Day 4 of my ship wreck managed to get my 5G signal back I've been drifting in the Carribean. I tried to paddle back to Miami last night I could not find north. Can any of you faggots tell me where I am ? How do I find North, Also took the pic of my life raft with my drone before batteries died. I'm worried if I get sucked into the gulf stream I could end up on some island surrounded by Niggers. Help me find North Yea Forums
Day 4 of my ship wreck managed to get my 5G signal back I've been drifting in the Carribean...
>not using phone to get help but rather posting on Yea Forums
wait, is this real?
post proof with timestamp or gtfo?
sick bait bro
You stupid faggot. Wait for sunset. Wherever the sun sets is west. You should be able to find north from there. On your way make sure to catch up on GoT and fap to some trap shit on Yea Forums before your phone dies. Good luck, OP. Remember you can drink your own piss at least once but just don't drink the seawater.
falling for the bait, nice
the sun sets in the east
if you have 5G signal and is lost, you are blind, stupid or both.
Stop trying to get OP killed,
I'm trying to keep OP alive. He hasn't responded in a while....probably because of your faggot ass
or maybe because its bait, nigger newfag
You guys keep saying that and now that I think of it, it's a good idea. If he had some bait, he could use it to fish and catch something to eat! OP! USE BAIT TO CATCH MEALS
at night you can use the north star to navigate north. it should be the brightest star in the sky.
Guys is it safe to drink the Sea Water ?
Also can you post pics of dick girls for me I'm lonely I can't get this stupid fucking GPS thing to work what should I do ?
>not noticing the watermarks
No you will get sick from seawater dumbshit
he can't use them to navigate
Have you eaten your crew mates yet?
have a spoon and eat my ass
drink kidney water instead
pls b real
Nice stock photo dipshit
does your drone naturally put a "stockphotos" watermark over it, too?
No fucking shit Sherlock
Just make sure you ALWAYS follow the sun when its up and you'll be gtg. At night find the brightest object in the sky... and then watch it until the sun comes back. As long as it disappears before the sun breaks the horizon, you're on the right track!
maybe it was a cheap one
trust me
Yes this is fake but obviously the pic wans't taken by him, retard
Nice bait newfag
shit, you really got him
Easy peasy. Let's assume you're straight (I know, a stretch). Get naked and stand up in the raft. In 5 degree increments begin turning, then standing still. Work your way around the entire 360 degrees. Your dick will become erect when it points to the nearest large land mass, as that's where the women are at.
You're welcome.
Yes it does are you retarded ?
What side is the moss growing on? It always grows on the north side