White Woman Attacked Openly in Public in European City by a NIGGER

White Woman Attacked Openly in Public in European City by a NIGGER

a white woman got attacked by a nigger on the streets of Barcelona, Spain, and no white men came to help or defend her.

This is the future white women chose when they voted for mass immigration and open borders. White women deserve this.


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Other urls found in this thread:


It's ok, she will feel sorry for him later.

You forgot feminazi also...

yea she is a roastie and probably fucked him later

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This is fake. No such video exists.

I just watched it you fucktard

fuck you fag, it is on bestgore but i aint linking that shit

Found the Incel.

You suicidal? No friends, no family, no job, no girl? Poor suicidal Incel :)

yea dude i'm an incel.

I've had moar girls in one year than you will have in 3 lifetimes

Haha, nah you haven't you pathetic, worthless suicidal Incel :)

sure thing bud. Don't really matter if u believe me or not.

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>No friends, no family, no job, no girl
Why? Seems like a perfect life.

Lmao god you Incels are utterly pathetic

stay suicidal :)

yea man iam just a dumb incel

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Yeah finally found it. Was just hoping into baiting one of you into finding the link for me.

u wish u had girls like that

Attached: Dwali 1.png (480x854, 458K)

Post more photos of you with these women.

sure thing bud. I'll self dox on Yea Forums

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Are they prostitutes or women you've hooked up with?

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Do you feel better whenever you post this to an anonymous mongolian tapestry forum, you fucking faggot?

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Yea Forums

Fucking niggers I want them out of my country

Spain for Spaniards

fuck that. Spanish women deserve this shit

God, you’re all such sensitive little bitches, huh?

Hi, hole.

Looks like human trafficking

haha are you so insecure you feel threatened by a prostitute? Why are you white women so insecure?

Can someone post the vid


Shut the fuck up retard

Can't find it

I bet you vote VOX, you racist piece of shit

>ill keep calling him an incel
>thatll show I'm!

NO, U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once again, RETARD, racism is a normal thing. Every race is hate others.

roasties BTFO

Western men have become complete weak cowards due to easy and comfy lives, if you did this shit even 50 years ago this monkey would have been tarred and feathered.

>Every race is hate others

Can't even spell properly, no wonder why you're a racist piece of shit.

This. She will probably have an orgy with a pack of them later anyway.

Stop posting this over and over, until you post the video

very true but white women are literally throwing away civilization

white women are barbarians

In the name of fairness,it should be said that the black person claimed the the white woman used the N word and therefore his attack was self defence. There was no evidence either way as to whether she did or didn't say it however.

The n word? Nigga they’re in Spain. The Spanish word for black is literally negro.

A white man literally murdered a black little girl not that long ago and no one here cared but now y'all are crying because a white woman got hurt a little. Fuck outta here.

Oh I agree that white women are shit, but white men need to find their balls and put their women back in check again. Women only respect and obey strength and not putting up with bs.

Roasties like to get roasted I guess? What's that even mean?

And this is the crap Spain is full of. Someone should end their existence.

That doesn't excuse it. Historical context is a thing you know

Where did this happen?

good. White women deserve this

White women just getting what they asked for.

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exactly. They deserve it

white women are evil

Jasmine Barnes. I can't say that I'm surprised you haven't heard of her given that the media barely reported on it.

Doesn’t excuse what? The Spanish word for black is negro, she could have been talking about anything. Also if that guy was an African immigrant how would even know that nigger or negro was a bad thing.

Where nigger? I’m asking for a location not a fucking thesis statement


Everyone knows what the N word means dude, don't play dumb.

spanish and western women voted for open borders

they deserve this and more

Saying the nigger-word is only a crime in your united cuckstates of angloshit you fucking burger. God I hate anglos, the sad state the world is in today is entirely your fault


>no white men came to help or defend her
100% based, whiteknights are worse than niggers

white knights are cucks and women hate them

Link to video please

open bestgore and type spain holy fuck is it that hard

On the video the girl is asking for help because the black guy is trying to rob her

calm down. Thanks



here you go

thank you

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Nazis are pathetic faggots. Do something useful for once in your life and kill yourselves.

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i fucking hate nazis

any white man who defends white women is a nazi

Nazifag about to (You) me or maybe even (((You))) me but it doesn't change that they're drooling cretins you would never let your daughter near.

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haha what the fuck?

This degenerate Nazi shitbag cucked his own father-in-law and when it made the evening news his entire operation imploded. LOL Nazi cucks.

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nazi furries

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ok gramps

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explain please

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And what's wrong with any of those guys at the right? Not even that fat fedoralord is as pathetic as leftards

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Liberals defend the Nazis' "rights" to their morally degenerate lifestyle under the guise of free expression. They both ultimately are in love with money and not ethics so this seemingly unholy alliance is quite common. Much of the ACLU's work is defending these genocide fanboys' "right" to annoy people with their faggot ideology.


None of them look like they're the alpha males they idolize, just a bunch of beta cucks playing make-believe.

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Well of course they wouldn't idolize something that they already are, they are white men so they always strive to be better. Unlike, you know, a certain other political group whose goal is to bring everything to the lowest denominator

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I mean a white man could've attacked her too, you just wouldn't be talking about it if the man was white.

nazis are incels

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sup martygraw, didnt know you browsed Yea Forums

Liberals are the stupidest motherfuckers on Earth.

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And Nazis are just the shittiest type of liberal.

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Part and parcel

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white women are evil

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Funny thing is that the hp books themselves have no leftist retardation in them, no cuckery, no faggots, no transfaggots etc. But then the author starts posting leftist shit on her twitter for hype and voila, harry potter is now a leftists' bible

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>Leftist retardation

Of course they don't have that, because leftism isn't retarded

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That's not leftist shit, that's liberal shit. There's a difference between the two; it's the difference between the poor and the rich.

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Is it?

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Weak and predictable

why are white women so caved in head?

Women's March is pic related.

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Because they are leftist, that's why. Everything that leftist touch turns retarded (leftist) too

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Says one of the people in this pic:

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If white women are all leftists and leftists are all bad, wouldn't that make the white race bad and worth genociding? Get your logic sorted, Nazis.

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What the fuck is this mongoloid pidgin? What does NGH mean?

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Faggots vs neckbeards?

Well, some faggots are successful. I think the faggots have it.

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I never said that I'm white though. Leftism is a disease that affects all races

He has a loving girlfriend that is not ashamed to experiment in bed. Can you say the same, nazis?

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Well, is the white race worth genociding to get rid of the cancer of leftism forever, or not?

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IF Nazis are socialists
IF Socialists are leftists
IF Leftists must die

THEN: Kill all Nazis

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I am curious which group would be more economically successful over all... I think it would be the fags, but you never know.

The Nazis haven't thought through their mindless talking points yet again, I see.

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The faggots already are. Why do you think the liberals love them? They always suck up to money.

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A certain other race must be genocided to get rid of the cancer of leftism. You know which one.

found the source of the weird smell, wash your ass slut

If all white women are leftists, it seems like you could eradicate leftism in a generation by killing all white people. So no wonder Hitler killed himself - he was doing the right thing for the future of the white race.

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god, no

Anglos are the cause

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Hi, hole.

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>mwf bestgore has been banned in belgium

They don't even justify the reason beside saying "it contains illegal information"

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how is it illegal?

Fuck do I know
It wasn't last year (I can't remember if I've browsed it in 2019)

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europe is cucked

Could be since the muslim cleansing in NZ since politicians tried hard to cover up what happened