Denmark muslims got apeshit mode on when some dude was throwing Quran around

Denmark muslims got apeshit mode on when some dude was throwing Quran around.

I wonder what would happen if there would be worldwide throw-quran-day?

Would it be end of the world?

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No, people will just realize you're an asshole who's trying to start shit.

Imagine worldwide throw-quran-day. I bet muslims would go apeshit like they always do. This time it would be worldwide apeshit.

Some picture on the internet dont mean nothing.

Exactly. Being offensive for the sake of being offensive is middle school level humor. OP should grow up some day.

I dont think so. I dont think muslims would take it easy.

They are attackin christians all over the world atm. Hundreds of victims _every_ month. Hundreds of _churches_ every month. Media just dont report these.

I thought this is Yea Forums.

Didn't have a meme of one being thrown into a sewer. So....

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Hey, some people did things

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Throwing a book offensive?


I think western civilization should give some FU attitude towards muslims.

>Grow up
>being offended by throwing a fantasy book

Pick one

Wiping my ass with the pages, and posting a pic of each page after use

In a sane world people would realize that violently attacking someone because they threw a book is insane behavior

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This indeed.

This indeed.

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>Imagine worldwide

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More money on the table:

Throw a quran day would be 4th of july?

I dare you.

>I bet muslims would go apeshit like they always do. This time it would be worldwide apeshit.
I fail to see how this is different from present day

Can this be translated, or is it just gibberish?

The already have "toss a faggot day" so just put the shitty book on a gag and toss 2 for 1

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Send them to integration camps like in Chinkland

I bet there is difference.

Ok but how would things be different. That's that part I don't see.

Well now I know what to do next time I see a halal section in a store.

One book, one city.

I wonder would it happen worldwide?

Wouldn't end the world, but might just kick off the race war we need to purge the planet of nonWhites.®ion=Footer

This is happening all over the europe. People are getting fed up to these muslims and their endless demands.

Seems like this shit needs to happen. Looking forward to kabob removal

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eh, we chinks hate muslims just as much as you do k?

To me it would be enough if white western civilizations could be white in the future.

its the wite race thats being exterminated everday tho lol

As opposed to a backward inbred religious nutjob trying to start some shit... by strapping on a suicide vest, walking into a church, and blowing yourself and 40 other people to pieces.
Yeah, he’s the asshole.

Throw the fucking book, if these morons go apeshit, that’s their problem.

Sounds like a child. 18+ here, bud.
Experience and maturity would bring the insight to know that nuance can require offensive displays. Throwing a book shouldn't be so offensive. Reason is supposed to give us the ability to coexist with those who don't have it, but is reason supposed to be a tool to protect the unreasonable? Absolutely not. Even Voltaire would tell you that is self destructive.

In europe there are millions of people who would like to see muslims fuck off back to their shitholes where they came from.

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That door is already closed I think. The only way to regain our countries is an all out revolution.

>Throwing a book shouldn't be so offensive.

Indeed. Problem with muslims is when they come to western white civilization and think white christians are below them. When they think they have rights to plce some demands.

No they dont. You come over here, you integrate, not the other way around.

SeeAnd I do mean full revolution. If you chinks stay in your lands, you would be ok, but we know that is not going to happen.

And how to start revolution..?

They have a funny way of showing it though.

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Those NTJ boys that did the Easter bombings have an AITJ-lead US chapter. That's my backyard. Shit is going to hit the fan soon. I'm willing to bet China starts whiping out Muslims before anyone else. Don't fuck with their $12bn they get from leasing Sri Lanka their giant ass port. Belt and road ain't got time for jihad. Lol

You right. I'm American, and integration is kind of our main deal with the melting pot. Cohesive society>conflicting parallel societies coexisting

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Uhhh, in reality thats very active and loud minority, but yeah, that really happens.

Usefull fools to multiculture pushers.

We throw the book and let them start the revolution. If they start rioting it might just wake some of the fence sitters and hand wringers up.

>China starts whiping out Muslims before anyone else

That would be great.

They already started: Uyghur camps.

Something like that. People dont realize muslims are attacking christians and churches every month all year around.

Oh yeah i forgot that one.

>In europe there are millions of people who would like to see muslims fuck off back to their shitholes where they came from.


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In reality we dont even need throw-quran-day, we just need to spread word worldwide that 4 of july is planned worldwide throw-quran-day.

Plenty of memes, thats all.

And i wonder if Yea Forums is like it used to be..?

Lets not give up


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