>see this walking towards you
>what do?
See this walking towards you
didnt they shoot one of these when a kid fell into the enclosure?
Throw the nearest whore at him
turns 360
run away
Whatever is necessary to avoid rape
Whatever is necessary to become rape victim
nigguh how are you gonna run away if you turn a full circle.
Undress and get an all four waiting for him to fuck my hole.
Pull it off and make the manlet chase me around.
He's 100 pounds, soaking wet...
Holy fuck, is this your first day on Yea Forums?
you gotta be kidding me right now dude.
Laught. That cock is Circus only and cant go balls deep in 90% of cases.
Show him a job application form for a porn company. He has potential.
lol is it yours?
That makes it hot
Get him some steroids, tattoos, a better prosthetic and he could go places.
>stop that mother fucker in his tracks
>get down and start sucking
>worship black cock superiority
Oh now you're gonna tell me you were being ironic
That'll show those damn Nazis!
Just watch. He wouldn't want me anyway.
Make sure my bicycle is locked up
Distract him with a white, blond haired, blue eyed woman and make a run for it.
Trips of truth....
Holy fuck you are stupid
spread wide
It’s like a fucking banana taped to a plank of wood.
It's a latex application.
You're walking towards him again...