Hi anons, I'm back

Hi anons, I'm back.
The rules are simple as always. You request, I deliver (mostly)

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My request is for you to kill yourself

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make her a futa and fuck a trap in the ass

getting there

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What program is that

Give her a gf

I could do it in my bath if you really wanted me to

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She is at work atm, but I do have a snap of her ;)

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Any pics of her making a grilled cheese sandwich


I can't even cook an egg..

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She needs more practice. Have her hardboil as many eggs as she can before her gf gets home from work

can you give her a dick

Make her push a cucumber up her cunt. Counts as cooking I guess

Do love to eat tho..

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Not really what I asked for

Any pictures without boobs, like a visible void in her chest

Make her look at herself in the mirror and reflect on her existence

ITT: When you can't trap irl

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She is very talented. Can she juggle standing on her head

Make her shove her fist up her ass

Now she looks like op

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Make her kneel before a guy and beg him for his facial

Time to take a shit and go.

Party is over boys

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make one where a chick pushes out a huge turd into another chicks mouth

What program is this?

Real life