Do you think it’s unethical to wage warfare with autonomous or computer-controlled weapons?

Do you think it’s unethical to wage warfare with autonomous or computer-controlled weapons?

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no. collateral damage is collateral damage, it's expected in war and these scumbags purposefully surround themselves with civilians because they know we're too pussy to do anything right away and have to talk about it forever before acting.

Its a war fight it or get out faggot

Not according to Obama, to any sane person though it’s indiscriminate, cowardly and a weapon of terror. (Which makes the biggest terrorist group the us gubbment)

As long as terrorists are bombing churches and crashing airplanes into skyscrapers and driving trucks into crowds, I refuse to have a conversation about "ethical" means of exterminating them. You don't worry about ethically killing roaches.

Attached: srilanka5.jpg (1200x672, 218K)

And this is how we lost Vietnam. "Ethical". Retard.


It kinda takes the struggle out of war. Someone who works in an Air Force trailer in Nevada gets to go have a beer later on that night at the bar after she blows up a convoy on the other side of the world.

It’s not really war at that point, it’s just a video game

Well, it doesn't seem to work.

The US has been bombing Afghanistan for 18 years now, and is no closer to victory than when they started.

Maybe they just aren't any good at it.

Op just asked a question, he never said whether he though it was ethical or not.

Trouble reading or just itching to start an argument?

They’re having trouble keeping and finding drone operators, some drop due to psychological stress/guilt and others an hero.

>It’s not really war at that point, it’s just a video game
he said autonomous, which is more than a video game. a computer-system decides to kill, not a person.
that's what makes it unethical imho

That’s exactly my point. They know that they’re killing someone in real life with each press of a button but the disconnect here is that they’re on the other side of the world, so it will never have the same meaning as hand-to-hand combat

Was the long bow unethical? The catapult?

If so, you're over a hundred years too late.
Torpedoes are autonomous and (clockwork) computer controlled weapons and they were quite popular in the First World War.

The torpedoes we used in the 1970s were fully programmable for type of target, area to attack, area to not attack, whether to re-attack if you miss, and what to do after you miss several times (sink, explode, search for new targets).

Potentially unethical points:
It keeps the toll of war out of sight because your friends and children aren’t dying, which could allow the gov’t to keep fighting expensive and pointless wars for a long time without public opposition.
It distances the moral decision to kill from the actual time of the killing: in reality, the trigger was pulled when some nerd programmer wrote a few lines of code in an office in Washington.
And lastly, it’s not a good system to have in place in the event that both sides develop autonomous weapons. War devolves into robots destroying each other expensively for no real reason.

>he hasnt joined the best discord server on the face of the planet yet.




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Some of us think war in general is unethical and only promoted by the worst, most broken people among us.
Like the butthurt adolescents of Yea Forums, for example.

Drones are getting cheaper and more readily available everyday, western opinions on their use will change dramatically once hakim and his friends from whereverthefuckistan start using them on us.

Nah war has always been about profit so use what you want. Lives don't matter.

it's unethical to wage war.

Not just profit, control as well.

Exactly this. those responsible ie the americans you mentioned should be shot for doing all those things just for profit. By any means necessary.

Hell no, would you rather go and fight an enemy and risk being blown up, shot in the face, captured and tortured/beheaded, die a painful death or would you rather drone strike those faggots

It's war. The only rule is to be the victor, or else.

We actually won vietnam..we got their oil and their opium so it was time to bail but we never got enough enough so we took more from the afghans.

Do those “enemies” have the means to cross the ocean and threaten me? No, so how are they a threat?

Cessation of hostilities is not winning AND not only is Vietnam still a communist country but they also let the Russians use their deep water ports (which annoys the Americans to no end)

You didn’t “win” anything

fuck no

I wouldn’t say it was unethical, but it’s definitely pretty gay.

Unethical is the government charging me $$ and making me take a test so I can legally fly my dji drone.

>Vietnam still a communist country
LOL go there
I doubt you can find a country more driven by profit than Vietnam.
It doesn't matter what they call themselves, it matters what they are.
Capitalism won baby

667,130–951,895 commies killed, 333,620–392,364 allied. Only 58,318 American. Sounds like we were winning, we just gave up due to lack of support stateside.

Is it more ethical to wage war in any other way?

I meant if you were in the military

>gave up
Thanks for confirming, cessation of hostilities or “giving up” is not winning.

Nice rant, still doesn’t change the fact that murica didn’t win.

If you sign up to fight in any of muricas farce wars then you get what you deserve.


Something approximating Ender's Game could happen.


>As long as terrorists are bombing churches and crashing airplanes into skyscrapers


The entirety of us foreign policy is unethical.

Agree with this.

With a few notable but rare exceptions (e.g.Vietnam), Westerners have had a fantastic 70 years where all the wars have been fought far away and with professional armies.

This leads to people losing their fear of war, glamorising extreme idiots and generally being stupid (looking at you /pol).

It's not losing either. More like a stalemate.

No, especially not now, seeing as the ones we're fighting against aren't even a recognized army. They are a terrorist organization, so the Geneva Convention shouldn't even apply to them.

This. Finally we get a use for the creepy kid that can't talk to veronica but will rip anyone apart at chess.

>seeing as the ones we're fighting against aren't even a recognized army
Exactly what the British would have said about the Continental Army in 1776.

Attached: 356px-Sprit_of_'76.2.jpg (358x477, 28K)