Is this where milk comes from?
Is this where milk comes from?
Is that why it's so expensive?
From your mum
Only the milk that's used in coffee.
that's because it is human milk. Most people drink cow milk. The bull puts the raw milk into cows ass and after few hours the farmer can get a healthy gallon of milk out of the cow anus. The process is cheaper than human milk.
lel. Are there any human milk factories though?
wtf I need to drink a coffee with milk now!
Damn fine coffee
Only chocolate milk.
You like her too?
shes dreamy, i wonder who married her...
That's assuming someone did. Would you forgive your wife if she did what Keri did?
if she was keri i would
Seen a bunch of videos of girls doing this with black guys.
Amateur or professional porn?
What do you think makes them do it?
I have even seen it once before in amateur actually but its a rare practically non-existent series of videos that oddly enough I never seen posted on the tube sites besides just one. Besides that I've seen it a lot in professional porn.
They like making girls do really sick things in pro porn so that is why you see it. With black guys its even more disgusting so this is why you see it at times in IR porn.
I figured amateur would be rare since it's really sick.
>With black guys its even more disgusting so this is why you see it at times in IR porn.
I realise it is more disgusting, but why though? I can't put my finger on it exactly.
Would be interesting to know how much they get paid for it.
Chocolate milk
>I figured amateur would be rare since it's really sick.
I still remember the site name btw. They've done this with quite a few girls actually but its a very old series of videos and I think whoever owns them obviously does everything they can to assure those videos aren't posted anywhere else. Just search for nastycreampiegirls. You can even look it on google images if you don't want to go to the site. At least from the time I saw the site and like a couple of the videos they are without a doubt the most nastiest videos for exactly what is in OP. What Keri did but like times 10.
The reason should be obvious why it is more disgusting with blacks. They are dirtier and more animal like. They also love to shock/arouse with how taboo it is and piss some people off.
Oh and btw nevermind at all what I said here I had not searched it in so long so I never knew if they ever posted those videos. Apparently you can easily find them on tube sites. Its been that long since I ever seen that. These videos are super long btw. Like hours and hours and just for one girl getting ganged up by a bunch of black men. Made to be as purposefully disgusting and perverted as possible.
Goddamn looking at one of these videos right now and the girl is a fucking hottie doing this sick shit. I swear they really love to make white girls get fucked in such disgusting ways by blacks its insanity. Basically what Keri Sable is doing there only they do it to these girls over and over nonstop. I highly recommend you check one out.
>google nastycreampiegirls
>first video of 4 hours long
Okay, this is epic. Just too bad it's got an amateur-ish feel to it. Oh and now anal or DP. Still nasty as fuck though.
>They also love to shock/arouse with how taboo it is and piss some people off.
Not even really taboo nowadays but yeah, definitely gets people pissed as fuck. Just look at Yea Forums or /pol/.
I wonder what the black guys opinion of white girls must be
Thanks for the recommendation, man. It's like watching a carcrash in a way.
Makes you question what happened to the girls they ended up like that
Wife is obsessed with watching and getting creampies. It’s one of her most searched porn categories
When I first seen a few of these it was so long ago. I remember being seriously disgusted and pissed off about it. This is old enough that a lot of modern porn themes might not be in so that's just how it is I guess. If they ever did these today they would be the grossest most hardcore porn possible outside of scat or worst stuff.
If I remember correct the site claims the girls all each got fucked for like 8 hours non-stop basically. The guys just kept going and using them and making them eat tons of loads out of the ass to. I have literally never seen them do anything like this with black women and white men.
Oh and I'm pretty sure the girls really did get pregnant like this. At least it wouldn't surprise me with how perverted black cock porn tends to be. Its why it also has such an amateur feel to it.
These guys are wiping their asses with a sponge and putting it in her mouth.
>If they ever did these today they would be the grossest most hardcore porn possible outside of scat or worst stuff.
Just wait until BLACKED starts doing shit like that.
wtf, link?
>Oh and I'm pretty sure the girls really did get pregnant like this.
Sickening. I really hope the girls used the pill.
>f I remember correct the site claims the girls all each got fucked for like 8 hours non-stop basically
Quite believeable considering the videos alone are a few hours long already.
>I have literally never seen them do anything like this with black women and white men.
It's so weird, isn't it? White girls are way hotter, yes, but that just can't be it. They seem to simply love degrading white girls.
She looks pretty hot
Looked amazing in that scene, imo.
Any shots of her at the end?
I forwarded to the part where they are putting loads in her ass and she's sucking it out her ass through a tube.
Think I'm going to go puke now.
She's fully nake there though. That good enough?
>they are putting loads in her ass and she's sucking it out her ass through a tube.
Absolute degeneracy ffs. The guys must be having the time of their lives though.
Yes and they made her spit it back into a glass and they keep on putting the cum load back deep in her ass for her to suck it up. 13 times here, its fucking sick.
What a dirty looking slut. Would get off to her doing anything
Do you like seeing her get it up her asshole, user?
Who the fuck even comes (or, rather, cums) up with stuff like that?
Like seeing a hot slut get used for what she was designed for
>Who the fuck even comes (or, rather, cums) up with stuff like that?
Degenerate psychotic fucks perhaps? Anyways I'm done with porn for at least a week after that. She has to for sure have aids after all of that.
Then I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing her get all her holes filled
>Degenerate psychotic fucks perhaps
Were the guys in charge of the sites white or black as well?
I finally got my gf to cumfart for me, but we used an enema with from the pharamcy before hand not knowing those have a laxative in them. She fasted anyway and blasted the toilet pretty hard from the enema but the interesting thing was, since it stimulated the production of more intestinal mucus, the creampie looked HUGE. For a second I thought it was the biggest load I had ever busted, I couldn't believe it. She kept pushing and farting and more kept bubbling out. I looked closely and could see my thick milkey cum swirled into another viscous clear liquid, that I ended up assuming could only be rectal mucus.
Now my cumfart fetish is a rectal mucus fetish.
I have pics of the cumfart I'll try to find em and post later
Absolutely nice. pls find and post them.
if she doesn't drink that its a complete waste of a scene.
Well, well, well.
How good did it feel?