What the fuck bite Yea Forums?

What the fuck bite Yea Forums?
Woke up 20 mins ago with my hand itching and i see thease bite marks. I get the fuck up, get my phone's flash and start searching the whole bet of bedbugs.
Lift up the bed, turn it upside down, searching...but NOTHING.
absolutely NOTHING.
Please Yea Forums, help

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Ants you dipshit clean your fucking room

Mosquito or ants but probs mosquito. Bed bug bites don't look like that.

Recently moved to sweden to study here.
WTF, are the mosquito's on steroids here?

You sure they are mosquito's ? how could I detect them and get rid of them ?

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Mosquito with aids

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Idk but those look like mosquito bites. Try buying a bug zapper

Fucking hate this place, everything closes early af and nothing is non-stop. Now where dafuq should I go to get a mosquite spray? NO, I fucking have to wait till morning.

How many times can a mosquite bite you?

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>WTF, are the mosquito's on steroids here?

Mosquitoes inject a numbing agent at the site of the bite. You've probably built up an immunity to the mosquitoes at home, but these boys are new to your immune system.

You can get a citronella candle too. Really just make sure you're not letting them in the house via a window or door. I live in Texas and survive mosquito season every year. It's not that bad. I wish I could live in Sweden for a while though. I think you should relax, nigger.

These people are all retarded and those are for sure from bedbugs. Burn everything you own and don't look back.

These are mosquito bites you fucking moron. Don't be such an attention whore for fuck's sake.

You don't need spray my little princess. If the bites itch too much you can try pissing on them and then licking it off..

Benadryl or an antihistamine is the right thing to take. but anything that can seal out the ambient air from your bite will help. Vaseline or any thick gel, honey, I've used mayonnaise. Another home remedy is ice. For the same reason they tell you put ice on injuries is the same reason to put ice on bug bites - it reduces inflammation.

Neh man, belive me, you wont like Sweden.
Sweden is the perfect place if you want to RETIRE.
Honestly, if you are young, this place is boring af, everything closes early, people are cold and introverted af.
I love the feeling when its night outside(specially on weekends) and you see everybody outside, going somewhere, doing something, partying..gives me the vibe of the place but no, in Sweden you wont see that or even if you do, at around 1-2 am everybody goes home

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Raw beer or a small amount of yeast and water in a beer bottle.

Produces CO2 which attracts skeeters. Bottle neck keep them in until they land and drown.

Gonna go back and try to sleep, got a second blanket and gonna sleep full body under the blankets.
Thank you Yea Forums

Gonna reply back in a few hours to tell you how pissed I am.
take care

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Those look like run of the mill hives my dude. Allergic reaction to new laundry detergent etc. I don't see a bite mark

Go to a doctor

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mosquitos, you're just allergic so your welps are very big

Fire ants