Friendly reminder:

Friendly reminder:

You ancestors were illegal immigrants.

So why do you have the right to deny immigration to others?

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>America was not a nation before Europeans came
>No nation = no laws
>No laws = no anti-immigration laws
>So no we weren't "illegal immigrants"

That's gotta be the dumbest argument I've read this in a while
Do a little studying and research for the next attempt

Not every immigrant is illegal, you stupid cobb.

Looks like a hit...

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Lol it is still a continent and there were a lot of nations as the Europeans came. Don't you know your own history?

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So you're saying that the natives were progressive and tolerant? I just can't believe those racist indians who thought the huge numbers of invaders would "destroy their way of life" or something lol. They were basically nazis! Good thing the levelheaded and accepting natives won the day, now they got soft genocided, robbed of their ancestral lands, and given shitty deserts in consolation. Truly a multicultural heaven

Cause white people rule


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Fake and gay, like you.

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There is no need to get defensive, Juan.

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That maps bull and you know it

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literally every one of my ancestors were legal immigrants.
My grandmother on my moms side took 3 years to get her citizenship.
Greek/polish/Russian/Lithuanian/Scot/German Ancestry, just a euro mutt. Not one illegal passage in the bunch, also, we never owned slaves.

>implying the established immigrants didn't kill dozens of thousands redskins that were not backing off as the invaders with guns "politely" asked them to do so
Well, as to be expected of americunts, it became the way of life for your leaders

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I have living immigrant relatives and they think illegal immigrants are just lazy

>Illegal immigration was bad
>Therefore allow illegal immigration
OP must be a nigger.

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Wow, look at all those non-whites being all illegal and stuff....

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Cause we can

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my ancestors believed in an idea and made it happen. they did it all right here on this land.

immigrants these days won'y assimilate or respect the culture.

now that we have tasted the bitterness of diversity , we're formulating a plan to send everyone back to their place on the planet.

no niggers, no spics, no chinks!!!!!


They weren't illegal...They got here during open enrollment.
Nowadays one needs to fill out an application to get in.

i kinda thought they were conquerors that won the war against the natives?

Immigration isn't an entitlement. That would violate sovereignty. My ancestors came over during Imperialism: so they carved their place in America's tobacco country. What the fuck are you? Nothing: a nerd on Yea Forums whining about America.

You ever see those Muslim slavs, comrade? Yikes. Those Adidas man skirts, the mixed Gene's. They look like Kip from Napolean Dynamite with dreads. Handle those cousin fucking mongrel muzzies before you get on our mountain folk, they grow all our weed.

>extremely rare case

I'd rather be missing some brain cells than not have a fucking brain at all like you.

Glorious and respectful Christian invaders ≠ immigrants, the natives were in a war and they lost get over it fag

You snooze you lose.

stop being this dumb


No, they were conquerers and colonists, they built a great nation the scattered, warring inhabitants could not, and they earned this land. Blood and soil.

Timeline of history.

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friendly reminder:
your ancestors were allowed to mail-order fully-automatic firearms, so why can't you?

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because what we have is worth preserving

Mine did it legally. Thank you for your concern.

>had sex with cousin after extremely rare accident, tripped and fell and penis went into vagina in freak accident.

my ancestors came here long after the colonization of america, they immigrated legally, the assimilated into the culture, and also they arent dirty spics and niggers who chimp out and make shit worse for us and for themselves. fuck you gay nigger retard

At least they are having fun and not killing each other

itt: 'murricans

go back to your shithole nigger

Bc we wuz kangz

It's a combination of NIMBY and doing whatever the media tells them.
- Not In My Back Yard: Immigrants are fine when it applies to my ancestors, but now? Fuck no. I got mine, screw the rest.
- Media: The right has repeatedly pushed loyalty and attacked critical thought. Rank and file conservatives heard their media saying immigrants are the source of SOOOOO much evil, and conservatives are expected to accept this 100% because it came from their side.

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immigration =/= colonization

lol wut. I'm assuming you're an Amerimutt.

My ancestors have never lived in the USA or any other part of the Americas desu, and they legally migrated in the 60's to where we are now. Feels good to be white.

>Greek/polish/Russian/Lithuanian/Scot/German Ancestry, just a euro mutt
Jesus Christ you think that makes being a mutt any better? The only thing really European in that is German and Scot you mongoloid/med raep baby.

>You ancestors were illegal immigrants.
So were yours unless you're living in Africa

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