Hi anons, I'm back.
The rules are simple as always. You request, I deliver (mostly)
Hi anons, I'm back
My request is for you to kill yourself
make her a futa and fuck a trap in the ass
getting there
What program is that
Give her a gf
I could do it in my bath if you really wanted me to
She is at work atm, but I do have a snap of her ;)
Any pics of her making a grilled cheese sandwich
I can't even cook an egg..
She needs more practice. Have her hardboil as many eggs as she can before her gf gets home from work
can you give her a dick
Make her push a cucumber up her cunt. Counts as cooking I guess
Do love to eat tho..
Not really what I asked for
Any pictures without boobs, like a visible void in her chest
Make her look at herself in the mirror and reflect on her existence
ITT: When you can't trap irl
She is very talented. Can she juggle standing on her head
Make her shove her fist up her ass
Now she looks like op
Make her kneel before a guy and beg him for his facial
Time to take a shit and go.
Party is over boys
make one where a chick pushes out a huge turd into another chicks mouth
What program is this?
Real life