>Be me. Autistic university student. >Get a crush on this girl >Be on adderall confidence boost >Approach her after class >"Hey, can you lend me your scissors?" >"I don't have any scissors" >"How do you come to uni without scissors?" >"Why do I need scissors" >"You don't know what scissors are for?" >"Whaa...?" >"Just messing with you. Hey my name is chad"
>Go out with her multiple times. >Things look really good. >mfw my autism sounded like ultra chadness and worked.
Don't be so sure about that. You were confident and you thought that's how you appeared and confidently believe that's how you appeared, but you may have come across as a different kind of asshole rather than the chadness kind. Then again why are you not on /r9k/
Daniel Watson
I'll just copy what you do let's hope it works
Logan Long
OP has no idea if worked or what her response to that really is
Austin Butler
>goes up to grill >hey can I borrow your scissors? >sure, here. >uh, I, oh, uh [spaghetti]
Ayden Hernandez
OP here. She laughed.
Key is to smile while still acting semi serious. Facial expressions and stuff.
It's a fine line between looking like the retard you are and appearing alpha. I passed on luck/drugs alone.
Aaron Williams
You can't seriously be giving people advice on social situations if you're autistic. The key is not to smile with a veneer of toughness, it's to act yourself and show that you genuinely thought they were funny. I'm just assuming you're not looking for a cheap lay, if that's the case you could just whip your dick out.
Camden Ward
meanwhile I would need to be high on weed or antidepressants to even text her anything, let alone ask her out in person
I didn't mean smile and act serious like you're about to murder someone in the name of allah anc can't wait to meet the virgins.
But act serious and smile as if you find that the fact that you are trying to act serious while telling the joke is funny and you can't hold a straight face.
Makes sense?
Joseph Jackson
OP, that was a stupid pickup line but I’m glad it worked. At least you made a move, unlike a lot of these Anons replying.
I don't even know what OP did. He had a nice conversation with a girl that was partly fake and then bragged about it on Yea Forums. He's also openly autistic, so I'll give him credits for that since I know what it's like.
Colton Richardson
You missed the part where he "went out with her multiple times" and the part where it "looks good".
Chase Martinez
I don't read.
Juan Davis
Aiden Kelly
nice pickup line. gonna steal that
Josiah Smith
Blake Wright
Drugs like benzos could really take the edge off of the anxiety/panic of asking one out. Just don’t go crazy with them or you’ll black out and probably embarrass yourself.