
>wanting gibs from the government

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Other urls found in this thread:


>being proud of being a wage slave and happy his gov't gives hand outs to corporations.

Did you know EA paid no taxes last year?

Surprise! No one fucking cares.

They provide jobs, they shouldn't pay taxes. lrn2ecnomics

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Fuck you for participating.

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That meme is one of the worst baits I have ever seen.

...so then who should pay taxes?

looks Photoshoped...timestamp

then you must not have been here very long

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Those who use the services, so middle class and poor.

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some of us do. a lot of us do. if you work 5 days a week, regardless of your job, you should afford to be able to enjoy the other 2.

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>living wage
Commie speak for

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So...poor people should pay taxes but not massive companies solely based on the jobs they provide? So what happens when, say, a car manufacturing plant decides to close shop and not open a new facility despite making the same if not more money than before, do you just lose out on all that tax revenue because according to you we shouldn’t tax companies?

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why not? if you work 40 hours a week at least, I don't understand why money has to be tight if you eat anything other than rice and beans and live anywhere other than a cardboard box in an alley.

fast food burger joints are a high demand service. the companies make billions from the industry. I fail to see why paying a livable wage to those involved with the business is such a bad thing. If you cant run a company without slave labor, maybe your company should not exist.

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>So...poor people should pay taxes but not massive companies solely based on the jobs they provide?
They provide jobs, why would you punish a positive economic activity? You want poor people to have jobs? Stop punishing job creation.

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>if you work 40 hours a week at least, I don't understand why money has to be tight if you eat anything other than rice and beans and live anywhere other than a cardboard box in an alley.
1. Poor people need to be incentivized to better themselves and be more productive.
2. Don't punish success by taking from the rich and giving to the parasites.

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So you don't want to "punish" those people in the government?

If a nation's tax demands aren't competitive, the corps will re-locate (will be addressed soon and without grandfathering.)

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>positive economic activety
positive for who? if a company contributes to the GDP and not the GNP, it hurts us more than it helps us.

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>Poor people need to be incentivized to better themselves and be more productive.
>punish them with lower wages the more productive they become

I know you are on maximum troll mode, but at least try to stay consistent. trolling only works if you provoke an emotional response from the target.

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This is so economically illiterate it hurts... Seriously, just learn some real economics.

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I know logic looks like trolling to you leftists... it's just sad, you're beyond reason.

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its the basics of modern economic theory, user. im sure Ben Shapiro told you otherwise but im going to let you in on a little secrete; Ben Shapiro is in idiot who makes money from books sales off idiots.

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...poor people can’t pay that much into tax revenue if they’re...you know...poor. These companies want to operate in the US, but not pay fairly based on the labor provided, or pay their fair share in taxes. The US consistently ranks lower than any other developed world in so many areas it’s insane to think companies who profit billions off Americans won’t pay livable wages or taxes. And this is why the US is a failing oligarchy. We tax the fuck out of the middle and lower classes to foot the bill because our politicians love blowing CEOs for money.

Yes yes... I'm sure you want to take all the rich people's money and give it to the poor people who are totally not at all parasites. I'm sure that'll work out great this time.

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You are literally talking to someone who does tho. JFC you're braindead. Stop it or people will abandon your position out of embarrassment by association.

Why should I pay someone a "living wage" (such a buzzword), which we'll define as say... 40k a year, for something that a highschool kid could do? And usually do.

Lets be real here, if you're over the age of 22 and still hitting "Meal combo #1" on an electronic screen, you're failing at life. You're failing to push yourself, to better yourself, to become something of unique value. And you shouldn't and don't get rewarded for that.

Funniest part is, almost all of those people who say they don't make enough to "live" have never missed a meal, have a Iphone or Samsung (800$ smartphones), fresh shoes, and go out when want.

>...poor people can’t pay that much into tax revenue if they’re...you know...poor.
Why should anyone who doesn't use those services pay for them? Why should I pay for Tyrone's welfare?

>These companies want to operate in the US, but not pay fairly based on the labor provided, or pay their fair share in taxes
Are you aware of offshoring? Tax them or force them to pay taxes, they'll move overseas.

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you cant go with "libtard" level comments anymore. its become like "cuck" and "sure kid" stuff. don't you even check the stormfag general threads on /pol/ anymore? all of it immediately identifies you as a shill, so it wont provoke anyone anymore.

right now, the theme is blackflag. you have to act like a bipartisan and ask leading questions, then samefag as both a stormfag and a butthurt liberal. a bit complicated, I know, but a lot of the copypasta templates are on /pol/.

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What are you on about, mate? No one cares. Arguing with bots. 99% porn and sex. 1% other. You are the 1%.

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I was going to go point for point with you, but I know you aren't going to bother reading it. so I will be brief and ask you this: have you ever looked at jobs figures for the US? these "high value" jobs don't exist in enough numbers to satisfy a "start working at a McJob then move up" economy that you seem to think is normal.

Natural selection then. The smart and hardworking will live better than the dumb and lazy. As it should be.

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Don't be made by shitty parents.

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Let the few who care find each other. I don't personally mind that most of Yea Forums is porn. I love that it lets me talk with no consequences.

Some people really are fit to be nothing more than sub-minumum-wage bullet-sponges, are they?

What a well-trained little bitch.

>pay fairly based on the labor provided

Determine fair, Because if you go with the market defined version of fair it's where employers set an amount they can afford and workers are willing to accept said amount. Or refuse the work until the company ups the wage. Time, skill, and willingness determine the "fair" rate.

To simple fact is that America has the highest paid skilled laborers. SKILLED is the keyword, you cannot offer a skill of punching an electronic screen with your index finger and call that a unique skill.

the majority of the "good" jobs are earmarked for the wealthy first, then given out in a lottery system for the rest of us. most of us would actually be OK with a system that creates a huge wage gap between menial and non-menial jobs if everyone had the same opportunity to move up the ladder.

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>the majority of the "good" jobs are earmarked for the wealthy first, then given out in a lottery system for the rest of us.
The fuck world do you live in? Lottery?

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>daily reminder

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I never said poor people SHOULDN’T pay taxes, I just think the notion that large companies NOT paying taxes is a bit rediculous considering when plants do actually shutdown if we were going on your suggestion we lose hundreds to nearly 1600, in same cases, tax-paying citizens. If we keep losing tax payers and no companies are paying into it then what’s left? Also, it’s easier to offshore in some instances because those markets never developed the same as the US but adopted the same pay-policy. I’m not even suggesting that we tax the fuck out of them, but only that they put in what they take out in some degree. I would rather they get tax incentives for expaning US operations which then increases jobs, and by that extension tax revenue.

Trump really appreciates
that you are working that hard for him without complaining

>the people who benefit the most from the system shouldn't have to pay for it

That is so ass backwards you have to be blind to not see that somthing is wrong when huge corporations are paying less taxes then an individual citizen.what are they, the new religions?

>well they created jobs

Not really the market creates those jobs and even if you dont agree you cant deny that most of the decent paying jobs that you could actually retire on have gone overseas and automation is making things worse.

Capitalism is great but what we have right now is a perversion of those ideals just look at wall street they do nothing beneficial but are so rich they can buy all the politicians.

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For fucks sakes.... here.
Start reading.

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I'll read it, I'm not the user you've been talking to. That was my first post.

I come from the bottom, lived pay check to pay check working class family all around. You know the 1 vacation a year to the shore type of family. And through a smart work plan, determination and grit I graduated from college with no debt and have had my best year yet. If I can do it, considering my personality and who I am why can't other people?

At the end of the day what's the excuse? Why are you not the best version of yourself and what can you do to get there are question people need to ask themselves, frequently.

Go read "The 40% Rule" by David Groggins and you'll understand how nothing is truly impossible.

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That's not true. Jobs are as much about who you know than what you know. Your error is in that people coming from wealthier families already have a network and friends in these industries. Poor people often don't and need a "break" to get started with networking. Once they have their first professional job it's all upward momentum if they are valuable workers and friends with the right people

This guy gets it! You look out for #1, work hard, and don't give anything to parasites and you'll get head in life.

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>hard work don't real
>a good resume don't real
>it's rich people keeping me down!

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>the majority of the "good" jobs are earmarked for the wealthy first, then given out in a lottery system for the rest of us.

What's a good job? A white collar job where networking and knowing how to leverage shit in order to gain? Is it really a surprise it goes to people who are more connected?

And what about trade jobs? They are blue collar and tend to make more than most college graduates, doesn't that qualify as a "good job"? But the problem is kids these days don't wanna get their hands dirty. They all wanna sit in the air conditioning offering no concrete value to society.

What about not applying for a job but making a job? Be an entrepreneur. Find a need and fill it, expand from there. Be the man, don't work for the man. See, that's not common because that requires hard work and thinking. Not some cookie cutter generic route which is what 60% of people want.

Read this in Penn’s voice.

Yea fuck you and communism you didn't even read what I wrote

>I'll read it
if you are truly attempting to have a discussion with me, may I ask why at no point in your response did you respond to the simple question I posed? no offense, user, but if you are going to ignore a post that tried to ask a direct question and instead just lay down some copypasta about how you started from the bottom and worked your way up then shill some book, im not interested.

Why read something that fits your narrative when I can just look around the bulk of the midwest and the entire state of West Virginia to see how yes free-market capitalism works on paper, but truly hasn’t worked in many decades if at all. Am I suggesting socialism? Not entirely. We need a balance of the two to sustain population growths but be able to produce enough tax revenues to support itself. Not taxing corporations is idiocy, and the argument that higher taxes equals offshoring just doesn’t make sense either condidering plenty of companies have jumped ship after receiving massive incentives and returns. Didn’t a plant in Ohio shutdown after recieving billions in federal contracts? So I mean it’s whatever at this point.

There are countries with far better living than the US does, and they're smaller countries. By scale, America, in all of it's bragging about being the best, should be able to do that better. Instead the US leadership has crumbled into a greed ridden system.

It's not about whining or working, it's about what is fundamentally wrong with this country in the 2000's. We shouldn't have to pay for a lot of necessities that we do in this day and age. Even my 93 year old grandmother will tell you how shit this country has become, and she lived on the streets with her parents, literally in cardboard boxes, when she was a kid. To go from that, to working your ass off to be where she got, and to see her grandchildren, and even some of her great grandchildren STILL not being able to afford pretty much every necessity, to be able to make a livable wage, blows her fucking mind. With each generation it is supposed to get easier. But it hasn't. It has staggered, and the poor is still poor, it's image just changes in the time that it's in.

Half of West Virginia is dying out. Natural selection I suppose.

>the bulk of the midwest and the entire state of West Virginia to see how yes free-market capitalism works on paper, but truly hasn’t worked in many decades if at al
>thinking the US has true free market capitalism

>Am I suggesting socialism? Not entirely. We need a balance of the two
We need to have the means of production both owned privately and publicly at the same time? Wewlad... that's some quantum mechanics tier thinking.

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Yes comrade! Kill the rich! It is all their fault!

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The “rich” and the “poor” need each other. Everyone mostly wants the same things. Food, clothing, shelter, medical care, then the nicer equivalents to fulfill the dopamine depletion.

I couldn't exactly answer your question because as I admitted I haven't read that report that you're referring to. But what do you mean when you say "high value jobs", because as I see it - any job can be high value depending on the person working it and how they leverage the position, their wages, and the connections they make from it. I never said it would be easy to go from bottom to a comfortable position (which again is subjective), if it were easy everyone would be doing it. But working hard to get there and being smart about how you work will give you an advantage over all the other people who had a job spoon fed to them. Trust fund kids and rich kids don't have work ethic. The bottom do. So it's all about getting your foot in the door and then the rest will open up to you.

I'm offended you called my life story a copypasta as it wasn't real or of value. And the book is what helped me change my perception of what can be accomplished.

The author had a 2nd grade reading level in highschool, was abused really hard growing up and was poor as fuck. Decided he wanted to make something of your life and achieved a 10th grade reading level in 6 months. Then he went onto becoming the first special forces operator to serve in the Seals, Air force JTAC, and Army Rangers. And is now a successful author. If he can do that, whats your excuse?

>free-market capitalism works on paper, but truly hasn’t worked in many decades if at all.
>what is structured unemployment
>what is offshoring
>what are market adjustments

Thanks for adding words I never even said or thought. I’m refering to social programs like medical, infrastructure, schooling ect. And this is why even having a discussion about this with people like you is so meaningless. The moment social programs are brought up it’s like y’all suddenly turn in to Ayn Rand. The current system is fucked, and it’s only going to get worse if we do nothing, or roll back in favor of massive companies. The US has never tried actually fixing the issues, only slapping a bandaid the different parties think are appropriate.

Get rid of Wall Street.

Offshoring happens regardless. Never in the last 20 years has a company offshored because their taxes were raised. Major companies have consistently recieved major tax breaks, incentives, and returns every year for some time. Companies offshore for one thing only, labor costs.

Do you know how subsidies work? or tax incentives? Go read a simple economics book.

You sound like AOC referring to Amazons campus in NY

I do know how they work, the problem is do you? Most companies are not legally obligated to follow the agreement. Ever notice how Wal-Mart will go up in some shithole town, stay for about 10 years, and then ditch? They’d gotten their 10 year part of the bargain but didn’t stick around.

So they get deals on the land, utilities, and taxes for saying “sure, we’ll keep providing jobs” but then roll out as soon as the deal is over. Who then foots the bill for the subsidies? Federal grants only go so far but then what? And then to top it off you just lost more tax revenue because all those employees are suddenly not working and then need social benefits which is depleting the state’s reserves. It’s this terrible cycle where large companies get to take advantage of poor people. Now Amazon’s deal should have gone through. Why AOC and the people of Brooklyn decided to not have Amazon is beyond me because they don’t follow the Target/Wal-Mart method of skipping town.

hey guys, never been to this chat room before. is anyone else a bot?

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First of all, Walmart doesn't want to build a store and invest in an area for just 10 years. They want to stay as long as economically possible. That's called return on investment. If they shut down, considering Walmart has the lowest price and most effective logistic supply chain then that means that area is fucked. It doesn't make sense to stay open, and that's what free markets are. To suggest we hold them at gunpoint to make them stay is communistic. The community will either adjust or the community will move to a thriving community. Which benefits everyone in the long run.

I shouldn't have said subsidies, they get tax incentives. Which differ. Walmart and Target get tax incentives. You can't lose what you never had, just like the deal with Amazon. As long as the incentive or reprieve from taxes are less than the income gained from having that company there they should be offered and taken advantage of.