ITT: invaluable stuff that video games has taught you

ITT: invaluable stuff that video games has taught you.

All flamabile or explosive items are kept in red barrels for easy identification.

Attached: 3A6F8A52-825D-4DAF-AD1A-7FF5592F3712.jpg (558x550, 43K)

Bullets can be found on the ground

Getting shot doesn’t really hurt, as long as you find enough protection.

If you can’t find body armor, then you just need to hide somewhere for a few seconds

Break each and every Amphora you happen to come across.

All locks can be opened with a bobby pin and a screwdriver

If you need to run somewhere, carry a knife in your hand. You will be faster.

Plumbers don’t fix leaks, they spend all their time fighting animals and looking for their girlfriend

If you happen to fall down a chasm on the fringe of your favourite go-kart track, you don't need to worry: A tortoise on a cloud will fish you out of it.

The princess is in another castle. In fact, she's in the last castle, so why not just go straight there and save yourself hours?

With the right pants, you can easily carry 15 weapons and 3 types of grenades

Local, state and federal police forces will pardon you for committing any crime so long as you paint and repair your vehicle in a reasonable time.

If you happen to die. You reincarnate.

If you’re extremely sick, just eat an apple and you’ll be fine

Flying a plane or helicopter is super easy. Just get in and your repressed memories will make you remember how to fly it.

you need to gradually decrease your speed over time and compensate for distance based on the total weight of your cargo/vehicle in order to safely come to rest, or else you will crash into your platform and your entire ship will be destroyed and you will lose hours of progress.

this is true if you are a buddhist. I feel bad for the catholics though; if they die during a low-karma playthrough they get sent to a special server with only other low-karma players.

Pets can't die. They just faint.

If you’re at a funeral and want to pay your respects to the dead person, just press F

if you accidentally made it to the top of a tall building, but unsure how to get back down, just jump into the nearest cart with with hay in it

If you accidentally take away the ladder in a public pool, everyone inside will drown

Whenever you’re in the south or North Pole and get lost, find the nearest ice berg and jump on it several times. Eventually, a penguin party will appear and one of them may have a cell phone

Looking over a city- or landscape from a high enough vantage point is equivalent to a detailed search on Google Maps.

If snakes touch anything other than food, they blink out of existence.

The next time you fucking ur girl and her parents come home early, throw a rock in the opposite direction of the front door to easily distract them and make your getaway

the video games has taught me that I can achieve a lot if I put time and effort into things

I used to feel so worthless not really being good at stuff, not doing well in school, not having great job

Only thing I was good was playing games, then I realized I am not that retarded, real life stuff just takes effort

this realization has helped me lose weight and get gf, and it would probably never happen I didnt have the realization

Every person in the world speaks English, albeit with different dialects

If you kill someone, there are only 2 options: getting killed by a member of the Cryodiil watchmen, or paying 63 gold coins

actually everyone in this universe speak english. Even aliens and monsters.

Wtf bro. Take that Dr Phil shit elsewhere

All security forces a telepathically linked to each other.

The enemy will never see us in our ghillie suits

The most effective way to operate a weapon is to shoot 5 bullets, throw the remaining 25 bullets on the floor and insert a fresh magazine.

Infantryman are required to pay air strikes out of their own pocket.

With the right schematics you can purchase guns and ammo from any vending machine, anything from flamethrowers to fucking particle accelerators.

Every military rank is tied to a certain body count.

Opposing forces can only engage each other if they field near equal numbers.

Mario is a class traitor.

Whenever you check your map to see where you’re going, everything around you stops in time.

If you break your leg, then just stick yourself with some morphine and you’ll ba able to walk normally.

if you need ressources you always find them as long as you dig deep enough, never dig straight down tho

The military community considers engaging an enemy close to their mustering grounds as unsportmanlike conduct.

Even if told to GET OUT OF HERE, there really isn't much consequence to hanging around.
In fact to hell with that guy.

A tree can be easily cut down with 15 punches

If you say “sv_cheats 1” 3 times in the mirror, you can eventually walk through walls.

If you're afraid of heights, just carry a waterbucket with you at all times. Spill it beneath your feet right before landing and the water will absorb all the impact force. Trust me.

Hedgehogs are surprisingly fast

jews like emeralds,
nigs cant swim,

i learnt what a renascence cascade is

Women ruin everything.

holy crap that guy has a nice 80's battle station

you dont need to load magazines manuall, all bullets found on the gound become magazined immediatly

This except sometimes a lock requires a key to open for some reason that means it cannot be picked.

Niggers cannot be trusted because they steal the white women and throw barrels at you and that they belong in chains. lol

Attached: ChainedKong.png (500x500, 5K)

t. weak betas who can't force the lock

"Order is a sheppard calling the lambs to slaughter."

Virginity till death is possible.

No one can see you while you're standing in shadow. It is incredibly easy to sneak up on someone and put a bag over their head.