What's his name again, Yea Forums?

What's his name again, Yea Forums?

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I hope he got to 2nd base with her.

Do you hope that because you wish you got to 2nd base with her yourself?

Look like Dan Schneider

That’s Don Schlonger

No, I mean his NAME.

Mong Schnauzer

Dan "I fuck little girls and don't know how to rhyme" Schneider

Dan "Can't Do The Time" Schneider

Dan "She's 10 but I still wanna ride her" Schneider

Dan"get in the van"Schneider

Dan "Hold her tighter, shes a fighter" Schneider

Jon Jafari, better known as JonTron.

Coke-Can Dan Schneider.

The cherry popper.

Dan "Tighter than a man" Schneider

That's Dan "doesn't hover hand" Schneider

I remember going on the iCarly website years ago and there was a fan video of a little boy wiggling his feet in front of the camera, always found it odd.

Dan "Give me your anus, I'll make you famous" Schneider
Dan "theres candy in my Van" Schneider
Dan "To Be The Next Hanna Montana, Come Sit On My Banana" Schneider
Dan "The Hymen Divider" Schneider
Dan "You get my cock or my glock" Schneider
Dan "Grab the van, I have a plan" Schneider
Dan 'Tweens Are Tighter' Schneider

Dan "It was all going fine until she turned nine" Schneider

Dan "show me your feet" Scneider

"to be the next Hanna Montana, come sit on my banana"

Fucking kek

Dan " Born to be like Michael Jackson in a way, but screws girl teens because diddling boys is gay" Schneider

>JonTron did nothing wrong

Nailed it
