No one in this thread will roll dubs. Prove me wrong

No one in this thread will roll dubs. Prove me wrong

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You are correct

ok rolling. inb4 trips

I don't need to roll anything to prove you're a nigger you double nigger

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Why even try.

If dubs op is a jew

Check em foool


We have a winner

proved you wrong

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Shut him down

Not trips, nice dubs though

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Bet you faggots can't roll trips

Thought so


Watch me

Goddamn dub niggers



Mad jew?

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>moves the goalpost after being proven wrong.
Yup, definitely a Jew.

Bet you can't roll quads

Let me try


Bet i do it first

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Only a true non-faggot will get those holy trips

Guess you a faggot