Attached: reijod.jpg (635x490, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where you from OP?

Hard, need a hole.

518 here

What town?

Glens falls hbu?

315 wins?

Glens falls

Lake Placid here. Anyone this far north?

Any 315?

Albany here

You know any glens falls sluts? Or Russell sage sluts?


This thread is wack


Attached: 1472283635849.jpg (242x750, 112K)

Attached: 1555982003291.jpg (400x640, 38K)

Any of you Glens Falls guys know her?

Attached: 2623903.jpg (540x960, 55K)

Any 716>

Attached: 1414047297738.png (1000x748, 1.12M)

Right here, you know Monica h@rrington?

Yeah, got any pics/stories for either of them?

Attached: raw-5.jpg (490x1200, 64K)

You got Kik?

i'm from 716,,, have no pix tho


Attached: 6741.jpg (698x1118, 144K)

Nah man, no kik sorry

How you know Monica?

Do you know what town?

Nice tits, any more?

Greece 585 anyone?

Kenmore tonawanda area

Any more of her?

Attached: Ashley.jpg (1125x1823, 999K)

utica area

Attached: 415321.png (800x538, 273K)

any 516/long island?

i wanna see if my friends are on this shit mainly for the keks

716 here. The internet says this milf is horny in my area

Attached: image.jpg (1242x910, 431K)

Long Islander here. Where you from?

Hey does anyone know any good trout fishing spots in Southern NY (Orange & Rockland counties)

Attached: 7653476.png (393x584, 303K)

more kate?


34yrs old.
Probably not your friend.


Attached: Photo0850.jpg (1000x750, 55K)

You know Monica too?


ny never has shit for 585

Anyone got her name/mega?

Attached: Who.png (778x671, 870K)

any saugerties girls out there?

New Hartford?

Attached: 391_0181.jpg (1280x960, 329K)

Bonus for 585


Checking in from Allentown. No pics though.


Anyone know Katie Harper from Finger Lakes area? 5’10 slim brunette

yeah I mushroom stamped her forehead with my massive aryan cock

Bump for Sam from 'Cuse

unfortunately not. wish i did i wanna see her naked so bad!

Oh I’m sure. Faggot

Attached: Photo0766.jpg (960x1280, 88K)


Hello lonely people, are you searching for a REAL ACTIVE discord server to hang out in?
Make friends and where the mods aren't power hungry?
Look no more!

We have MEMES, tons of LEWDS, a selfies channel, comfy channel, E-Girls (Traps/Femboys too!).

Where is she from?

Attached: 1508435653767.jpg (478x588, 128K)

Tupper Lake

Attached: raw-2.jpg (960x1280, 563K)

I saw one a few weeks ago but never got to save it

Alone got any from the Massena/Potsdam area?

Really!! god i want to see her. How do you know her?

Any Moravia, NY?

Anyone have/want 631 girls?

This ape non stop plugs his music and harasses women in the 845, raid his yt please

Attached: rakim1.jpg (900x900, 223K)

Attached: Emma, Albany.jpg (1200x1600, 186K)

Went to school with her

Attached: 1542352007675.jpg (749x1747, 107K)

Ellie Y.

Posts stuff like this on her VSCO

Attached: E768FC7C-AA87-4A6E-974C-FB9AF83B661D.jpg (480x804, 146K)

You see any other girls from the area?

Anyone got this chick? Huge slut from fredonia. Also if anyone has more recent 716 I have Kik if you wanna swap.

Attached: B25A9004-E86B-49D2-B55C-670FB73DCAFD.jpg (828x755, 518K)

Faith, noelle, christine, emily, lots

Attached: IMG_2570.png (750x1334, 1.6M)

you got any?

Damn dude, nice. I know her, doesn’t she go to catholic school?

Anyone got girls from cortland?

Folders full. Who do you have to share?

Attached: (180x240).jpg (180x240, 10K)

Lexie K. graduated last year from Cortland I think.

Attached: BC06DF8E-303E-47F1-829D-8345E70BE88D.jpg (421x625, 254K)

All i really got is Faith stuff

So nobody...

You got Caitlin C. From cortland? Goes by Cait sometime

Holy fuck someone else from up here

Do you have the videos? If i could get those i would be more than willing to dump everything i got

i do. make a vola and post something


Yeah, transferred after her nudes got spread around. Wish I could find those.

Attached: 1016B821-9161-4C36-8CA9-20FD65FCEA1F.jpg (150x581, 93K)

Attached: B2E0B730-3B0D-4051-B7C8-F8122715E2E6.jpg (414x827, 270K)

Doris W. From The home of the best methlabs in the state

315 cuse here. Any CNS or Lpool Yea Forumsros in this thread?

Liverpool here.


You mean this cait c?

Attached: EE64AA5F-9F81-480A-AE3A-ACF4CC7E42AC.jpg (549x811, 294K)


Any Alexa from 315?

Attached: 61E17B4C-B40A-48E4-A66F-B1C4C566A381.png (400x400, 194K)

315 checking in

My niggas. Seen any new win lately? Seems like everything’s been dry.

Attached: 1554153200715.jpg (319x720, 52K)

post something.

Its time user. It’s time to move on.

Fuckin nothin bud. Just surprised to see another 315 in a thread


same, 631 here

Erika F from Liverpool

Attached: 50164526-6AFF-4545-A61B-AFC303E81374.jpg (2048x2048, 605K)

I need those vids first

Good shit!

You know her?

Attached: 9ED89508-A225-4E40-BE80-77D362C773C0.jpg (640x960, 56K)

Looks a little familiar. What year did she graduate?


CNS 2012 here. What about you?

Does she do porn now?


16 homie

Not unless you count the stuff her manipulative ex husband released.

Damn do I feel old

Attached: sb.jpg (604x453, 46K)

Sam is so fucking ugly. She will never like you bro, just move on. If you can't pull her then you have no chance, please just kys

Sam is so fucking ugly. She will never like you bro, just move on. If you can't pull her then you have no chance, please just kys or shoot up a school

Anyone else have 607

Attached: 17560019.jpg (620x792, 240K)

Kekekekekek trips have spoken

Calm down Butthurt McSamefag

Attached: carol mcclenon.png (720x960, 1.02M)

forgot one.

315 looking for wins

Attached: 0CE0E9E5-2010-4CD1-BF50-DE1F5909CB46.jpg (680x790, 167K)

518 someone dump her wins

Attached: E3AB9A7B-5C6F-4718-B44D-DDBCA287D276.jpg (576x934, 151K)

Attached: 17560018.jpg (620x827, 56K)

Pompey Hill here bro

Logan kelly from sbu?

There are never any good dumps in these threads.

Attached: 17608562.jpg (620x827, 54K)


Attached: FC153C23-F3C5-4237-801B-CEC7F67E2EB3.jpg (750x754, 411K)

any of cait g from 716?

Attached: full.jpg (418x418, 40K)

who is this?

Attached: FA4D055D-4B5F-4E01-A3A4-6F6153349D1A.jpg (750x880, 146K)

more 716

Attached: 1519155901951-1.jpg (640x480, 86K)

Any 845/Warwick girls?

Attached: 17559993.jpg (540x720, 141K)

Cause NY sucks at everything.
>315 checking in

No, Alyssa

Attached: IMG_0968.jpg (1280x960, 541K)

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Attached: IMG_1219.jpg (640x1136, 353K)

really not a fan of duckface but she’s sexy

Attached: (Nov 30, 2010 04-34 PM)EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY KODAK EASYSHARE C513 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA(960x1280).jpg (960x1280, 304K)

Who is this?

Attached: 822C1010-709E-4601-B5EE-0A35D720482D.jpg (750x926, 199K)

315 reporting

bump for clinton

Attached: cln.jpg (640x640, 88K)

bump 315

Attached: 295CE2E6-9314-4397-BA0F-6F32DF8770FB.jpg (750x630, 83K)

315 here

any 315 whiteboro sluts?

Attached: 43441.jpg (674x493, 186K)

Another 607

Attached: A22AC7D.gif (250x188, 1.94M)

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please god post 585


Attached: 76D9A2E8-A34C-49DA-8B72-847574300460.jpg (2048x2048, 606K)

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bump for kate j

Attached: 1554171188751.webm (640x1136, 1.35M)

It was very respectful of you to stop the recording when she asked you to.

Have a ton of long island wins 516 and 631 kik sjcbfj1010

Any 845 girls?

Attached: m66.jpg (1022x766, 105K)

any 315?

calling 845 / Warwick girls

post 11793

716 here, I’ve got some if I can find them but lemme see some more 716

Attached: 4102-kat-asta-tongues-dick.gif (365x274, 1.88M)

Amber from Yonkers

Attached: media.io_SecondaryPinkCatfish-mobile (2).webm (640x368, 369K)

You fucking plebs you're making 315 look bad. I'll stick up for us.

Attached: media.io_ScarceShamefulAfricanpiedkingfisher-mobile.webm (640x360, 512K)

Attached: 2365.jpg (500x500, 31K)

Attached: 1554472803452-0.jpg (750x997, 100K)

I know this one, got more?

Attached: 1554472803452-1.jpg (750x1000, 147K)

Attached: media.io_47122205_2246668975657224_2458768064997206482_n.webm (640x1136, 1.33M)

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lea 716
find them

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Attached: 78957683567.png (323x586, 251K)


Requesting Mayira Rodriguez from Yonkers goes to school in New Paltz I know she has nudes here.

Got the sloppiest bj from her in the outside the Chinese place next to Paradise Found. Would definitely do it again.

keep going. such a fucking whore

Attached: kate (2).png (679x503, 324K)

anyone know Lakota K. from 845? posts semi nudes on IG and FB

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-22 at 10.45.52 PM.png (598x982, 1.02M)

Please share

Attached: 6101065.jpg (640x480, 85K)

I'm jealous.

Attached: 12002907_1012733775434275_8692307900000361696_n.jpg (720x960, 67K)

I'm in the Burn

Attached: DSCN0869.jpg (418x640, 40K)

I bet she gives good head

I want to see her naked sooo bad

Attached: 88DFB72.jpg (800x563, 58K)

Natalie from 845?

Haley 315

Attached: 24C06162-C451-48CA-8AF2-C0F45505422D.jpg (584x1024, 352K)

The pic i saw was full frontal, laying on her side on the bed in a sexy pose


Attached: 8D159E6C-AA18-4FB2-AA34-0CF58690B28C.jpg (640x629, 111K)

Hope you like a finger in your ass because she doesn’t ask

remember that slut Elise S

Ayy another 518 niggie

Hey keep em coming! Let's see those

any 845 girls?

Here are a few more.

imgur. com/a/DHiJknR#3IhuWsw

Attached: GHSF254.jpg (640x480, 90K)

Have you tried to make NYC its own state?

Attached: (Nov 30, 2010 04-34 PM)EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY KODAK EASYSHARE C513 ZOOM DIGITAL CAMERA(960x1280).jpg (960x1280, 294K)

Yeah what about her?

heard she sent a lot of nudes


She looks like a cross eyed neanderthal get this ugly snatch off the thread


Sup fellow 315

Yeah i saw some on a friend's phone once

Any 516 girls?

Anyone have amanda h from canastota? Huge slut

Attached: Photo-0149.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Same bro, what year you graduate?

who has 716

Attached: 12011325_1012733368767649_547670077204168554_n.jpg (720x960, 126K)


When did she graduate?

Yet another 315er here!

The burn with the prison? I'm in that area too.

Damn, '10 from me, you got anything fun to look at?

Ill suck every 315 dick in this thread.

Id bet anything you would beta fag


She had pretty big tits for a short girl

Have a ton, do u have kik?

whose got

Attached: 1554919464785.jpg (959x959, 77K)

Anyone who has 716 girls lemme know I’ll trade on kik

Attached: 1514702646241.png (1440x2880, 1.85M)

Just post them here fag

Alexa, Yonkers

Attached: IMG_0897.png (750x1334, 1.58M)

The same

Name? Know anything about her?

Attached: 1449768476688.jpg (371x644, 277K)

who you looking for

She had pretty nice tits

Kik sjcbfj1010 for 516

718 bensonhurst area girls kik me if you dont want public
Kik sexynovalady
I CD sometimes so that's why the name

You seen her? details.

Attached: 1501049208362.jpg (480x640, 72K)

I told you i saw the full frontal of her



Hello filthy degenerates, are you searching for a true ACTIVE discord server to hang out and make friends?
Where the mods aren't power hungry?
Look no more!

We have MEMES, tons of LEWDS, a selfie channel, comfy channel, lots of E-Girls (Traps/Femboys too!).

Yes please


Haley D 315

Attached: F1DFF480-F12C-4CA0-BC36-B6ABD352D134.png (640x480, 345K)

Lea right

Attached: 1490418789904.jpg (480x640, 85K)

Are they out there?

any nude?

Attached: 7.jpg (1280x960, 271K)

too many immigrants


Attached: cchristopher.jpg (983x1075, 143K)

Cuse up in this bitch

Anyone have Kendra from 518? Would love some Lansingburgh wins


Attached: 6.jpg (1280x960, 265K)

No sadly

Attached: 1499676422730.jpg (480x640, 88K)

Attached: 1479631230537.jpg (960x620, 22K)

Attached: 16426039_10211352428196726_62237791487260697_n.jpg (278x417, 10K)


I love her belly but her ass is devine

yes it is. wanna see it naked

Definitely. I saw her in a bikini one and was at half mast the whole time

Attached: tumblr_morxy0rD4s1r7tj5ro1_500.jpg (500x667, 40K)

Before the tattoo

Attached: 5227.jpg (480x640, 18K)

I would fuck her doggy style until my balls were so empty that they hurt

It's def a dumb tattoo

i wanna see that full modeling session. i bet she got nude


Attached: FCAF58D5-27C8-48CA-A047-395010C093C2.jpg (717x960, 91K)

516 here, bethpage


Not more of this cow but more from 631!

New Paltz?

Attached: 32737.jpg (480x640, 20K)

Any more of her besides VSCO?

Baldwin here

Attached: 782732.jpg (480x640, 23K)

I would love to see all of his pics. He's done shoots with tons of girls in the area im sure he got nudes of all of them

Attached: 1451246765631.jpg (399x750, 237K)

whats her vsco?

i don't miss it...

Attached: 14478301_912701198861002_1437277751538089984_n.jpg (640x640, 39K)


I love how you can almost see her nips. Do you think he got an erection while shooting her and faith?

idk. i would

Attached: 16427347_10211352428396731_9104175213138264537_n.jpg (283x417, 12K)

He probably has a whole set of "outtates" of their tits.

845 here

Attached: 1335330622950.jpg (600x450, 189K)


im sure

Attached: 16508497_10211352425956670_4905259291999530585_n.jpg (278x417, 12K)

I need more of kassy from 585!

Any 607 up in here?

wheres my 845 bros at

ayyy 845 rep
