This fucking show

this fucking show

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... for pedos

Finished this show literally last night, anyone got any other recommendations.

I recommend you kill yourself, you faggot-ass nigger.

Keep trying to fit in lmao

Netflix: Anime for Beginners!

HxHfags are just delusional shounenfags who think that they are somehow superior to everyone else for watching some generic copypaste shit.

based. I'm glad more people are watching hxh. I consider it one of the best shows ever made.
cringe but redpilled
cringe. if you don't know other good animes that means you're a normalfag
mean but based

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How about you get a gun to fit in your mouth, and pull the trigger.

shut up disgusting pedo, stop jacking off to cartoon kids

91 days

extreme cringe and highlyunbased

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stop spamming

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YuYu Hakusho

Same creator, similar story and art style for children and does not belong on tv

mediocre. cringe.

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based and Togashipilled

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>copy + paste beauty and the beast
>hahahah lel monk uses a nuke
>lmfao duality of man, so much depth
Jesus christ I hate pretentious shounenfags, the ant arc was some of the worst shit I've ever had the pleasure of watching

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>Anime shows? I fucking love them!

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extremely and utterly cringe, and incrediblyretardedpossiblyautisticpilled

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I'm debating between watching this or HxH

Which is better?

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>only replies in reddit responses
please kill yourself

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I stopped watching years ago when they introduced that arc wherein your opponent could set "rules". Is that short-lived or does that convention stick around? I'd like to go back and finish the series.




You realize there's 0% chance of more anime? I won't spoil anything but the following written material just gives the anime nothing to work with. Such an amazing series completely cut down for no reason.

>tfw you will never have a bro like Grimmer to have picnics with

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fucking unreal honestly, not ashamed to admit i cried, i actually cried at a fighting anime

Are you kidding me?
You have to finish. The ending is the best part

This whole thread is concentrated autism.

nah it will 100% happen in 10 years
still its a complete ending, the next arc is basically a new story

Do you guys know of other shows that have no magical stuff at the beginning and then introduces super powers in a later arc? Dragonball > Dragonball Z would be another example.

I really enjoy seeing the characters grow in power at a slower pace at the start and once I'm invested I'm more interested in them throwing fireballs at eachother.

I'm 81 episodes in, when does it get good?

Depends what you dislike about it, or what kind of stuff you're hoping to see.


the marathon in the hunter exam
so like ep 4

exactly what you asked for

when you watch another anime and completely forget that HxH exists

episode 1

when Meruem dies, right?

monster was so fucking good

>When the character development is too subtle.

Moefags will never get it.

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when he accumulates enough 'humanity' to realize he did nothing to deserve his royal guard's loyalty and regrets indifferently letting them throw their lives away for him - then offers komugi the chance to leave and save herself but she declines


Only true Hunterchads sing along everytime.

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Cringe, shit taste faggot.

How cute
Whisperfags think they can eacape the fate of their series
Hows HiatusxHiatus going so far for you?
Any new arcs yet?

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the people that love HxH must only watch the anime because the manga is a fucking mess right now.

*dubs on huntercucks*
*makes 100 mil world wide*

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abso fucking lutely embarassing compared to this

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based chart topper shonen gods dabbing on whisperfags

Gon's development as a sociopath is legit fantastic.


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Probably Fullmetal. Anything's better than the faggot adventures of Gon and Killua.

Why do people use the "x made way more money than y" as an argument? It's not like you're getting any of it.

Both have their own merits.

Based CHADly.

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>shit taste
>watches faggy ass shounen for pedos and children
k bud

Currently watching the Chimera Ant arc

Yyh is better.

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Also the writing lmao
>I sacrifice my life to become super op for a min!
No, other villains can't do this!
>Gon is dead! Good thing I have a sister that can grant any wish I want with no ill effects towards me

Literally can't make it up it's so dumb lol

This is now a Dragonball thread

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My nigga, yyh is seriously underrated. Kuwabara will always be my favorite.

I like the show but I hate how the author made Gon a total hypocrite just to do a subversive take on a protagonist

Based chads of Yea Forums taking over hunter shitters thread.

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he's 12
also he was right, fuck pitou

I fine man of taste I see.

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I prefer the way the 1999 version was directed.

One of my favorites. Last arc sucked though.

Which one was that again?

It's amazing. Favorite anime of all time. Kinda pisses me off that some people whom I respect prefer MHA over HxH. The former feels so fucking shallow in comparison.

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where they did a rehash of the dark tournament.

Is for beginners

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It's a fun shounen but it's too basic to compete with HxH.

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Is that the one in demon world?


Based, fuck weebs

*unsheathes katana*

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togashi. water we doing m8

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what is this from since the info is so tiny

Hajime No Ippo
Kuwabara was the best.

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Someone very literally made this up

>kuwabara was the only one to go kuramas moms wedding
What an absolute lad

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hxh starts out reeeally good but about 1/2 or 2/3 in it just turns super shit and milks the fuck out of itself with super long filler arcs that literally ruined the anime.

its funny cause the first time i watched it i was amazed how good it was and i had never really heard much about it but after watching it i have to say i know why i never fucking hear about that anime.

HxH shits on My Hero.