Passed out thread #3902. Have you ever messed with a passed out girl? Did you cum on her face, grope her...

Passed out thread #3902. Have you ever messed with a passed out girl? Did you cum on her face, grope her? Was she your friend, sister, random party slut? Let’s hear some stories

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Pics of her tits?

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Who has the pics of her covered in cum?

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I was speaking to a guy from the UK not that long ago who was telling me about the time he did something like this

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I have now messed with 5 girls, all the same MO Xanax and booze = surprise creampie.
Nothing beats filming fap material that i will forever fap too


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Do you find yourself cumming fast when you fuck them like that?


My fiance has given me permission to grope her and put my face in her ass and cum on her ass. But ive used her hand to jack off with soo many times. The other night i was rubbing my cock between her ass cheeks while she was sleeping and i brushed her pussy. She got fuckin super wet, try to stick it in, get in, stroke a little, fall out. Try again, pokes her ass hole, she wakes up, offers to let me just fuck her doggystyle.

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I do the rush is unreal then getting to watch their reactions during their morning showers just completes it.

I`ll fix that for you
>nothing beats filming your own evidence for when the FBI comes knocking on rape charges.
You truly are a moron for filming it.

I remember my first girlfriend too fag

I don’t keep it with me. I have it literally buried and only dig it up when I deserve it.


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We deserve it. Share or gtfo

Neeeeeeef MOAR

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The fuck are you talking about?

Keep going!! Need MOAR!!!

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> The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.


how do you manage to watch their showers

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holy shit i think i know this bitch. she from CO?

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A well hidden cam

Me and my dad moved into my uncles house when I was a teen. He had a daughter who’s tits I loved, she was 14 and I was 16 and would always bring her drugs just so I could grope her while she was to fucked up.... should of done more but I was way to afraid, instead I would jack off into her lotion she used every day.

You never got curious to see how far you could go before she was fully aware?

Do you have any idea how far away you are from human-normal to be interested in this sort of abuse? You're experiencing the worst punishment you could for being this way … you, being you. You'll never understand, you'll never get any better. This is your life now, just getting darker and darker.

Pick a number 1-5



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> Have you ever messed with a passed out girl?
No, because I'm not a disgusting pervert.


Enjoy your consensual missionary

You're at the wrong place if you're looking to get virtue signal points here

Name/pic of girl?

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Thats a beauty of an ass

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I cum on my sleeping wife all the time, with her prior permission. It's fucking awesome. AMA

my contribution

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Used to fuck my ex when she would come over my house to sleep. I undressed her as much as I could and she usually slept on her stomach so it helped to put it in. Anal was too painful and woke her up too many times so I would rub her pussy until the heat and wetness was unbearable to not put in. Almost busted so many loads inside her. Didn't use a condom but always pulled out. Kinda wish I didn't tbh but if I didn't I'd be raising a kid with that psycho

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My apartment mate likes to get shit faced drunk, i help her sometimes. She has a boyfriend i wanna touch her so bad, i do take pics ;)

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share them

I use to be friends with a goth girl . She was pretty submissive and quiet . Always took advantage of her sober or drunk . It would be fun when we would go out to a party or by ourselves and just drink til we got stupid drunk z she would pass out and I would somehow with my drunken strength carry her to my bed

I would strip her either literally tear her bra or panties off and just eat her pussy and ass out . And just fuck her senseless . I would always make sure to have a dick pill to
Have fun enjoyment for the entire night lol

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Nigga thats creepy af bruuuh

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Creepy bruh moment

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Lookin goob

Gotta love a good buttfuckin

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"That psycho"
Literally a butt rapist

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Found my flatmate once totally blacked out in her room only wearing underwear. Tried to wake her up but calling her didn't help so I pushed her no reaction. I thought why not take the chance so I played with her tits a little. Got more curious and slit my hand in her panties and splayed with her pussy. I thought I will take the risk. Pushed her panties aside and tried to stick my cock in but directly after I entered she starts to move. So I got out there as quick as possible. Sadly I never got the chance again


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Too soon, user.

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No. I'm gay, and I've buttfucked a few blacked out guys. The best part is straight men will say nothing because they're too afraid of the stigma attached to it.

doesn't have bc he's a phony

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This seems a bit ... rapey

... mods?

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Keep Going

My ex told me this a few weeks after it happened. that she had a few drinks at a friends house, she says not many and she wasn't drunk. And all of a sudden she starting feeling really tired and sleepy and she doesn't remember falling asleep. She woke up in the middle of the night naked in the friends bed. She didnt know why she was naker and the friend says nothing happened that he just left her in the room after she passed out. Most likely something did happen to her, but I have no way of knowing. She told me she thought she was home and that she thought her friend was me and tried blowing him only to realize it wasnt me, I still wonder if there's pictures of this situation.

Nah it’s legit


Where is the problem?


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more you fuck

Not OP but here

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bless you. howd u get it if you're not op?

Those two pics were in a similar thread yesterday. It's possible that someone else saved them, too. Or that person really is OP but is failing to deliver, because OP is always a faggot

any more in those cuffs?


Buddy had a hot younger sister who always had her hot friends over staying the night. We were in 8th grade they were like 5th ish. Sometimes they’d pass out in the basement and we’d stay up and while they passed out we’d do things to them. My buddy would let me mess around with his sister while he messed with her friend.

thats what friends are for, my buddy and me would get his younger sister drunk and when she was passed out play with her tits and pussy

Any more of her???

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Easiest way to KO my gf from stuff from Walmart Yea Forums?

Exactly lol, sometimes when the parents were gone we’d drink a little while they went crazy on wine coolers. They’d pass out and we’d pull their shirts up and play with their nipples. They always wore sweatpants to sleep so access was easy. We’d pull their pants down and we’d see who we could get the wettest. His sister would drip like a faucet,

Do you use lube?

ever fuck them?

Mmm.... Nothing beats pussy that is slowly assuming room temperature.


Tried but they were clearly still virgins, but we fingered the shit out of them. Licked them every time too, they tasted so good lol. We prodded their pussies a lot but didn’t wanna hurt them. Shit felt good rubbing on their soaking tight innie pussys. Busted so many nuts on them

Also bullshit. We can't feel pain when we're asleep. So no, the pain didn't wake her up. In other words, she was either letting him or he's full of shit.

we tried too, but mostly jerked off on her. When she was older , we did manage to get some blow jobs from her


Fuck u faggot

She actually blow you? Or did you use her mouth while passed out


she actually blew us, was wild


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Whos taking the pic here? Fake cuck

we was drinking again and we were watching porn and she would comment on the guys dicks. she wanted to see who had the bigger dick, we told her she would have to help us reach max length by showing her tits to us, and touching our dicks, didnt take much to talk her into licking and sucking our dicks

She swallow?

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no, she didn't swallow, came on her chest

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is love to have my mom passed out (don't know how tbh) and explore her body

my mom was a heavy sleeper and when she was drunk or passed out , I would jerk off to her naked body

my mom is the lightest sleeper in the world and almost never drinks that's a no here. need something different


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I so need me a Asian girl

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nice, moar


damn sorry bro..pic of mom?

Had the best pussy ever

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Pics of the cheater

ughh, don't rub it in.

>TeenTop Ch@n links...

Michael Jackson death face


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Brooke Holland

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keep going, been loving her

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Does a picture matter?

Shut up faggot

Is this the same girl?? OPs girl doesn’t have a nose ring but look at the patterns. They’re legit identical

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Hello degenerates, are you searching for a REAL ACTIVE discord server to hang out in?
Make friends and where the mods aren't power hungry?
Look no more!

We have MEMES, tons of LEWDS, a selfies channel, comfy channel, E-Girls (Traps/Femboys too!).

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motherless dot com 347E742

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hot! mOAR!

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Heh, took a nap. Sorry I'm late.

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>party slut

Pass out with my fiance every night

who is she?

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