Faces of /b
Rate and shit
Faces of /b
Trap or something?
the faggio
did ur dad punch u as a baby? whys your face like le epic meme troll
Oh lawd, you're definitely a farmer of some sort.
you have some sort of criminal history
your eyes make me want to cry
Is it ma'am?
Actually i am Afrikaans but no farm, i live in United Cuckdom for some reason
>you have some sort of criminal history
How did you know
That's lil dicky the famous rap artist you jelly nig
4/10 for being famous
3/10 for being lil dicky
2/10 for being a nigger in disguise
you're fit
I have too much of a baby face/ afraid of PRISM putting my face in a database no thank you
He looks like a rendered video game character. Probably gots at least one STD from the hundred of women who throws themselves at his Adonais feet every day.
I want you in my man ass now. Drop those panties missy.
Bruh moment.
jamal stop robbing our house i told you, you fucking live here
Giga chad
thank you daddy senpai desu sama
You’ve never lived if you haven’t drilled and be drilled by a cutiepie trap. We have a prostate g spot for a reason.
Are you an urban explorer by any chance
Send dick
i dont usuaIIy take pictures of myseIf bc im Iow key homeIy, so this one's kinda oId
In love
I admire your confidence sweetie. How long have you been taking hormones? You look really nice!
This the kinda bitch to lay on her back when you do all the work and lie about being on birth control so you cum in her, because she "loves" you and now you spend everyday wondering when that text will come in that she missed her period because you're 17 fucking years old Elizabeth, and I will bury your fucking body before I raise a child with you.
8, pluck those hairs though, you're about to get a unibrow
all really good looking, its weird seeing you post on a place like this.
Trips checked
nice eyes
are you a model or something
can i show you my selfmutulation collection?;))
man you look scary bruv
your background looks prettier than you
lol jk
>are you a model or something
nah I know that guy he's a rapist and he should have his nose broken for being a disgusting pervert freak
Checked. Um, are you okay dude?
no bro are YOU a model or something
Usually only lurk on Yea Forums and post on /r9k/, but I'm feeling social today.
you look like you're about to commit suicide any minute dude
that's the wrong date, you dumb nignog!!!!!
rate me faggots
lmao I didn't know people still went to the library
Trip Check. The words you have typed are now facts.
7 show us tits
are you slavic by an chance? communism really has done well
Grinder and paint make you the welder you ain't
You look like you just jerked off for your break time
You clearly have a Snapchat face swap going on, but I'm just wondering why this picture looks like you're in a normal house
And this looks like you're in the third world because you're clearly the same person.
I used a welding mask to watch the Solar Eclipse last year because I’m in bumble duck.
Bump because this thread is gold
M'Ladies *tilts glasses down to nose*
soyboy cuck fuck nigger jew
Wanted to call you a slav for a hat a "NZ" brand cigarette
Completely different bone structure and eye color.
You're so young that you don't really know who you will be in a few years. Cherish this time, because sometimes ignorance really is bliss. Also you have and under bite and what looks like cowboy boots, haha fag
>The first picture is obviously a Snapchat face swap
Wtf why do you even think it's the same person?
yo i wish i was a fucking trap
shit wouId be much more interesting haha
i have a boring oI pussy haha
>implying sexy people aren't immune to STDS.
Alex Lawther, What in the fuck
actually keked in my undies
im actually watching peaky blinders and its fucking good
Lmao, I love the mirror so we get a back view as well.
Would not be intimidated if you spoke to my gf/10
Ye no shit bro, we can tell by the hat.
ur a 9/10 shave the sides and you deffo be 10/10
Why are you wearing a 82nd hat and a 3rd RR shirt. 82nd is for fags, Rangers are based though.
>Be me
>Straight out of Quantico
>Need to earn my stripes so I can be real special agent
>Have great idea
>Make thread on Yea Forums
>Pretend to wanna swap face pics
>Get 30+ unique images of people
>16 identities confirmed
>MFW this thread is responsible for 16 people being on a priority red flag list
>Enjoy being frisked next time you try to fly
Don't believe me? Buy a plane ticket in your name and see
imagine not having 3 separate identities one for EU one for USA and one for Russia to have quick and easy access to all tech super powers
So, like, Israel?
I fucking hate people who smoke. I can smell the STINK off you through the monitor...
They're vegan, non-GMO, menthol SoyCigs. There is no tobacco in them. They just look cool. I would never actually smoke. It ruins your teeth.
Face threads are fun but eh dont need the rates
>They just look cool.
Kill yourself
Lol thanks
muh secret club
You post in every thread. Aren't you afraid of getting doxxed?
Damn, thought you were. Oh well
imagine thinking this is me
i smoke amber leaf rollies cus fuck your mom u pussy
plus i brush my teeth u cretin and wash so i dont smell
>i wish i had a mental dissorder and a suicide rate higher than the jews in the holocaust
Shit vince gallo became a fucking ultimate alcoholic and drug addict and now he's on 4chjan
nigger cocksucker
You're fat but atleast you have tits
she may not be fat, maybe her round face it's just a face like this at all
Eh I'd say chubby. Not that fat
My personality is ugly so I fit here.
rate me
You can tell from the arm rolls and myspace angle. Dont even need to look at the face. If she lost 40lbs she'd look a lot better but then her tits will deflate like a week old balloon
Kinda reminded me of my bfs....I miss him
>People who took the bait
would drown you in sperm
Thanks I guess
I just got chubby arms. Weirdly most if the fat goes in the right places but then a lot of it goes to my darn arms
Chubby is just a nice was of saying fat but fuckable. You're still fat, either accept it or do something about it ya little piggy, oink oink
Not him.
Im Julian from trailer park boys.
You guess what bitch, I've already fap to your picture. So live with it now.
I served in both units
>still thinks smoking makes him look cool
Holy fuck, I haven't seen someone this highschool in a long time. Cool eye color tho.
No I actually believe theres a difference between fat and chubby.
I'm chubby. Pic related is fat.
I'm pretty happy with my body
Were you circumcised at birth?
Just not great with saying "thanks" to comments like "I'd bang you" lol
-1 for shit shoulders and triceps
-1 for welfare queen
pls rate
I'm pretty happy with your body too
would fuck you in ass
>fake news anology
10/10 soyboy feminist cuck
How long have you been dead son?
you have some beautiful eyes 9/10 or 8/10
Thats obese you piggy, she's fat and so are you. Fat isnt just "anything bigger than me" make sure you put the fork down sometimes though or you'll get to that size and not even relize it, still thinking you're not fat
Welfare queen? I mean, ig in a way.
Don’t judge my muscles too hard man, this is what I have directly from work, no gym or anything, once I get more time I’ll fill myself out better. Can’t bulk much on mres
unfortunately not
fortunately not
fortunately not
fortunately not
>you have some beautiful eyes 9/10 or 8/10
I wish I was nearly that attractive. I never had a girlfriend.
Well I'm not fat :)
I hardly eat at all if im being honest.
But keep saying the fat stuff I'm sure you'll eventually get me to cry or something lol
You're probably state side and have the galley, what's more is mre s are perfect for bulking.
I would die for you 10/10
Which one do you hate more the nice guys or the negging shit in this thread? Alternatively, which one is more effective on you the nice guys or the neggers?
Fucking nailed it.
I dunno, they’re calorie dense, but I never hold the weight.
Right now I’m in AITB, so, mres almost exclusively.
Diggitydamn. 950/1000
If you’re into guys too you should kik me
Why there is no gurls like this on Yea Forums?
no way eggboy
Is that chamblin’s
Regardless, so does that mean I am a 8/10 if I fix myself?
Can'e you fucking buy a normal silver round earings?
gay if gay
No girls allowed sign up front is enforced by a sniper.
That really does need a massive think why aren't any sex women on 2x2chan
... I guess I could now that you mention it.
what a cute countryboi
do you want to fuck your sister or your brother
timothee slayer in the house
what's that?
idk why this is upside down let me try again
typical underage fag. there is a shitload of you around nowadays
Ha. Wrong on both. I wanna fuck my uncle.
Don't insult the twink just because you're uncomfortable with taking a dick up your ass, my guy.
I didn't insult, I was just making a point
Youll never be on my power level
That’s the right answer
Wanna take this into DMs?
Why does Tyrone look so angry?
idfc IoI
im cIose enough to kiIIing myseIf aIready IoI
I mean, I’ve had girls cuter than you. Make of that what you will.
I thought you black marked your underpit for no reason.
Good morning brothers, how are you today?
That's a man.
This even you?
I dunno. I'm not supposed to talk to strangers..
I'm 25
thank u user
ya a wrong one ;__;
I'm ClassyBoy now.
I bet they don't sell you beers without an id. I know that feel.
Hi there, I’m user. Look at that - we have the same name! Now we know each other ;)
Kik - Banished_Pantheon
Well then I’ve definitely had girls cuter than him
That's a tranny you newfag
Very handsome
Hey fuck you I forgot how common traps are here
I’m not a newfag, I’m an oldfag turned normie
not gayy
Im manlier than most of Yea Forums thank you very much!
Unironically me
But this is a couple years old now
Eh, couple of beers and I’d still probably smash
You look like a 12 year old boy who did meth.
Look like a homo
>Unironically me
Okay... why unironically? You say that like we were going to doubt it..
What if you were stranded on here deserted island style and had to pick a type available? I know I been on here for a while and I've only seen one or the other.You must really enjoy hanging out on Yea Forums for one reason or another if you keep coming back.
At work, sorry about low quality.
That unibrow is such an easy fix dude, do something about it.
Who told you that this was a good look?
AKA the Original Pancake
This is a Snapchat face swap, but your shoulders tell me you don't lift.
R.I.P. you misunderstood God
M'Lady. You look like the kinda girl to name your kids Tracyn, Adyn, or after the father who dipped in the 3rd trimester
You're so shy you can't even make eye contact with yourself in the mirror, boo
I feel like whatever happened in your country that made these the average living conditions is America's doing. Sorry, bro. We just really like our airpods.
>"Dude, if you join today I'll throw in a $400 bonus AND guarantee you go to Korea. How does that sounds, Devil Dog?"
I used to fuck girls that look like you before I got sober
You look like Adam Lanza with way more autism
>Racially ambiguous male has left the chat
You smoke dude? You look like you should start. I'd smoke with you. No Sativa though, that's pussy shit amirite?
You look tall as shit, Scott
Eggmaaaaan. My boy.
Don't expose your weakest point dude. Put that chin down.
I'd try to holla at you in the back when, Holly
Man. You look like my life. An absolute mess.
Adolescence sucks man. Shit will get better. Don't sweat it.
Too many lines. Next post with more.
You literally have no ass or tits, and btw you look like a fucking tranny dude. Who the hell are you to tell anybody about smashing?
t. not that fag from the pic, just waiting for a hot whores to fap
I can see that :D
one time they almost didn't even sell me rolling papers. he said i can't be over 16
damn you have very pretty eyes +_+
Looks like you got a Australian knock off camera.
I don't know what your gender is dude.
I didn't step on your Jordan's, bro, stop looking so damn mad
What's up Jesse? Still doing gangster shit? Remember what Snoop said in '94, killa. We don't love these hoes.
You have nice eyes, but you look like an extra from The Inbetweeners
It's 2K19 my nigga. You gotta put some product in that hair.
I only do shrooms and weed tho
That's sad. Maybe you were just dropped a lot as a kid.
People have doubted it before
It’s a good thing too~
Only a girl should be able to have those pretty eyes
Now just shower~
Well I dont come back because I wanna fuck the guys here lmfao
I just come here to chill like I've been doing for the past 14 years
.>judging other dudes appearance while bragging about fucking hotter women
Okay Michael Scott.
you also do a lot of soy
>Australian knockoff cam
fucking lol
I'm a boy user, with a penis and all
i wanna do psilocybin with you
I’m the guy bruh.
>On face rate thread
>Upset that a dude rated his face
Get more comfortable with your sexuality, nigga.
Referring to a time you fucked isn't bragging dude. People who actually have sex on the reg don't consider that bragging, but nice try.
and a tattoo
You died for me, hate the fucking biohazard tattoos on the shoulders
Oh. Well shit. If I was gay I'd be about dudes that look like you. Good for you, my boy.
Soy would lower my estrogen leves tho
And we wouldn't want that
It pretty nice
I laughed for an hour straight last time
Aye i had to beg my recruiter to join, he refused to give me infantry
Who are you? A ginger man-alike or that gym fag?
There you go boys, she ain't fucking you.
Also, check'd.
>I just come here to chill like I've been doing for the past 14 years
What brought you here originally was it the pedo or the anime?
What is it you want?
Aw man. That sucks. I did contract at Drum with 10th Mountain as an 11C primary/ 11B secondary and it's not worth it. You just learn no real life skills and fuck your body up. Glad you didn't go down that road.
Also I'm this fag
I didn't live for you in the first place c:
It's not a biohazard tattoo...
Im under the impression that they either make you laugh until you cry, or cry until you start laughing
i love Psychedelics
Lol I'm afraid I don't swing that way my guy
Where you from?
East Coast US. Lived everywhere from SC to NY.
You're pasty white, bitch.
>Get more comfortable with your sexuality
Yeah, that's fair.
>Referring to a time you fucked isn't bragging dude
Yes it is, by definition.
> People who actually have sex on the reg don't consider that bragging, but nice try.
People who fuck don't consider this conversation worthy. It's a fact of their daily life, like brushing their teeth. Yet, for some reason you didn't mob up in here flexing how you brush your teeth, you tied fucking into your rating I am sure you can squeeze one out about your supreme hair brushing techniques.
>It's not a biohazard tattoo...
Some nazi sun or whatever.
Oh no, I got it, just took 11 months. I’m an 0351. My point was, people think the marines shill nowadays, and they really don’t.
Gym fag, ig. Never been to a gym tho.
I can't say nigga? It's part of my culture. My people invented the word. I moisturize btw. Shits smooth.
>Admitting you've had sex before is flexing
You're just embarrassing yourself now, Jared. Head back to /r9k/
Man. Have fun with that. As much as I was about it at the time, that Infantry life fucking sucks.
Where were you circumcised then?
Slim cigs are for faggots.
I’ve been in the fleet for a minute now, I’ve gotten used to it. It sucks, but you love to hate it.
Always someone to ask about circumcisions.
Just wait until you can get out and tell girls in bars that you "Saw some shit" and drowning in low quality, highly available pussy. It makes it worth it.
browse less pol, your brain is being affected
Pushing that shoulder holster to the absolute limit
Just got to a get a massive semper fi tattoo on my forearm and a ninelines shirt
>I can't say nigga?
Sure you can, it simply looks silly when you're a pasty white twink.I am sure if you keep up the good work in the next 300 years or so we'll have true equality.
>My people invented the word.
Sure, if we go back to Pangaea, you have an argument.
>I moisturize btw. Shits smooth.
Do you think pasty is a synonym for smooth or are you trying to turn the insult around but you're just not sharp enough to pivot that far?
>Admitting you've had sex before is flexing
"Admitting" implies confession. That's interesting, that you made a deliberate choice to phrase it like you're lying.
>You're just embarrassing yourself now, Jared. Head back to /r9k/
Of course you're from /r9k/. Mystery solved. Thanks for playing.
Didn't link the posts. My bad.
I did cry from laughing so much...
somebody's got some issues
Are you still talking to me? lmao TLDR. Niggas like you are like professionally offended.
That's what I thought too. Run along now.
>Another glorious internet victory. Mom, add another tendie to my plate. I have earned it today.
white incel gets toasted online
is that male or female?
>Niggas like you are like professionally offended.
>still replying
How are you this easy to manipulate?
why not both
Im an alpha male my dude
Because my work life is boring):
You sure got me good ):
post more with timestamp if that's really you because that's one cute face
faggot kys
show dick
There is some honesty. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day rating dudes, it's been fun fucking with you. Peace.
eh i havent done this in a few years so fuck it why not
>Soy would lower my estrogen leves tho
>And we wouldn't want that
i didnt thought your such a tranny
Thanks m8. I feel safe now. You sure got me. L8r G8tr
sup reddit
nice grammar dude
When you save a picture from social media you have to remember to change the file name. 0/10 because this isn't you faggot.
nice catfish cuck
You'll get em' next time, Sid.
Benis is property of bf tho
>somebody you know goes to one of the most popular websites on earth
My god how shocking
>He thinks Yea Forums is one of the most popular websites on earth
>I am property
Weird flex no matter how you spin that. "No" still works fine, not everyone has to be clever.
i literally fucking spit on my screen i laughed so hard from looking at you
>confusing fat with obese
>confusing chubby with fat
its not the most popuIar on earth, but its, stiII mad popuIar
we're not speciaI on here haha
Get help
The anime originally lol
not even close nigger
Thanks fam
Ranked in the top 1000 for traffic and it’s aboit 25% down from its peak in early 2017
don't ask for nudes
i am, i am haha
gettin' by tiII the end of the schooI year, then im Iegit considering admitting myseIf to a hospitaI kek
why are you wearing a bra when you have no tits?
I love you
If you're happy with your body why'd you keep replying? You know you're fat, and dudes would still stick their dick in ya piggy
>i hardly eat
Must be sucking up those calories through osmosis then, cause those rolls aren't coming from nowhere
God you're so fucking summer. It's unreal.
someone's touchy
they probs have a thyroid probIem r smth
I'm pajeet.
Is brutally murder all my neighbors to see your nudes
You know reverse image searches exist, right
I hope you get in a better state of mind, best of luck
Fuck off, beach shitter
I’m going to find out who you are, and blackmail you for sex with deepfakes.
At least try to get original when trying to insult me.
Becuse if i dont my nipples poke through my shirt
You look like a rejected newsies actor. Fucking wide eyed, flat faced alcoholic fetus. Your mom got you addicted to cigs before you were birthed
thank you :)
your support [though anonymous] genuineIy means a Iot
i hope youre in a good state of mind, staying safe, and making good choices for yourseIf :))
Still lurking Yea Forums or you gave up on the pursuit of escapism?
I know you
Insulted you earlier in my ratings, but the insult was true. But for the record(like my autistic grammar, faggots?) things get better. I assure you the person you'll be in 5 years will be very different than the one you are now whether you like it or not. I'm not saying you'll be happy today, or tomorrow, or next week, but one day I promise you will wake up and the pain will be gone. You owe it to yourself to see the person you're going to be. So, do you girl. Stay safe, you are worth more than you know. Also keep me off that white knight shit, you're all fags.
Thank you
You could really choose hotter models on the internet, nigger
Locked npc /10
It's cute tho, I like clever. Well done.
Finding a will to life is all about finding something that's true to you.
It's hard, yes. But you have to give it a go. Here is a pic for along the way.
>faces of b thread
>turns into a bunch of freak and incels complimenting an insane disgusting tranny
Fuck what happened to this place
>Skinny shoulders
>Big head
>Named Pajeet
>Selfie in an actual hut
How the fuck do you have wifi out in the shit
I’m going to kill you, and then have sex with your cold corpse
It got cucked
Thanks user.
im,,,, going to screenshot this comment
im in cIass rn and im Iow key crying to myseIf haha
i reaIIy needed to hear this
i reaIIy, reaIIy did
ive tried to kiII myseIf 8 times this month, my body is covered in these ugIy cuts, ive just ruined myseIf and my body [sorry for the overshare haha]
and though of course what youve said wasnt an end aII be aII, its just what i needed to hear rn
thank you, i didnt expect somethin' Iike that in this thread haha
i hope you have a wonderfuI day
You look like you'd describe inside of a vagina at "velvety"