>7,5/10 face
>body of a Greek god
>doing my masters (STEM)
>no gf but plenty of attention from thots
What about you losers?
>7,5/10 face
>body of a Greek god
>doing my masters (STEM)
>no gf but plenty of attention from thots
What about you losers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>shitty job
>college drop out
>body like the Buddha
>can't keep sluts off my cock
I don't know what your problem is
being a nazi doesnt help me with girls so
>8/10 face
>body however is in slow decline
>burgeoning alcoholism
>about to graduate with a degree that I’ll have no idea how to use
>2 girls I occasionally fuck but no love in my life
Sounds like you’ve got it made Chad.
>8/10 face when skin routine maintained. 6/10 at the moment
>thin and not fit at all
>completed bachelors (STEM) last semester
>no gf, too depressed for female companionship
i need money yo I'm broke
>be me
>be 5'6"
>have family
>freezer full of acid and pot
>AR15 and 1000 rounds
I've got a fat cock, that's what I've going for me
>solid 7
At least you can use the WiFi at the local McDonald’s to jack off
>9/10 face 6’3”
>Working as a local comedian
>Getting bachelors in liberal arts planning to get MFA
>no gf because I’m scared of intimacy
Most people who bitch about majoring in the arts and not having jobs are just idiots who don’t understand the field. It’s all networking, nepotism, and working way more than is required for your degree.
I’m confident in my future.
Will i be happy? Probably not
>5/10 face 3/10 body
>unemployed and near broke
>gf about to dump me cause i can't stick a longer than 3 months
>got Endgame spoiled for me, which is good cause i couldn't afford to watch it anyway
STEM, no gf
yes, checks out. Get used to it
>scared of intimacy
I see suicide in your future
how r u on 9gag w/o a home?
>8/10 face
>Look slim with shirt on, belly and titties with shirt off
>Work in warehouse, no uni plans because I don't know what to do with my life
>8/10 gf, can't stop cheating on her with anything 7/10 and above
Reel them in with face and personality, at the end of the night the titties don't matter
whats your skin care routine looking like
Haha fingers crossed, buddy
Here’s my ultimate goal:
>be 27
>extremely successful
>already recognized for my craft
>loved my millions
>reach the place all artists dream about
>realize im still empty inside
>join kurt Cobain
>jimi hindrix
>Amy Winehouse
>one day i blow my brains out with a shotgun
>be remembered for all time as a legend
>become immortal
See you later, mortal fags
Well, I sincerely hope not friend.
Let raise you an alternate reality
>you continue your craft
>you’re talented but nothing special
>late 20’s role around
>you’re starting to question if this comedy thing is going anywhere as you sit outside one of your regular stand up spots
>qt3.14 steps out and notices you
>”Hey user, I really liked your set. Want to get a drink”
>fast forward 10 years
>wake up and get ready for work
>wife greets you with a kiss as you get out of shower
You guessed it, it’s that same qt3.14
>the patter of small feet run up to you on your way out of the door
>your children give you a large hug and tell you they love you
>you smile as you walk out the door and into your car, thinking about how your life has changed drastically
>head to your 9-5 job with vacation time, 401k and the works
>get clipped on the highway by a semi, spiraling off into traffic where you die shortly after.
Pic of gtfo
> 4ft10
>how girls gonna like me if they too tall too see me
8 face, Division 1 basketball player
Earned PhD
Retired tech C level exec, adjunct professor, former university trustee.
Retired in Blue Ridge mountains.
I like this user!
Oh i like that ending more
Super tragic now having a widow and children who will be orphans once their mom commits sudoku from being alone
>7 or 8/10 face
>calves of a greek god, some pudge elsewhere
>half-joke about marrying my gf
I don't know man, you tell me.
>7.5 face
>Twink/ femboy
>Almost finished uni
>No relationship because I can't handle people, but I get plenty more of attention mostly from guys but some girls too
>6.5-7/10 face
>strong and very slightly dad bodded
>about to get my Bsc
>hot gf and attention from a few thirsty (sadly, not always particularly pretty) thots
Despite my crippling depression I think I'm doing OK
pics w/ timestamp, you fat faggot bitch.
>Swimmer/Water polo player
>Studying STEM
>Have no urge to be in a relationship
>four wives
>ugliest is 7/10
>each only cost me hundred dollars
>they cook
>they clean
>fuck them all
>comfy job
>250K yearly
get on my level niggerfaggot