Trump hasn't accomplished shit lol

Trump hasn't accomplished shit lol

Attached: william eyerish.jpg (917x1121, 73K)

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Which I all of a sudden care about because I saw that other people care about it and I don't wanna miss out on being part of something because living my own life and forming my own opinions makes me want to kill myself. Something I constantly feel and hate myself for, so instead of owning it, I just bury it and tell other people to kill themselves on the internet while pretending I have a shred of masculinity to my being.

billied AND eilishpilled.

I knew Yea Forumstards would be into Billie the minute I saw her. She seems like the kind of autistic, low-self esteem "random" weirdo who only Sheldon Cooper would see and think is cool based on the fact that she's completely out of his frame of reference. I fucking hate how predictable your guys' faggotry is.

Yet every day you are on here posting about that Trump...


>you just don't like Maroon 5 because you're jealous of their fame.TIFF

Do you think billie is into anal?

Neither have you

shut up faggot be less gay

damn buried him
you took what he said and flipped that shit around
how will user recover?

yes but she's is a size queen (africans only)

neither did obama,sadly.since he was black,you idiots still loved him

lol he thinks there are teams americans are dumb

baby brains

Do you think Trumps numbers would be even better without the medias witch-hunt? are you basically not a traitor to your country for worsening the presidential period?

Attached: Trumps-Numbers-Q1-2019_1.png (700x1411, 187K)

These transgenders are getting outta control. That's one ugly ass dude

grasping at straws
using heavy words to gain leverage
it's like when you're arguing with a woman and she comments on your tone of voice instead of the points you're trying to make
The whole republican think tank reminds me of how women think actually

Are you kidding me? Trump is the bestest of goyim

leave this place

Attached: 1555448527367.jpg (530x328, 34K)

Look who's talking, you might aswell have pointed out a typo
10/10 discussion, libtard

Attached: Donald duck_7.jpg (678x519, 39K)

He sure got the Jews to love him.
So there's that.

>Complains that women don't address points of argument and defer to other things
>Doesn't address certain points of the argument and defers to other things

How do you know?

I was referring to implications of treason. It's like when dems call republicans treasonous. It's nonsense. Again it's like how women argue. They use heavy language and accuse you of moot things because they think it gives them leverage. The other parts of the post I don't have any problems with.

not liberal
not even slightly left leaning
one track mind monkey brain
Americans are all stupid never forget that

Losers always bitch the loudest and the most.

I'm not american, and you have yet to prove me wrong. I let the numbers speak

And Hillary STILL lost.


you mean,trump supporters

>no wall

>america will pay for it,not mexico

>hillary still isnt in jail

>he's as bad for gun rights as a democrat

>golfs as much as obama did,doesnt get criticized for it

making america great again huh

>Not American.
>Caring about American politics.
So a Eurocuck.

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i dont see why,he's an idiot from a democrat city.democrats hate israel

This makes me happy (and should definitely piss the leftists off.)

have the muslims burned down anymore church's yet? better make sure to blame somebody else because your to scared to say something bad about them

oh wow,a trumptard who's happy.usually you dipshits like to stay angry at obama or hillary because your trump guy didnt turn out as great as you thought he was gonna be.even though everyone else knew he was gonna be a fuckin failure

Losers always whine the loudest and the most.

I dispute that
he's confirmed that a significant number
of 'murkans are imbeciles

Attached: e6247be8.jpg (404x505, 57K)

also,putting a nigger in charge of,these people stay in the projects or rented house's in the ghetto.another example of how retarded trump is and how shit the trump administration is

im not whining though,im just giving out facts.have fun in 2020 when you lose the senate and probably the presidency to because of trump

Hey, everyone, look! This is what a LOSER looks like!

Attached: ClintonNachoPresident.jpg (500x500, 90K)

You post your obvious bullshit and you wonder why so many people are leaving the Democrat party?

Since he got the Jews to love him that means he'll be re-elected, unlike Hillary Shillary Killary, who supports that jew-hating Ilhan Omar, which guarantees that the Dems are going to lose 90 percent of the Jew vote. The Dems have really fucked themselves this time.

Here's your (you) shekel Israeli internet defense enforcer.

Attached: All the Check Marks.jpg (2000x1500, 366K)

Here's a simple truth for all of you idiot "democrat" Leftists: while you're busy running your useless Social Marxist programs, Trump is busy very quietly replacing ALL of the Liberal Federal judges with CONSERVATIVE ones. HOW do you think he was able to get the NINTH CIRCUIT COURT (formerly the most LIBERAL court in the country) to SUPPORT him in DEPORTING ILLEGALS?
YEAH! That's HAPPENING and there isn't a fucking THING you can do about it! On top of THAT, we're going to have a CONSERVATIVE SUPREME COURT FOR AT LEAST THE NEXT THIRTY YEARS! CHEW ON THAT ONE, TOO, LOSERS!
(Pic: MFW)

Attached: MFW (428).jpg (600x505, 37K)

Instead of a rat that should be a pig.

sure kid

Attached: 12026283.jpg (496x563, 159K)

I think it hits the quota just fine goyim.

OP confirmed 12 years old.


I'll just leave this here

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That tranny is hideous.

Attached: 1508257286895.jpg (499x355, 280K)

That's the highest quality version I've ever seen of that pic

Damn, can't fix willful ignorance. Maybe at least try to seem like you know what you're talking about to prevent yourself from looking like such an idiot. I couldn't give a fuck less about trump and politics. I just need to point out how fucking stupid you look.

...not understanding the numbers he is posting have a LOT of negatives in them.
...not understanding that the positive numbers are a continuation of growth from last periods.
...not understanding that the same numbers are covered several times but shown as separate facts to make it look better.
...not understanding that weekly earnings of 2,4 percent are eaten up by the consumer price index, meaning you have LESS money then last year.

I could go on.


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