Good day goyim! Your rent is due. Surrender the shekels. Either that or let me touch your girlfriend's butthole.
Good day goyim! Your rent is due. Surrender the shekels. Either that or let me touch your girlfriend's butthole
Joke's on you my hand doesn't have a butthole
how about you keep this racist trash on pol?
Yes, that one over there!
Dear /pol/ niggers. Can you PLEASE just shut the fuck up and get back to /pol/?
I don't give a fuck about the jews and seeing you spam so fucking many threads with your mental illness makes me fucking mad. If there's your beloved fucking race war coming you bet your ass i'm gonna hunt myself some nazis because of your constant shitposting.
Who's the racist?
>Who's the racist?
Based OP, following the Yea Forums directive n°1488
>this thread
Cry moar faggot
Who's the mentally ill?
I'm an ancient fag btard. I just like racist jokes. I actually lived on the third story of a Jewish community center (third story was apartments) they were awesome landlords and let me do whatever the fuck I wanted. Now hand over the shekels Goyim!
I. Said. Hand. Over. The. Shekels. You. Cheap. Goyim. Either that or get your whore down to my office by 530.
i never thought in my life i would see a newfag thats not only a millenial but also a zoomer whos completely unaware of the evil thats beridden this forsaken earth. jesus fuckin christ. is summer over yet.
>jews are bad for asking you to pay your rent
hahaha you incel cuck. Must be so shameful to your patrician white self that master race cant even afford the rent
Kek! Alright Goyim. I am most amused by your antics. You have another week to get the rent and you have to write some jokes for my worthless son to throw into his standup act. And they better be good ones.
Ooh yeah! I'm so hateful and broke. It's not like I'm just trying to have a laugh and actually like Jews quite a bit. No... that'd be crazy. I must be a broke angry Jew hating incel a dick feg
did anyone else read this in a nasally jew voice?
rofl, triggered so hard, must have nailed it