Ask a Psychologist anything

Ask a Psychologist anything

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Can the cops show at my door if I don't show up at a mental health clinic?

I was wrongfully diagnosed with schizophrenia by a stupid nigger in my teen years when school shootings were popular. What can I do to overrule this decision and sue for defamation of character and having a good kid with a little edge commited.

Have you ever had a patient with antisocial personality disorder?

Are you a Jungian?
If can you please tell me step by step on how to become awake?

Why are psycholgoists all women and fags?

Is anatomy really destiny, like Freud said?

Is the function of psychology to bring people together?

To console people for their enslavement into human society?

What do you do all day?

What the fuck do you actually do?

What do you think of psychiatrists? can you actually prescribe any medications? why psychology vs psychiatry?

Yeah, same, I was just about to ask. Is Jung relevant in psychology today? He certainly has some interesting ideas and this whole shadow integration spiel has actually helped me in life, but I'm curious about what's current in psychology.

I sabotage conversations with single women by not talking right, what gives? Intimacy issues? What do?

Whatever diagnosis you may be given wrongfully, you can do whatever you want
I usually don't rely much on personality disorders. I focus on other problems of individual
Not a Jungian. Depends on what you mean by "awake". Look into self and you'll be on the way
True that, seen a lot of women and a couple of fags in this profession. Freud's work is a bit outdated, with no proofs for very most of his statements.
May be, in some instances.
Reality is as it is, up to you is whether you make something out of life. " Memento mori".
I work with individuals or couples currently, as a therapist/councellor. I fix what can be fixed
I can't. Psychiatrists are in the first place, doctors, who specialised in psychiatry. Drug therapy is helpful in a combo with councelling, but a lot of people(imo) don't need drug therapy - depression, anxiety, ocd cases for example.
Up to some degree, he is. Depending of course on what approach does a therapist practice. You'd be surprised how approaches to therapy can differ among therapists.
How do you sabotage those conversations? Explain it to me please, if you can.

I’m not as half dumb or silly as I make myself out to be although I can see how if one wanted to be so nit picky that they could maybe think so. I botch sentences most noticeably around someone I could like. I can have an “easy breezy” conervastion with a fella man or my brother but have noticeable errors within say a dating atmosphere.
Am I dumbing myself down subconsciously? Am I establishing how if two are suppose to work together then patience could be part of the storyline? Lol am I looking to much into it?

how do i deal with my paranoid psychosis?

I grew up in a household where Men would usually Drink, drugs and fighting. as a result I find myself having a very hard time dealing with men... I've seen my brother get beat to a bloody pulp by my Dad in the kitchen once. So now when I am around other Males who have qualities like stealing or causing trouble my initial reaction seems to be to get into a scrap with them and give it to em real good. Is this some sort of self defense mechanism? My Doctor is talking about getting me into CBT.

How do i piss my psychologist off?

>You'd be surprised how approaches to therapy can differ among therapists.
I probably don't have the same thing in mind as you, but accounts of variable quality and difficulty in finding a "good" therapist have stopped me from seeking therapy, so I'm not exactly surprised. Instead I read books and sometimes talk to my friends, when my balls are feeling extra large.

When are you most statistically successful, CBT? when should a physician be sending patients to you?

do you think that depression is actually curable?

depends, with CBT and SSRIs, if there is a chemical component...maybe
Ive seen it go into remission many times

Yes, you're looking too much into it :)
Remember, it is in human's nature (normal) to get speech errors. I'd confront that thought with myself as if it was a dialogue between you and the "anxious" part of you
I'd talk with you to pinpoint your thinking/behaviour patterns. Confront your thoughts, what is the purpose of this thinking?
•She's going to leave me for that guy, he's kind to her
-He's a waiter, he's kind to everyone. Look, he's the same to others too
•Okay but, she has recently shown disinterest in me
-You can't be siamese twins, humans sometimes need space, what is disinterest? You sure that's it?

Great you're thinking, but think logically, be your therapist. Medication would help also here
However you want
I encourage self-help always when I can with my patients. If you don't find a good therapist, help yourself in your own ways :) Getting better is ahead of everything, by any means
You had a trauma, and you learned to be alert, so yes, a self-defense mechanism. I'd also recommend CBT
I always try to do the best I can, so my "success" it depends on the patient. CBT's not my branch
Illness has a cure. When you lose yourself in it, you're farther from cure. Medication+lifestyle+your own changes should be it

ok, what is your branch?..

sorry, just a spectacle surgical resident here.....

Mostly humanistic, with elements from Stoicism philosophy