hard to get, it will just discourage them. Make your feelings clear.

You're a girl, just make a Tinder.


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you forgot tits...

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You know the rules thot


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You show them your feet if they do a sniff or lick then they are interested.

Footfag here I approve

It's not to late Misaki

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if he talks to you a lot an seems to be interested i what you say then he most likely likes you. I say you maybe just start trying to figure out what the other person like sot do. You seem like a great gal, you'll find someone!

God dammit, now I need to listen to that show's OP again. Also tits or GTFO.

Nice poster. where'd you get it?

Man I got it probably 5 years ago from a website that could print it on pillows, bags, and different size posters. Really wish I could remember because quality is decent

If there not too popular then just walk up to them and ask

Rule number 1, dont find that partner in a bar, Only about 1% of the time succeed on doing so. Coz most of the time they are there for a fuck. Go in a healthy community that do social activities, gym, open forums, Organizations that does community service, Groups that does hiking or any physical activities. Most of the time, Most of the people which is a part of this activities thinks about making a family and not a 1 night fuck

I want to hug you op

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